Sunday, June 16, 2024

Fathers' Day Sunday

Gladioli in Full Bloom

On this Fathers' Day, which is also the death anniversary of my stepfather, I am remembering my father (who died when I was 7) and stepfather who came into my life when I was 8 (as my dentist and became my stepfather when I was 10) who taught me so much. I am older now than they were when they died, which seems hard to believe.

It has been another sunny and warm day. I had a relaxed day, sewing up the blanket squares, checking on the garden, watching some TV, and online videos, etc.

I had leftover spaghetti for brunch and fried breaded shrimp (from the freezer) for dinner. Snacks included cheese and crackers and fresh peaches.

Today, I am grateful for:
- Memories of my father and stepfather - A warm sunny day - A walk in the garden - Texts and phone calls from friends - Being able to video chat with my daughter

Today's joyful activities included working on the crocheted blanket and spending time in the garden.

Plans for Monday include the usual Monday's To Do List and checking my canning supplies.

How was your Sunday? What are your plans for Monday?


  1. Sad that your father died when you were so young but nice you grew up with your stepfather but so sad he died on this day that is Father's Day.
    I am exactly the same age now as my father was when he died but my parents never got to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary like I have. It's nice to have a special day to remember our fathers.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Eileen. Yes, it is nice to have a special day to remember our fathers. :)

  2. Such a pretty flower - I like gladioli & have planted lots of bulbs this year. I staggered the times I planted so I can have a longer bloom period. Your latest crocheted blanket, as Dancer demonstrated, are in some very pretty shades of pinks & purples.

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou. It's a good idea to stagger the planting times of the gladioli. I planted a few new bulbs, earlier this year, but, they haven't bloomed yet - the flowers I've shown here are from bulbs I planted a few years ago, which have been coming up year after year. :)

  3. You have mentioned before how important your father and step-father were to you, and I'm sure that you were thinking fond memories about them yesterday.

    1. Yes, they were important people in my life and influenced me in many ways. I have fond memories of both. :)

  4. We had a nice Father’s Day dinner with steak and potato salad. I, too, enjoyed thinking about my father, and also sharing memories and photographs with my cousins of our fathers and uncles.
    I have a quiet week planned and will do the usual chores. 😊

    1. Sounds like a lovely celebration of Father's Day, Taconix. The meal sounds delicious, too!
      Hope the week ahead will be a lovely one and you accomplish all you want to do. :)

  5. I love seeing the pictures from your garden. You have such a variety of beautiful plants.
    I wish I liked to garden, but I just do not. I get eaten alive by noseeum's and mosquitos and that takes all the joy out of it for me.

    1. Thank you, Anne. I do enjoy gardening, although, these days, M does all the hard work and I just admire the results! LOL.

  6. Father's Day is very poignant for all who've lost their fathers. I hope the day brought you good memories of both your father and stepfather. Mother's day is much the same. I am fortunate to have such good memories of both my parents. That gladiolus is gorgeous.

    1. Yes, these special days to celebrate our parents are bitter-sweet to those of us who have lost them, aren't they?
      Thank you; I love the color of this gladiolus. I have some white ones, too, which haven't bloomed yet, but this pink one is my favorite. :)

  7. It's so sad that your dad died when you were very young. Do you have many memories of him? Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules; yes, I do have some memories of him. But, I never really got to know him as a person, if you know what I mean. His likes and dislikes, what he thought of things, his views on life, etc.

  8. Both of your fathers were not very old when they died. I hope your memories of them were comforting.
    I didn't know your stepfather was your dentist. People come into our loves in a variety of ways.
    The gladioli is very beautiful in it's fully opened state :)

    1. Thank you, Debra. Yes, people do come into our lives in a variety of ways, don't they? :) I like the pink gladioli; I think I might get more bulbs and plant them, next year.

  9. It's fitting that Fathers' Day this year fell on the anniversary of your stepfather's death. Kind of an extra way to honour him and your father. The gladiolus is a lovely shade of pink. I have various colours but it seems to be that different ones come up/bloom each year. They often flop over if they get too heavy but that is just a good excuse to bring them in and have them in a vase! In fact if I see gladdies reduced in the supermarket I will often buy a couple of bunches as I love seeing them.

    1. Yes, I thought the same when I realized that the dates coincided. :) The first gladiolus stalk flopped over, and, like you, I picked it and brought it in! I have it sitting in a blue vase on the mantel. :)


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