Sunday, June 16, 2024

Warm on Saturday

Brunch: Waffles with Blueberry Compote

We had a sunny and summer-like day, on Saturday, with an afternoon high of 92F.  It was the first truly warm day of the year and I was so happy!  

I made waffles and blueberry compote for brunch.  Later, when gardener M stopped by to drop off some plants he bought for me, I offered him some waffles and blueberry compote, too, and, although he said he was in a rush to get to his next client, he made time for a snack of waffles and blueberry compote.  LOL.  

These are the newest additions to the garden:

Glencoe Raspberries

Two Glencoe raspberry plants and one Owari Satsuma mandarin plant:

Owari Satsuma Mandarin Plant

M will plant them in the ground, next week.  I need to find a good spot in the garden for them.

Later in the day, I took a bag of freshly picked peaches and a small bag of green chilies to give to friend R.  It was a quick, curb-side visit.

Dancer had a busy day, too, being the helpful kitty that he is:

Helping Mummy with the Newest Blanket

Dinner was spaghetti with meat sauce.  I used a jar of pasta sauce to which I added some previously cooked ground turkey and vegetables from the freezer.  There are leftovers for tomorrow.

Today, I am grateful for:

- A lovely, warm day
- New plants for the garden
- M's help with the garden and picking up the new plants for me and dropping them off, too
- Being able to share some peaches with friend R
- Dancer's help with my crochet project

Today's joyful activities included a curbside visit with friend R and crocheting.

Plans for Sunday include continuing with assembling the crocheted blanket.  

How was your Saturday?  What are your plans for Sunday?


  1. The blueberry waffles look delicious. Now I feel slightly disappointed by my choice of toast for breakfast, this morning :)
    Just to let you know that I now have a new URL for my blog.

    1. Thank you, Jules; toast for breakfast is lovely, too, especially with butter and jam or marmalade. :)
      Thank you for the notification of your new URL for your blog. I've bookmarked it. :)

  2. Your waffles with blueberry compote look mouth-watering delicious! I hope your new plants do well, raspberries and satsumas are my favourite fruits. This morning I saw I have cherries on my cherry tree and some had fallen in the grass but they aren't ready to pick yet. Your new blanket looks lovely, gorgeous colours and you have wonderful helping paws from Dancer.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Yay, cherries! M mentioned that there were some cherry trees available at the nursery and I told him about you and your cherry tree. :)

  3. I'm amazed at how you keep adding new plants to your garden. Are you going to run out of room soon? :)

    1. LOL, I can always find a spot for a new plant or two or three! I am only limited by how much water I have available for them.

  4. Oh wow those waffles look delicious.
    Satsuma trees grow a bit south of here and the fruit is truly delicious. Hope yours grows and bears well.

    1. Thank you, Anne.
      I'm hoping the satsuma will grow well in my garden. :)

  5. More beautiful plants! The Glencoe raspberry plants will round out your berry patch. Are there baby fruits already on your Owari Satsuma mandarin plant?
    The blueberry compote on waffle looks delicious! I think anyone would make time for that. 😊
    The play last night was amazing. It was profoundly moving and I will be thinking about the images for a while. Live theater is such a gift!
    The subway was a mess last night with a train going out of service so we got out and then took 2 other trains to get home. I had to stand for much of the trip, but all’s well that ends well.
    Your crocheted squares are so nice; they’re going to make a lovely blanket!

    1. Thank you, Taconix; yes, there are some baby fruits on the satsuma plant!
      I'm glad you enjoyed the play and managed to make it home safely even with the problems with the subway.
      I like the colors on the new blanket. I hope the person who receives it will be happy with it, too. :)

  6. The waffle looks yummy, and I like your new plants. Dancer obviously approves of the squares, he has good taste. The blanket is coming along nicely. I'm having e-mail issues which seems to happen every time I go away from home, through airports and into hotels. I know that when I get home, everything will miraculously return to normal.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady.
      I hope you are having a lovely time and don't worry about the email issues. Safe travels!

  7. I bet that waffle was delicious with the blueberry compote. You are adding more wonderful things to your garden.
    I love the colors of your granny squares and think that is going to be a great looking blanket. Probably due to Dancer's help, right?

    1. I must admit that the waffle was wonderful with the blueberry compote. Yes, adding a few new plants at a time to the garden.
      Yes, of course Dancer helped with picking the blanket colors! :D

  8. I like the colours of your blanket! And best of luck with the raspberry canes ;o)

    1. Thank you! I hope those raspberry plants will grow!


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