Monday, June 10, 2024

June Meal Plan - Week 2

This was my June Week 1 meal plan:

Brunches: Leftover milkrice and chicken curry✔, leftover waffles with bananas and blueberries✔, cold cuts sandwiches✔, egg salad sandwiches✔, maybe even cereal and milk✔, scrambled egg with toast

- Chutney glazed chicken drumsticks, salad, corn✔
- Chicken Shrimp curry with rice, green beans, chick pea curry, cucumber salad✔
- Pizza✔
- Cold cuts sandwiches (on a day when I don't have them for brunch!)✔
- Leftovers✔

Snacks/desserts: yogurt✔, fruit✔, crackers✔, granola bars, treats from neighbor S

Here's how it turned out:

Brunch - 1 waffle with banana slices; leftover milkrice and chicken curry
Dinner - Tomato chutney glazed broiled chicken drumsticks, salad, corn; canned pineapple chunks

Breakfast - Cereal with milk
Lunch - Cold cuts sandwich
Dinner - Leftover Tomato chutney glazed broiled chicken drumsticks, salad, corn; fresh mango and chocolate wafer cookies

Brunch - Cold cuts sandwich
Dinner - Rice with shrimp curry, chick pea curry, curried green beans, cucumber salad; didn't make a note of what I had for dessert - might have been another mango

Brunch - Scrambled egg with toast
Dinner - Leftover rice and curries from Wednesday; again, didn't write down what I had for dessert - maybe cherries or grapes

Brunch - Cold cuts sandwich
Tea - Homemade potato chips
Dinner - Slice of pizza; didn't write down what I had for dessert - maybe more grapes and chocolate wafer cookies

Brunch - Leftover slice of pizza
Tea - Peanut butter sandwich
Dinner - Leftover rice and curries (chick peas and green beans - a vegetarian meal as I didn't feel like having the shrimp curry); dessert was the first peach of the season; yogurt

Brunch - Egg salad sandwich
Dinner - Cereal with milk, followed by cantaloupe and other treats from neighbor S

I also enjoyed orange juice with most of my brunches.

That worked out quite well, didn't it?  I changed the meal plan a little bit, but, I followed the meal plan more closely than on some other weeks! 

On to this week's meal plan!  I am planning the menu based on what I have on hand.  I am not planning to go grocery shopping again, so soon after my previous trip, BUT, with Fathers' Day approaching, if the stores have good deals on meat, etc., then, I might be tempted.  

June Week 2 Meal Plan:

Brunches:  Egg salad sandwiches, cold cuts sandwiches, salads, scrambled eggs and fried potatoes, banana/blueberry muffins, maybe pancakes or waffles, again.

Dinners:  Leftover chicken drumsticks with salad and potatoes or corn; leftover shrimp curry and chick pea curry with rice and snowpeas; spaghetti with ground turkey sauce and salad, coconut roti or yogurt flat bread and chicken curry. leftovers

Snacks/Desserts:  Fresh fruit, yogurt, crackers with peanut butter, granola bars, cereal, roasted cashews

As always, I am grateful for the fact that I am able to meal plan.  It is a blessing to know that there is sufficient food available, that I can plan for variety, that I will not go hungry.  

Did you meal plan last week?  If so, did you keep to your meal plan?  Are you making a meal plan this week?


  1. You know, if the doctor ever asks about your diet, you can just show them these posts. 😀 Live and Learn

    1. LOL, yes! And she'll say, "Too much bread, too many sweets, don't eat rice". One of my former doctors did require me to maintain a record of all what I ate and how much. I paid a lot of attention to portion sizes and cut down a lot on carbs, but, that is a diet that is hard for me to maintain over a long period of time.

  2. Your meal plan did work out well. It pays to look out for offers on meat so you can stock up in the freezer. My supermarket have 3 for £10 on offer at the moment so for the last two weeks I have bought a chicken, pork loin steaks and a pack of sausages for £10. There is bacon and other meats in the offer but I am happy with those three. I have plenty of fish and lamb, pork and beef already in the freezer.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Your offers on meat sounds like a wonderful bargain! Sounds like you have a well stocked freezer. That's such a blessing!

  3. I like the sound of those chicken drumsticks! Chicken with delicious glaze of any kind is a treat. I like to have corn with any kind of baked chicken or pork chops. I do have some frozen veggies of various types.

    1. I liked the chicken drumsticks with the chutney glaze. I had them cold, last night, with just a salad, no corn. But, I love corn, although it is considered a starch for me, not a vegetable.

  4. You had a nice variety of foods and used up your food on hand to avoid any waste. You are really good at that.
    I made some meatballs last week and floated them in some vegetable soup I made. I was able to 2 packs of 6 meatballs each into the freezer for future meals.

    1. Thank you, Debra. :)
      Ooh, meatballs! I haven't had those in a very long time! The meatballs in vegetable soup sounds wonderful and you have some in the freezer for future meals, too! Well done!


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