Saturday, June 1, 2024

Balanced Life Monthly Goals: May Review and June Goals

Already, the month of May is over and it is time to review my monthly goals!     

Health, Self-Care & Well Being (6.0)(6.0):  The goal is good health.

May Health Goals Review:

My May health goals included going to two scheduled medical appointments and I did that.  The first one, with the oncology nurse practitioner went well and the lab test results were mostly fine, with one result being higher than normal.  The second appointment was with the primary care physician and the lab test results for that were also mostly fine, but, the one test result which had been higher than normal and which was retested, continued to be high and it was decided that I should start on medication to control that.  Everything else was fine and the doctor said that I should return in six months' time.

June Health Goals include taking my prescribed medications, more regular exercise, and a better diet! 

I am keeping the rating the same because I am feeling slightly discouraged that I have to take yet another medication.  But, at least, there is medication available for it and, hopefully, the next blood test results will be better. 

Spiritual (10)(10):   The goal is to live a spiritually meaningful life.

May Spiritual Goals Review:  I continued doing the things I consider as important to live a spiritually meaningful life with daily prayers, meditation, being kind and helpful to others, and cultivating gratitude.    

June Spiritual Goals: Continue to pray daily, meditate, cultivate gratitude, etc.

The rating remains the same.

Daughter (10)(10) The goal is to continue to have a close relationship with her.
May Goals Review:  I continued to maintain a close relationship with my daughter in May, with daily phone calls, texts, video chats, etc.   

June Goals: Continue to have a close relationship with my daughter.

I'm keeping the rating the same.

Leisure/Crafts/Hobbies (10)(10):  The goal is to relax doing something I enjoy doing for the pleasure of it.

May Goals Review:  I did some crocheting, gardening, and reading in May.   

June Goals include engaging in more fun, relaxing activities, including crocheting, reading, and gardening.

I'm keeping the rating the same.

Finances (10)(9.0):  The goal is financial security.
- Continue budgeting and spending mindfully, with purpose

May Goals Review:  May was a better month than April in that I felt that I had done all I could by placing a credit freeze after the data breach.  Otherwise, my finances are fine and I continue to live within my means.  

June Financial Goals: Continue to budget and spend mindfully, with purpose.

I have raised the rating because I am feeling better about my financial security after safety measures were put in place due to the data breach.

Garden (10)(10):  The goal is a garden that is productive, yet drought tolerant.

May Goals Review:   One of the goals in May was to plant the vegetables I wanted to grow this year and that was done with M's help.  We planted a tomato plant, corn, okra, and pole beans.  We have been working on keeping the garden maintained and weeded, too.

June Garden Goals:  Continue to nurture the fruit trees and vegetable plants and maintain the garden.  

The garden continues to get a high rating because I am so pleased with how it looked in April.

Family/Friends/Community (10)(10):  The goal is to have a close connection with family and friends and be involved with my community.
- Regular phone calls and emails, etc., to keep in touch with family and friends
- The occasional in person visits as and when I feel comfortable with doing so
- Participate in the blogging community and the online organizing community

May Goals Review:  May was a good month for keeping in touch with family and friends.  There were two get togethers with cousins, regular phone calls, emails, messages, etc., with other family members and friends, I was able to help a friend with her packages. exchanges of food with neighbor S, and I participated in the blogging community.   

June Goals will continue to be the same as above.  

The rating is unchanged.

House (8.5)(8.5):  The goal is a home that is pleasant, comfortable, and welcoming.
- Clean - Clean the house as needed 
- Organized - Continue to find a place for everything and keep everything in its place
- Well maintained - Keep "erasing the evidence"; implement daily and weekly cleaning schedules
- Decluttered - Continue with the decluttering process

May House Goals Review:  I kept the house maintained.  As always, there's more that can be done in terms of cleaning and decluttering, but, in general, I have kept up with my cleaning routines.    

June House Goals: Continue to keep a pleasant, well maintained house and keep the horizontal surfaces clear!  

The satisfaction rating stays the same.

Time Management (7.5)(8.0): The goal is to spend my time in a mindful manner.
Spend time purposefully, mindfully
- Continue to focus on making my schedule work for me
- Procrastinate less

May Goals Review: I think I was a little bit better when it came to managing my time in a mindful and efficient manner.  I still procrastinated doing some things, but, the important things got done and I feel better about it.

June Time Management Goals: To continue to spend my time in a mindful manner and to procrastinate less.

I have increased my satisfaction rating just a little bit, this month!

May was a better month than April was, for me, and I am feeling a little more balanced.  I hope that June will to be another more balanced month.


  1. I love the way you seek a balanced life and yet are gentle on yourself.

    1. Thank you! I can beat up on myself quite well, actually, but, I try to find contentment in what I can (or am willing to) do. :)

  2. Look at all those 10s! I'm always impressed with how purposeful you live your life.

    1. Thank you, June. Some days, I don't feel I've been very purposeful at all, but, over the course of the month, the little bits add up and I feel I didn't do to badly. :)

  3. I look forward to your goal review posts. It’s interesting to see the ratings you give yourself, especially since we, your readers, have followed the activities you’ve shared during the month. I think you’re very self-aware and objective in your assessment. You inspired me to better organize my day along the lines of my overall goals. I haven’t started a monthly goals review yet and I think that’s what I need. I like reading your blog—even though we never meet, it feels very social and your commenters seem like a friendly group. Beyond the enjoyment I get, I have learned from you. I sincerely thank you for your guidance in this forum.

    1. Thank you, Taconix! What a lovely comment! I do agree with you that the commenters on my blog are a friendly and kind group. :)

  4. You are doing well Bless and your new medication should help with your overall health. It's good that you are feeling more comfortable with getting out and about and meeting with your cousins. I'm sure June will be another good month for you.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Yes, the medication should help. It's just that I used to be on it, years ago, then, I managed to get the numbers under control so that I was taken off the medication and I feel that I let myself down by needing to go back on it!
      I am, indeed, feeling more comfortable going out and about. Still wearing my mask when I go out, but, I didn't wear a mask when I went to lunch with my cousins.

  5. Health is sometimes hard to control, so you are doing reasonably well, all things considered. After all, you had some stressful events last month, with the data breach, strange noises from the computer, and problems with the internet. As for the house, I am convinced that an 8.5 house is a happy and healthy one!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. Yes, sometimes, we need the help of medications to control our health. An 8.5 house looks lived in! It's tidy enough for an unexpected visitor to come in and sit down for a chat (as long as they ignore the drying rack with the laundry drying on it that is set up behind the living room sofa), but, not so tidy that they don't know that I have an issue with keeping certain horizontal surfaces clear! LOL.

  6. Your goals, as always, are going very well!

    1. Thank you, Celie. I'm content with it for the most part. :)

  7. You are doing so well, Bless. I am impressed with your discipline and routines. You are very focused. Sorry to hear that you have to take another medication. I hope you can find an alternative.

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. I am trying to be more focused and aware. I am disappointed that I need to go back on this medication (I was on it, earlier, and then, I managed to get off it through some life style changes, but, I couldn't maintain those changes); but, maybe I can take the medication for a short period of time and see if I can go off them, again.

  8. You're doing so well with your goals! It is very inspiring.

  9. I think things are going well for you. I know it's upsetting to have to take another prescription. I like how you're trying to focus instead on the good fortune of having one available to be able to help you.
    Yes! Clear surfaces help don't they? Just a bit ago I was in my office and noticed how dusty the desk was. Yes, I had noticed this before but had not dusted it because of a lamp that was in the way of just breezily running a cloth across the desk. A lamp I never use.
    It is now in the donate box and the desk is dusted. Yeah for clear horizontal surfaces :)

    1. Thank you, Debra. Yes, things are going well for the most part and, yes, I'm focusing on the positive aspects of things. :)
      Well done with clearing the desk!


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