Monday, June 24, 2024

June Meal Plans: Week 3 Review and Week 4

This was my meal plan for June Week 3:

Brunches:  Scrambled egg and fried potato (Monday)✔, French toast✔, waffles, maybe pancakes, tuna salad and crackers✔, leftovers✔ salad

Dinners:   Leftover broiled chicken drumstick and salad (Monday✔); leftover spaghetti and meat sauce✔; yogurt flat bread and chicken curry (from the freezer)✔; rice and chicken curry; leftovers✔ fried breaded shrimp, cold cuts sandwich

Snacks/Desserts:  Peaches and other fresh fruits, maybe fruit salad, yogurt, cheese and crackers, carrot cake, pistachio brittle, kotta kilengu (dried palmyra palm sprouts)

Here's how that worked out:

Brunch - Scrambled egg and fried diced potato
Dinner - Broiled chicken drumsticks and salad
Snacks - Peaches

Brunch - French toast 
Dinner - Leftover spaghetti and sauce
Snacks - Peaches, kotta kilengu (dried palmyra palm sprouts)

Brunch - Leftover spaghetti and sauce
Dinner - A cold cuts sandwich
Snacks - Peaches, carrot cake (from neighbor S)

Brunch - Tuna salad and saltine crackers
Dinner - Yogurt flat bread and chicken curry
Snacks - Peaches, peanut butter and peach jam on crackers

Brunch -Chicken curry and yogurt flat bread
Dinner - ???  I didn't write it down
Snacks - Peaches

Brunch - Chicken curry and yogurt flat bread
Tea - Cold cuts sandwich
Dinner - Fried breaded shrimp 
Snacks - Peaches

Brunch - Salad with the last of the lettuce, green grapes, chicken cold cuts, honey mustard dressing
Dinner - The last of the chicken curry and yogurt flat bread
Snacks - Peach compote

Well, I stayed true to the meal plan most of the time, although there was a lot of repeating of meals.  It's a good thing I don't mind leftovers, isn't it?

So, onto this week's meal plan!

This week, I need to go grocery shopping (or, at least, order groceries for a pick up).  My last grocery shopping order and pick up was on June 3 and I've come to the end of the bread (I had the last slice for a sandwich this morning), the milk, and the fresh vegetables (although I have some carrots and onions left and plenty of frozen and canned vegetables). 

June Week 3 Meal Plan:

Brunches: Cold cuts sandwich (Monday), waffles with peach or blueberry compote, cereal and milk, salads, boiled mung beans with katta sambol, scrambled eggs with bacon and fried potatoes, or something else!

Dinners:  Chicken curry (from the freezer) and vegetables with rice; sauteed salmon (from the freezer) with rice and green beans or broccoli; roast pork (from the freezer) made over into a stir-fry and served with rice or yogurt flat bread; leftovers

Snacks/Desserts:  Fresh fruit/fruit salad, peanut butter and crackers, granola bars, ice cream if I buy some

That is the plan and, as always, it is subject to change! 

Are you making a meal plan this week?


  1. Your meal plan has lots of deliciousness. I, too, always meal plan. Usually just dinners because my husband takes a sandwich, pretzels or chips, and fruit for lunch and I usually eat leftovers for my lunch. The plan may change when husband retires next month. 😁
    My meal plan this week is: (Saturday) sausage & peppers, pasta (Sunday) chicken, tomatoes & zucchini (Monday) eggplant, beef, rice, chickpeas (Tuesday) salmon, mango salsa, rice, spinach
    (Wednesday) cheeseburger, potato, salad (Thursday) pasta puttanesca, frozen Italian vegetables, and (Friday) leftovers. I may have too many leftovers to finish this week, so I’ll put some in lunch portions in the freezer. I had some cooked chicken breast which I ate in salads for lunch Sunday and Monday and they were nice in the hot weather. ☀️

    1. Thank you, Taconix. I like your meal plan for the week - there's a lot of variety. Salads are definitely on the menu when it is summer! Maybe your husband will continue to have a sandwich for lunch after he retires or share leftovers with you. Or, maybe he'll take over the cooking! That's what one of my half-brothers did when he retired and his wife was still teaching - he took over the cooking and, apparently, quite enjoyed doing it (and his wife enjoyed not having to cook!)

  2. Your meal plan looks good to me and you are definitely enjoying your peaches, you are making me have peach envy here:) It certainly is salad weather here although we had a roast dinner yesterday evening because we didn't have it Sunday and although it was tasty it'll be salads for the remainder of this week.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Yes, I'm definitely enjoying my peaches! :) A roast dinner does sound nice; if you have any leftover roast meat, you can add it, cold, to the salads and that will be lovely, too. :)

  3. We love leftovers at this house - mostly because it means we don't have to cook as often. :)

    1. Yes, one of the reasons I like leftovers is I don't have to cook! :)

  4. I'm getting into whatever I can find in the pantry, fridge or freezer. A package of 3 chicken breasts and a can of chickpeas were used with a jar of butter chicken sauce, and yesterday I pulled a couple of haddock fillets from the freezer and baked them in parchment paper with onions, peppers, tomatoes and mushrooms, with a little ketchup on the fillets underneath the veggies. It is a recipe from the local library cookbook, and it works well.

    1. The butter chicken and the baked haddock fillets both sound delicious, Bushlady. I usually add onions and tomatoes when I cook salmon, but, I must try adding peppers and mushrooms, too.

  5. As usual you had a nice variety of tasty food to keep you going.
    And your plan for the current week is also filled with good sounding meals.

    1. Thank you, Debra. It worked out well. :)


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