Saturday, June 15, 2024

On Friday

Pink Lemonade Blueberries Ripening

My Pink Lemonade blueberries are starting to ripen!  This is the first year I've had this plant and I don't know how the berries taste, but, they are supposed to be sweeter than the regular blueberries.

This morning, when I first looked outside, I found Chicken Little happily pecking away at the the ground INSIDE the corn patch enclosure!  Oh, no!  M had replanted some of the corn kernels that had not sprouted, just last week, and I hope that Chicken Little was not eating them!  I chased it away and it protested loudly, but, flew out of the enclosure.  Later, in the evening, M placed a leftover piece of chicken wire over the top and laid a few bamboo poles over the rest of the enclosure, since there wasn't enough of the wire mesh to cover the entire thing!  I've no idea if that will work (it looks rather flimsy to me) or if I'll find chicken and wire and bamboo poles all inside the enclosure, tomorrow! 

Fort Chicken Little!

M planted another row of beans, today, watered the garden, and did a bit of weeding.  I gave him some freshly picked blueberries and a few peaches to take home.

I cleaned the bathroom in the morning and spent a good portion of the afternoon doing a bit of mending, some crocheting, and watching videos.  Later in the evening, however, I had the bright idea of cleaning the inside of my oven door!  It's been a while since I last cleaned it and I can tell you, it's going to take more than one application of baking soda to get it cleaned, but, I did get some of the stuff cleaned, today.  

I went slightly off the meal plan, today, and had fried rice for brunch, using some of the ground turkey mixture I had thawed to make the spaghetti sauce and I had the last two slices of the pizza I had in the freezer for dinner.   I had a fresh peach dessert.  

On Friday, I was grateful for:

- M's help with the garden
- Blueberries and peaches from the garden
- Water for the garden
- Getting my housework done for the week
- Phone calls and emails from friends

Today's joyful activities included crocheting and gardening.

Plans for Saturday include taking some peaches to friend R.  

How was your Friday?  What are your plans for Saturday?


  1. My father was a big gardener and planted quite large corn patches. However, he had to plant several times because the crows would eat the young plants. He tried all kinds of things to deter them, but nothing much worked. I hope you have better luck.

    1. Oh, my! Maybe I'll need to put up a scarecrow, because not only do I have Chicken Little and the mourning doves, I also have crows visiting my garden! No sight of the chicken, so far, today!

  2. Oh that cheeky Chicken Little, I hope you can manage to keep it out if the corn patch. Your pink blueberries look interesting I hope they taste as good as they look. Cleaning the oven is one of my pet hates!

    1. It is very cheeky, isn't it? I really don't mind it being in my garden, to be honest, but, I don't want it to eat my vegetables!
      I'm looking forward to tasting those pink blueberries.
      I need to clean my oven more often than I do! My next oven will be a self cleaning one! LOL.

  3. Oh dear! I hope your corn is now Chicken Little proof.
    My bathroom needs cleaning as well, but it can wait until tomorrow. I still feel rather wiped out. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules; so far, no sign of the chicken, today.
      You are not allowed to do any housework until you have fully recovered! Just do the bare minimum and call it done!

  4. Oh dear, I hope Chicken Little stays out of the corn. The blueberries look good with their marbled coloring. It will be interesting to see how they taste. I’m going to see a play this evening entitled, “Here There are Blueberries.”
    Otherwise it will be a quiet weekend, although I am cooking steak tomorrow for Fathers’ Day. 😊

    1. Thank you, Taconix. I, too, hope that Chicken Little (and the mourning doves and the crows - see Live and Learn's comment, above) keep out of my corn patch, such as it is!
      Oh, my goodness! I am reading up about the play you are going to see and the background info and it is fascinating!
      I hope you and your husband have a lovely weekend and enjoy the steaks. :)

  5. Chicken Little is onto a good thing there. I hope there was no damage done and that you can keep this cheeky bird out of your corn patch in future!

    1. Chicken Little is too much! LOL. Well, quite a few of the newly planted corn have sprouted, so, I'm assuming that the chicken was eating bugs it found in the soil. I must try my hand at making a scare-chicken (as opposed to a scarecrow)! :D

  6. Sorry but I had to laugh at the image of Chicken Little in your corn patch and you chasing it off! I hope she didn't eat too many kernels. The blueberries look interesting. I've never seen this type before.

    1. I should have taken a minute or two to get my phone to take a picture of Chicken Little in the corn patch, but, instead, I rushed outside, shouting, "Out! Out! What are you doing in my corn patch?!" And it said, "Bork, bok, bok, bok" at me and flew out of there and ran down the garden! Five minutes later, it was on the top step outside the sliding glass door, eating the kibble I put out for the cats.
      I am looking forward to trying the pink blueberries. :)

  7. We had planned to garden, but the weather changed so we started to get the garage sorted, we've been here 3 years and so it was amazing to find stuff I thought we'd lost in the move!!

    1. You did well to sort out the garage when you couldn't garden. You must have been happy to find the stuff you thought you had lost in the move. :)


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