Monday, August 31, 2020

Cool on Monday

Monday was a relatively cool day.  It was 72F inside the family room when I woke up and I was cold enough to dress in jeans and a long sleeved blouse, put on socks, and wear a poncho!  LOL!  The poncho came off around 11:00 a.m., but, the socks stayed on until late afternoon!  Guess who is NOT looking forward to winter?  

I practiced the piano in the morning, but, S called around 11:30 a.m. and asked if we can reschedule the lesson to Tuesday afternoon, instead.  I was fine with that.  

Today, I washed my bed sheets and a blanket, remade the bed, dusted the living room and dining area, watered the front garden, started the car, took the trash cans to the curb, cleaned the litter box. cleaned the fridge, cooked, and did the dishes.

Teriyaki Chicken and Noodles with Carrots and Cabbage

After dinner, I video chatted with my daughter.

Today, I am grateful for:

  • The cooler weather
  • Telephone calls, emails, and texts from family and friends
  • Working appliances
  • The car started without any problems
  • Technology which enables me to video chat with my daughter
Today's joyful activity was spending time in the garden 

Monday's To Do List:

- Change bed sheets - DONE
- Load of laundry (bed sheets/towels) - DONE
- Dust living room & dining area - DONE
- Clean the fridge - DONE
- Take trash cans to the curb for Tuesday trash pick up - DONE
- Practice the piano - DONE
- Piano lesson - POSTPONED
- Pay the gas bill - DONE
- Cook the chicken that is thawing - DONE

Tuesday's To Do List:
- Dust family room and my bedroom
- Water the  back garden
- Water the house plants
- Practice the piano
- Piano lesson

How was your Monday?  What are your plans for Tuesday?

Meal Plans: August Week 4 and September Week 1

These were my meal plan options for August Week 4:

Breakfast/Brunch/Lunch:  Leftover pancakes and bacon (Monday), scrambled egg and fried potatoes, uppuma (Indian style semolina), tuna salad on crackers, boiled cassava with spicy onion sambol, coconut flat bread (roti).

Dinners:  Leftover Armenian kebabs dish with potato (baked or mashed) and cabbage slaw; ground beef keema curry, lentils (dhal), and curried green beans served with rice; chicken curry with sauteed cabbage and rice; paratha with chicken curry; some kind of pasta or noodle dish.

Snacks/desserts:  Fresh fruits (oranges, apples), canned fruits, crackers, cereal, cookies, peanuts, etc.

On Monday, I asked neighbor S to pick up a loaf of sliced bread for me when she was out grocery shopping, as I was out of bread; she did that and I was able to enjoy sandwiches during the week.  I also cooked a ground beef keema curry on Monday, a chicken curry and sauteed curried cabbage on Wednesday, and made egg salad on Wednesday.  These formed the majority of my meals,during August week 4.  

Here is how it turned out:  

Brunch: Leftover pancakes and bacon, with syrup
Dinner: Ground beef keema curry and sauteed curried green beans (from the freezer) with rice
Snacks/Dessert: Apple, cookie (Tim Tam)
Brunch: Ground beef keema curry sandwich 
Dinner: Leftover kebab dish with rice
Snacks/Dessert: Apple, cookie 

Breakfast: Egg salad sandwich, peach lemonade
Lunch: Potstickers
Dinner: Chicken curry, sauteed curried green beans, rice
Snacks/Dessert: Orange, cookie

Brunch: Egg salad sandwich
Dinner: Chicken curry, sauteed curried cabbage, rice 
Snacks/Dessert: Orange, cookie
Late Night Snack: Slice of bread with chicken curry gravy

Brunch: Egg salad sandwich
Dinner: Chicken curry, sauteed curried cabbage, rice 
Snacks/Dessert: Orange, dry cereal (late night snack)

Brunch: Paratha, keema curry
Dinner: Chicken curry, sauteed curried cabbage, rice
Snacks/Dessert:  Orange, muffins

Brunch: Muffin  
Dinner: Paratha and onion sambol
Snacks: Orange, muffin (had one after dinner as well as the one for breakfast)

I am considering this week as the first week of September although, today (Monday) is the last day of August.  I am starting out the week without any leftovers in the fridge, which has to be a first!  I put some chicken drumsticks to thaw on Saturday; hopefully, they will be thawed enough to cook, this evening.

These are my meal plan options for the first week in September (including the last day of August).

September Meal Plan Options:

Breakfast/Brunch/Lunch:  Milk rice with spicy onion sambol and/or fish curry (Tuesday, Sept. 1), muffins, scrambled egg and fried potatoes, uppuma (Indian style semolina/cream of wheat), tuna salad sandwiches, boiled cassava with spicy onion sambol, coconut flat bread (roti).

Dinners:  Chicken drumsticks with stirfried vegetables and rice or noodles;  fish curry with rice, green beans or cabbage; coconut flat bread (roti) with fish curry; leftovers.

Snacks/desserts:  Fresh fruits (oranges, apples), canned fruits, muffins, crackers, cereal, cookies, etc.

I didn't do any grocery shopping in August (other than the loaf of bread I asked neighbor S to pick up for me).  I will probably put in a grocery order for curb-side pick up during the first week in September.  But, this week's meal options are based on what I have on hand, in the freezer and pantry.

What are your meal plans for the week?

SPSH - August Link Up

Time to post my photos for the August link up to Patio Postcard's Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt!  Thank you, Mary Lou, for setting this up.

My June link up is here.

The July link up is here.

#4: A toy you play with - a laser beam; more Dancer cat's toy than mine, but, I use it to play with him.

#4: A Toy You Play With - Laser

#8: A leaf longer than your hand - a leaf from the canna lily.

#8: A Leaf Longer than Your Hand

#9: Something that starts with the initial of your name ("B" for Bless) - Books!

#9: Something that starts with the initial of your name ("B" for Bless)

#14: Something with wheels - Trolley table.

#14: Something with wheels 

#18: Something that can go in the water - a fizzy bath bomb.

#18: Something that can go in the water

#20: Something with the number 7 in it - a measuring tape.

#20: Something with the number 7 in it

Here is the list, with the items I have photographed crossed out:

  1. A favourite piece of jewelry
  2. Something with or in a knot
  3. Something with the colours of your country’s flag
  4. A toy you play with
  5. Something you have more than one of
  6. Something in the shape of a triangle
  7. Something that displays a rule(s)
  8. A leaf longer than your hand
  9. Something that starts with the initial of your name (first or last)
  10. Something smaller than a paper clip
  11. Something you need to throw away
  12. Something that holds your favourite beverage
  13. A rubber band/elastic in use
  14. Something with wheels
  15. Something inherited
  16. Something with rough texture
  17. Something naturally round
  18. Something that can go in the water
  19. A stone/rock/pebble with some colour in it
  20. Something with the number 7 in it

Alt A. An animal statue

Alt B. Something heavier than your shoe
Alt C. Something with four sides

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Cooler Weekend


Raisin Bran Muffins

The past couple of days have been cooler than normal and last night, I decided that it was cool enough to do a little baking!  I have been wanting some muffins so, I baked a batch.  I used my basic muffin recipe, but, added a handful of raisin bran cereal to the batter to make what I am calling raisin bran muffins.  I had two of them, warm from the oven, last night and had one for my breakfast, today.  

Today, I spent the morning chatting on the phone with a friend, neighbor T, and one of my cousins.  Cousin asked if I had some chicken broth to give to her daughter who has been unwell since Friday and I took some over to her.  Later in the evening, I chatted with friend R.

In the afternoon, I vacuumed, did a load of laundry (kitchen rug, bath mats, Dancer's towels, etc.), and mopped the kitchen and my bathroom.  It's been a long time since I felt energetic enough to both vacuum and mop in one day!  I was happy!  I will be starting the new month with a clean house!  

I practiced the piano in the evening.  

Today, I am grateful for:

  • The cooler weather
  • Freshly baked muffins
  • Getting the housework done
  • Being able to take the broth to my cousin
  • Phone calls with friends
My joyful activity today was playing the piano.

Monday's To Do List:
- Change bed sheets
- Load of laundry (bed sheets/towels)
- Dust living room & dining area
- Clean the fridge
- Take trash cans to the curb for Tuesday trash pick up
- Practice the piano
- Piano lesson
- Pay the gas bill
- Cook the chicken that is thawing

How was your weekend?  What are your plans for Monday?

Balanced Life Monthly Goals: August Review and September

It seems it was just yesterday when I was looking forward to August and here it is, almost at the end of August, looking forward to September!  Time to do a review of how well balanced my month was and what I intend to do to strive for balance in the month to come. 

As I've explained before, my monthly balanced life goals are similar to the spokes of a wheel, with the length of each spoke representing my satisfaction in that area of my life, from 1 to 10, with 1 being most dissatisfied and 10 being most satisfied.  Ideally, all the spokes are of equal length and the wheel will roll along smoothly.  If the spokes are of unequal lengths, then, the resulting wheel will be lop-sided and wobbly.  My ratings for each segment are shown within the parentheses, with the beginning of the month ratings in black and the end of the month ratings in blue.

Balanced Life Goals: August Spiritual (10)(10)The goal is to live a spiritually meaningful life.
- Continue with daily prayers, meditation, being grateful, positive, and joyful
- Continue to attend Temple prayer/blessing services online
- Participate in the August prayer gathering if possible
- Continue to cultivate non-attachment by being generous and giving to the extent I am able

I was able to attend online blessing services at the Temple, in August;  the monks continue to post it on a daily basis.  The August monthly rosary prayer gathering didn't take place, even online (it didn't take place in July, either).  I spoke with a friend who also participates in the prayer group and she commented about it, but, no one else has said anything.  As the only non-Catholic in the group, I am not going to say anything, either!  I continued with my own daily prayers (even found a new prayer tucked into a storage container, when cleaning!), meditation, being grateful, and I have tried to be positive and joyful.  I am keeping the rating at 10.

September Spiritual (10)
- Continue with daily prayers, meditation, being grateful, positive, and joyful
- Continue to attend Temple prayer/blessing services online
- Participate in the September prayer gathering if possible/if there is one
- Continue to cultivate non-attachment by being generous and giving to the extent I am able 

August House (9)(9): The goal is a home that is pleasant, comfortable, and welcoming.
- Clean - Clean as needed
- Organize - Continue to find a place for everything and keep everything in its place
- Well maintained - Keep "erasing the evidence"; implement daily and weekly cleaning schedules
- Decluttered - Continue to declutter

I have been cleaning, organizing, and keeping the house tidy and maintained; I deep cleaned and rearranged some shelving units and, while there is much more to be done, I am happy with what I was able to accomplish.  I decluttered more than 31 items (my unwritten goal for August), including a pair of scissors (handle broke!), a book, 5 magazines, catalogs, old user's manuals for appliances I no longer have, and glass jars.  I am keeping the rating at 9.  

September House (9):  
- Clean - Clean as needed
- Organize - Continue to find a place for everything and keep everything in its place
- Well maintained - Keep "erasing the evidence"; implement daily and weekly cleaning schedules
- Decluttered - Continue to declutter (goal = 30 items)

August Garden (9)(9): The goal is a garden that is productive, yet drought tolerant.
- Maintain (water frequently as needed, weed, fertilize)
Continue with landscaping the side yard

The garden is being maintained, although the heatwave we had took its toll on the plants as usual.  I was able to harvest a few more tomatoes and a mystery melon from the volunteer plants and that was both fun and exciting!  I continue to pick lemons and oranges from the trees, although they are coming to an end.  I put down more flattened cardboard boxes in the side yard in an attempt to form a weed barrier; that is an ongoing project.  My plan is to get several bags of pebbles to put down as a path with some stepping stones in between and plant some drought tolerant plants there.  I haven't decided on the plants, yet, but, I've taken some cuttings from the oleander tree and am rooting them.  I also have some gazania plants that can be dug up and planted there (in fact, I planted two and they seem to be doing well, even though the garden cats keep trampling them!)  I am keeping the rating at 9.  

September Garden (9):
- Maintain(water frequently as needed, weed, fertilize)
Continue with landscaping the side yard

August Daughter (10)(10): The goal is to continue to have a close relationship with her.
- Daily texts, phone calls, and video chatting, etc., to keep in close touch with her
- Be supportive of her and continue to be there for her

Daughter and I continue to keep in contact daily.  She continues to work from home and shelter in place.  She hasn't left her apartment building since mid-March, other than the two times she had to evacuate due to the fire alarms (false alarms, both times, thank goodness!) and stood outside on the sidewalk!  I don't know when I'll see her in person next (there is a slight possibility she might be able to get a ride down with a friend for the holidays; it would be lovely if that happens), but, I am grateful that we get to see each other during our nightly online chats.  I am keeping the rating at 10.

September Daughter (10):
- Daily texts, phone calls, and video chatting, etc., to keep in close touch with her
- Be supportive of her and continue to be there for her

August Family & Friends (10)(10): The goal is to continue to have a close connection with family and friends.
- Regular phone calls and emails to check on family and friends

On going.  I have been interacting regularly with family and friends through phone calls, emails, texts, etc.  I was able to help out a couple of members of the family and a friend with some items they needed and I am glad that I was in a position to help.  I am keeping the rating at 10.  

September Family and Friends (10):
- Regular phone calls and emails to check on family and friends

August Community (10)(10):  The goals is to be involved in my community
- Continue to participate in the various community groups to the extent possible

I participated in the blogging community, continued to participate in the online group, exchanged weekly phone calls with neighbor T, interacted with other neighbors, and participated in temple services online. I am keeping the rating at 10.

September Community (10):
- Continue to participate in the various community groups to the extent possible.

August Finances (10)(10): The goal is financial security
- Continue spending mindfully, with purpose

I continued to spend mindfully in August.  In fact, other than regular household bills, etc., and buying my daughter an air purifier, I didn't spend a lot.  I am keeping the rating at 10.

September Finances (10):
- Continue spending mindfully, with purpose

August Health & Well Being (8)(8): The goal is good health

- See if I can reschedule at least one of this month's medical appointments, too
- Schedule another blood test
- Continue to work on the same life style changes as before to the extent possible
- Continue to strive to attain a healthier weight (lose 5 lbs)

I rescheduled a couple of my medical appointments - one for later in September and the other for October.

I scheduled and went for another blood test that was required.  My favorite lab technician attended to me; it was her 25th work anniversary and we chatted a bit.  She half jokingly asked me if the trip to the lab was my outing for the day.  I replied very seriously that it was actually my only outing for the month, as I stay home the rest of the time.  She was surprised and asked me how I get my essentials.  I said I either had stuff delivered or I do a curb-side pick up for groceries.  She immediately wrote out her work phone number and gave it to me, saying, if I ever needed something or maybe didn't want to do a curbside pick up for just a couple of items, to give her a call and she would be happy to get it for me and leave it on my doorstep!  Such a generous offer and a kind heart!  I am not very likely to take her up on that offer, of course, but, still, it touched me that she would offer to do that.  She has been checking my blood, etc., since my cancer diagnosis and she told me that she didn't want anything to happen to me!  The last time I went to get my blood test (in July), she had admired my face mask made with a kitty cat fabric; this time, I made another one with the rest of that fabric and gave it to her before I left the lab.  As I left, she said to me, "Call me if you need anything, I really mean it".  I don't know the results of the test, yet, though.

As for losing 5 lbs., I didn't, unless I stand on the scales my daughter gave me (she bought herself a digital scales and gave me her old scales) - I consistently weigh 5 lbs. less on that scales!  LOL.  On the other hand, I didn't gain anything, either, so, I am taking that as a positive!  Also, my toe has healed sufficiently to the point where it is no longer swollen and painful (still can't bend it, though); I should be able to resume walking for 20 minutes, in September.

I'm keeping the rating at 8!

September Health & Well Being (8):
- Attend all of this month's medical appointments (3 scheduled - dentist, mammogram/bone density scan, podiatrist)
Continue to work on the same life style changes as before to the extent possible
- Continue to strive to attain a healthier weight 

August Time Management (7.5)(8): The goal is to spend my time in a mindful manner.
- Keep to a more regular schedule
- Procrastinate less
- Spend time purposefully, mindfully

On going.  I have decided that I will not fret about my schedule because it is not the early to rise/early to sleep schedule that most people have!  I have a night-owl's schedule, often going to bed after 4:00 a.m. and then, waking up usually around 9:30 or 10:00 a.m.  As a retired person living by herself, this schedule works just fine for me.  I have decided to accept it!

I still procrastinate, big time, but, I do get everything I need to do, done and that's what matters, isn't it?  Of course, it would be less stressful if I don't procrastinate, but, that's when I accomplish a lot of cleaning!  I've been known to wash walls and scrub floors when I am procrastinating on paperwork!

My goal is still to spend my time purposefully and mindfully.  But, on the strength of accepting my schedule for what it is and not what I think it should be, I am raising my satisfaction rating to 8.   

September Time Management (8):
- Focus on making my schedule work for me
- Procrastinate less
- Spend time purposefully, mindfully

August Leisure/Crafts/Hobbies/Me-Time (10)(10): The goal is to relax doing something I enjoy doing for the pleasure of it.
- Engage in daily joyful activities
- Daily piano practicing
- Pick on unfinished crafts project and finish it!

I have been engaging in daily joyful activities and have been practicing the piano.  I picked a quilt in progress with the intention of finishing it (all it needed was to be sandwiched and bound), but, didn't finish it because it got too hot to work on a quilt!  At least, that was my excuse and I am sticking to it!  It was definitely not because this is the part of making a quilt that I dislike the most!  LOL.  I am keeping the rating at 10.  

September Leisure/Crafts/Hobbies/Me-Time (10):
- Engage in daily joyful activities
- Daily piano practicing
- Pick one unfinished crafts project (quilt in progress) and finish it!

How was your August in terms of maintaining balance among the different areas of your life?  How do you plan to achieve or maintain balance in your life in September?  What are your monthly goals for September?

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Monthly Mini Photo Challenge/Letter A

Eileen has a monthly mini photo challenge on her blog, with a different theme for each month.  This month's theme was the letter "A".  Participants had to take a minimum of 5 photos (no maximum) reflecting this theme during the month. 

These are my takes for this month's theme:

"A" - I thought the folded laundry drying rack looked like the letter A

A is for August, the current month

A is also for Alphabets:

English Alphabet
Sinhala Hodiya (Alphabet)

A is for an Avocado seedling grown from a seed

And for a red Aloe plant to replace the one that disappeared

Anatomical drawings in a book that was a gift from my stepfather

And finally - A is for:

Pineapples?  No!  Annasi!  (Sinhala word for pineapple)

 Thank you, Eileen; I had a lot of fun participating.  

September's theme is "Green", if anyone would like to participate.

Late Night Visitors

Late last night, I heard some noises outside the sliding glass door, but, I just thought that the garden cats were being a bit rowdy.  Then, I thought it might be the possum that sometimes comes to eat leftover cat food.  It sounded like more than just one possum, so, when I got up from the sofa to get something from the table, I looked out the door and was confronted by not one, not two, not even three, but FOUR raccoons!  I quickly went back to get my cell phone to take some pictures - sorry for the glare on the glass door, but, I wasn't about to open the door to get a better picture! 


One, Two, Three, Four!

Washing Their Paws in the Water Dish!

Masked Bandits!

Tapping on the glass didn't seem to scare them away!  They ate all the kibbles the cats had left and one of them got inside the dish of water!  After a little while they went away and then, I heard them coming back!  This time, they were in a playful mood as two of them wrestled when they both wanted to get into the water dish, another one rolled a glass jar around, trying to get at the avocado seed that was inside, and the fourth one tried to climb up the porch pole!   They spilled all the water from the water dish!

I've seen raccoons in my front and back yards, before, but, there were only one or two, earlier.  This is the first time I've seen four of them, together!

I didn't see any of the garden cats when the raccoons were here - maybe they were hiding (they don't hide when the possums visit).  I wondered if the raccoons will visit again, tonight, but, so far, they haven't (typing this at 2:00 a.m.)

Today was spent doing some health insurance related paperwork.  It was rather stressful, but, I made a start and the rest can be done, next week or so.

Later, daughter and I spent several hours chatting online.  The air purifier I ordered for her arrived today and she set it up and has it running.  She says she can feel the difference and she's breathing more easily!  I am considering getting one for myself, now.

Today, I am grateful for:
- What I was able to accomplish where the paperwork was concerned
- Being able to give lemons from the garden to my cousin
- Long chats with my daughter
- Having a printer at home (and being able to print documents!)
- Raccoons!

What are some of the late night visitors you find outside your backdoor?

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Empty No More

Ha, ha, what did I tell you?  Shelves don't stay empty for long, around here! 

The Shelf Today

The decorative blue and white tea pots found their way back to the shelf, this morning.  I say, "found their way back" because, they used to be displayed there until I changed things around in February!  This is how it looked back in May, 2019:

Picture Taken in May, 2019

I wrote about it, here.

The ginger jars shown on the top shelf in the picture above were moved to the family room side of the kitchen pass through counter in October and the tea pots were moved to one of the shelves in the living room, sometime after that.  The ginger jars have now been moved to the bookcase in the family room:

Newly Rearranged Family Room Bookcase

I moved the gardening and flower arranging books to the lowest shelf, with the decorating and Christmas books.  The top shelf contains only books on religion (including a few from the bookcase in the living room).  They needed some sort of bookends, so I put the ginger jars at either end.  

I no longer buy any books or decorative items for myself and haven't done so for years, but, every now and then, I move things around and continue to try to declutter.  

Today is another hot day and I am taking it easy.  I did a load of laundry, earlier in the morning and polished another decorative brass item.  Later, I plan to water the garden and practice the piano.

Today, I am grateful for:
- Fans and electricity to run them
- Working appliances: washing machine, fridge/freezer, etc.
- Lemons for cleaning the brassware
- Chatting with my daughter
- My cup of tea

Today's joyful activity was rearranging my shelves.  I don't know why it made me so happy, but, it did!

What about you?  Do you change your decorative display items from time to time?

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Empty Shelf Alert!

Empty Shelf!  


What?!  How did this happen?!!!

Well, what do you know?!  I moved a few things around, the other day (the glass candle holders are on the living room mantel, now) and, suddenly, I have an empty shelf!  

Here is an old "before":

Before: February 2020

Of course, it won't stay empty for long!  But, I thought I should take a photo just to capture the moment, so to speak!  

I would really like to move this shelf unit to the spare bedroom to accommodate my craft supplies (there is a cabinet on the lower half of the shelving unit) as the smaller shelf unit that is in the spare bedroom is a bit insufficient.  But, I store some of the table linen, kitchen towels, etc., in the cabinet of this shelving unit as that is a very convenient space for them (in the dining room, next to the kitchen).  I don't have room for these items in the linen closet or in the kitchen, at the moment, and without that cabinet space, moving this shelving unit to the spare bedroom makes no sense.  

But, it is very exciting to me when empty space appears, however briefly!  Not quite sure what I will place on this shelf, next; stay tuned!  LOL.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020


Cat Naps!

S called me in the morning, today, and we agreed to have the piano lesson at noon.  I practiced in the morning and the lesson went very well.  

In the afternoon, I called and rescheduled a couple of medical appointments, read blogs, relaxed, and played games on the computer.  Later in the evening, I watered the plants, started the car, chatted on the phone with family and friends, printed out the appointment code to be scanned at the lab tomorrow (needed my daughter's help, once again, for that, as I forgot one small step I needed to do to get the printer to work on black and white mode) and watched the news.

One of the things I've noticed in the news, with people participating from their homes, are the bookcases and other shelving units in the background.  These are what I'd call real people's real bookcases!  Not the elegantly styled ones shown in magazines or decluttering books!  The ones in the magazines and the decluttering books, especially, have a handful of books on a couple of shelves, some framed pictures, maybe a sculpture or a vase, or a plant, and lots of empty space.  It looks beautiful and uncluttered and makes me feel that I should strive for that.  But the bookcases in the rooms behind the people talking about the news are bookcases that I can relate to!  They are a lot like mine, crammed with books and things they've collected, and some even have books lying on top of other books, which I how my bookcases used to look!  These people's bookcases make me feel better about my own!  LOL.

Today, I am grateful for:
- A good piano lesson
- The car started without any problems
- Phone chats with family and friends
- A working printer
- Being able to reschedule some medical appointments

My joyful activity for the day was being in the garden.  It is peaceful and relaxing.  I pray and meditate as I water the plants.  

Tuesday's To Do List:

Piano lesson - DONE
- Start the car - DONE
- Dust family room and my bedroom - DONE
- Bring the trash cans in - DONE
- Water the garden, front and back - DONE
- Water the house plants - DONE

Wednesday's To Do List:
- Lab test in the morning
- Vacuum
- Paperwork/filing 
- Do one decluttering/organizing task
- Practice the piano

How was your Tuesday?  What are your plans for tomorrow?


Monday's Decluttering

Three more crafts magazines were decluttered, today.  I tore out two knitting patterns from one of them and put the patterns in the file folder with my favorite knitted socks pattern.  These magazines are all from the 1980s.  

But, I chose to keep this one, from 1974!

August 1974 Crafts Magazine

It is old, tattered, and falling apart, but, I have sentimental attachments to this magazine!  It was purchased in Hong Kong, back when it was still a British colony (my British readers will no doubt smile at the price: 19p!) by one of my step-cousins (step-father's niece) who still lives there.  She gave me the magazine when I was living in Hong Kong so I could knit myself a cardigan using one of the patterns given in it.  August 1974 was when I left Hong Kong to come to the United States and the magazine came with me.  In fact, today is the anniversary of the day I left Hong Kong!  ("Wait, Bless, we thought you were from Sri Lanka?" Yes, originally, but, I left Sri Lanka in August 1973, then, visited Malaysia, had an extended stay in Taiwan and then, in Hong Kong, before I came to the States).   I am keeping this magazine, a home and garden type American magazine also from August 1974, and a magazine from March 1993 (when my daughter was born) for sentimental reasons.  Other than the magazines I have from this year's subscriptions (last year's birthday gift from my daughter was a subscription for four magazines), they are the only magazines I now have.  

Remember the bookcase in the family room?  

Bookcase - Before

Bookcase - After

Gardening and books on religion on the top shelf. mostly crafts books (knitting, quilting, crocheting, etc.) books on the second shelf, brass decorative items on the middle shelf, some sewing and other books on the fourth shelf, and decorating, Christmas books on the bottom shelf.  I do have room for all the books, but, will probably continue to slowly go through and declutter more of the books.  I mean, just how many books on quilting and patchwork do I need (although I love just looking through them).  I might also rearrange some of the books - maybe put the gardening books on the bottom shelf with the decorating books.  It might look a little less top heavy if I did that!  

I didn't have my piano lesson, today, as S needed to run some errands in the afternoon.  We rescheduled it for either Tuesday or Wednesday; she will call me tomorrow to confirm the day and time.  She mentioned she was going to the dollar store for some items and I asked her if she could pick up a loaf of sandwich bread for me, as I was out of bread and hadn't put in a grocery order, yet.  She was kind enough to get me a loaf of bread and now, I can change my meal plan to include sandwiches, if I like!  

Today, I am grateful for:
  • The pharmacy being able to mail my medications to me, free of charge
  • Having postal services available
  • S picking up a loaf of bread for me
  • Another day to practice my piano pieces
  • Daughter continues to be safe from all the fires (although dealing with bad air quality)
Today's joyful activity was decluttering my magazines.

Monday's To Do List:
- Practice the piano - DONE
- Piano lesson - Postponed
- Dust living room & dining area - DONE
- Clean the fridge - DONE
- Take trash cans to the curb for Tuesday trash pick up - DONE

Tuesday's To Do List:
- Piano lesson (maybe)
- Start the car
- Dust family room and my bedroom
- Bring the trash cans in
- Water the garden, front and back
- Water the house plants

How was your Monday?  What are your plans for Tuesday?

Monday, August 24, 2020

Meal Plans - August Week 3 Review and August Week 4

August Week 3 meals were based on what I had on hand and these were the options:

Breakfast/Brunch/Lunch:  Pancakes✓; scrambled egg and fried potatoes with or without bacon✓ (but, for dinner, instead of brunch); cereal and milk✓; uppuma (Indian style semolina), salad✓

Dinners:  Armenian kebabs made over (sauteed with onions and tomato, maybe), served with rice and salad✓; ground beef served with potato and vegetables (carrots and green beans) or made into keema curry and served with rice and vegetables; smoked sausage stir fry served with rice✓ or noodles.

Snacks/desserts:  Fresh fruits (oranges, apples), canned fruits, crackers with peanut butter, cereal, cookies, peanuts, etc.

This is how it all turned out:

Breakfast: Cereal with milk
Lunch: Paratha with the last of the curried shredded chicken and spicy potatoes
Dinner: Smoked sausage stirfry and rice
Snacks/desserts; Peanuts, orange, frozen iced coffee "popsicle"

Breakfast: Pancakes with peach jam
Lunch: Salad; tuna on crackers
Dinner: Smoked sausage stirfry and rice
Snacks: Orange, cake

Breakfast: Pancakes, tuna on crackers, orange 
Lunch: Stirfry and rice
Dinner: Scrambled egg, fried potatoes
Snacks: Apple, pot stickers, cookies

Brunch: Tuna salad on crackers
Dinner: Rice and sausage stirfry
Snacks: Cookies, oranges

Brunch: Boiled cassava with spicy onion sambol (katta sambol) 
Dinner: Rice and the last of the sausage stirfry
Snacks: Melon slices, cookies, crackers, orange

Breakfast:  Paratha with spicy (but sweet) onion sambol (seeni sambol) 
Lunch: Hot dogs
Dinner: Baked potato with made over kebabs (sliced kebabs sauteed with onions, tomatoes, green peas)

Made Over Kebabs

Snacks: Melon slices, cookie

Breakfast:  Pancakes with bacon
Lunch: Hot dog
Dinner: Made over kebabs with rice
Snacks: paratha with onion sambol, cookies, peanuts, orange

I made the smoked sausage stir fry on Monday night and it saw me through most of the week!   Which was fine with me.  

August Week 4 Meal Plan Options:

Breakfast/Brunch/Lunch:  Leftover pancakes and bacon (Monday), scrambled egg and fried potatoes, uppuma (Indian style semolina), tuna salad on crackers, boiled cassava with spicy onion sambol, coconut flat bread (roti).

Dinners:  Leftover Armenian kebabs dish with potato (baked or mashed) and cabbage slaw; ground beef keema curry, lentils (dhal), and curried green beans served with rice; chicken curry with sauteed cabbage and rice; paratha with chicken curry; some kind of pasta or noodle dish.

Snacks/desserts:  Fresh fruits (oranges, apples), canned fruits, crackers, cereal, cookies, peanuts, etc.

I still haven't done any grocery shopping in August.  If I do order some groceries, this week, I might order a frozen pizza and have that for dinner, one night.  

Have you made a meal plan for this week?


Sunday has been slightly cooler.  I did need two fans in the afternoon, but, the evening is cool enough for just one fan!  LOL.

I spent another quiet day, today.  I put away the laundry from yesterday, practiced the piano, watered the front garden, watched a little TV, and spent the afternoon reading an American classic, The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne.  I knew the story, but, this was the first time I actually read the book.  It was required reading for my daughter when she was in 7th grade and it was her copy of the book which I read, today.  I had kept it, all these years, intending to read it!  Well, I've read it and it has been decluttered from my bookshelves.

8/23 Decluttering

A recent post by Sharon at My New Uneventful Life had me thinking about my collection of magazines.  At one time, I had so many magazines that I put up shelves in the garage to store them, all!  Eventually, I got rid of most of them.  But, I held on to a few knitting and crochet magazines, for one reason or another.  Today, I went through some of them and decided to declutter the two shown above; they are both from the 1980s!  I had held on to them for various reasons - one had the pattern for a toddler's crocheted dress that my mother made for my daughter. the other had some sweaters that I liked, including a couple I had knitted.  Sweater patterns don't change all that much, but, I have a lot of knitting books, too, so, these magazines can go.  Thank you, Sharon, for motivating me.  

Today, I am grateful for:

  • A quiet, relaxed day
  • An afternoon spent reading
  • Phone calls from friends
  • Having electricity and water
  • Being able to video chat with my daughter
Today's joyful activity was reading.

Monday's To Do List:
- Practice the piano
- Piano lesson
- Dust living room & dining area
- Clean the fridge
- Take trash cans to the curb for Tuesday trash pick up

How was your Sunday?  What are your plans for Monday?

Sunday, August 23, 2020


I spent a quiet day on Saturday.  I did a load of laundry and hung it up, inside the house, to dry.  It was so hot, the laundry dried within minutes of hanging it up!  I cleaned the decorative brass items, using just lemon juice (most of the lemons left on the tree have withered from the heat and that's what I use to clean the brassware).  In the afternoon, I read a bit and watched some cooking shows on TV.  Later in the evening, when it was cooler outside than inside, I watered the back garden.  Afterwards, I practiced the piano.  I also sorted through a few things in an attempt to clean/organize/declutter, but, I don't think I was very successful with the decluttering!  It is very much a work in progress for me!

One of the things I sorted through was one of the clear plastic shoe boxes in which I have stored some of my CDs.  I was trying to go through my CDs to see if there were any I wished to declutter.  There weren't, but, the container was a bit dusty and I thought I would take out the CDs and wash the container.  When I removed the CDs, I found this at the bottom of the box:

A Little Prayer Folder

I opened it to see and found this, inside:

Prayer and Medal

I didn't know that this was in the container.  It is not something that I had, but, it is quite possible that it might have been something that was sent to my mother, as she used to sometimes send donations to the organization listed at the back of the little folder.  I don't remember putting it in the container, but, it is possible that I did (perhaps, when I was sorting through a box of my mother's things, it fell out and when I found it, I just put it in the container, temporarily, and forgot all about it).   Perhaps it was coincidence that led me to want to go through my CDs and wash out the container, today (Saturday, August 22).   But, I thought it was interesting that I should find it, today, because, as my Catholic readers will know, August 22 is the feast of the Queenship of Mary.  I feel it is a gift from my mother, especially after being worried about possible exposure to the virus, yesterday.  I have placed this prayer and medal on the altar, along with the other items I have on the altar.  

Today, I am grateful for:

  • Life - being alive and well
  • My daughter is safe from the fires in the Bay Area
  • Finding a special prayer
  • Quiet days
  • Being able to video chat with my daughter
Today's joyful activity was spending time in the garden.

How is your weekend coming along?

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Friday's Doings

Yellow Honeydew?

Mystery Melon

I picked the second melon, today, as the vine was starting to die.  It was about the size of a large mango.  It was yellow, outside, and the inside was a very pale, creamy color.  Maybe it is a yellow honeydew?  It didn't have a lot of flavor.  I gave gardener friend M a slice to taste and he didn't care for it, at all.  I thought it just tasted like an unripe honeydew.  It tasted a little better after I had kept it in the fridge to get cold, but, it wasn't sweet.  I did save the seeds and I gave some to M, too.  Maybe he'll have better luck than I!

Today, I cleaned the family room bookcase.   I dusted everything and put everything back.  I decided not to even attempt to declutter, today, but, that is still a possibility.  I took the brass items I display on one of the shelves to clean them, but didn't do that, yet.  "After" picture will be taken tomorrow, once the brass has been cleaned.

M brought me a replacement succulent for the one that disappeared from my front garden.  He potted it up for me and I will keep it in the back yard.  He also set the air conditioner up in my bedroom window.  We had a hard time removing the new window screen (that was installed last November) and had to bend the frame a little in order to do so.  But, I don't mind that too much.  The upside is I now have the air conditioner in place to cool the room during the next heat wave.  The downside is, although I wore my mask while M put in the A/C unit, he didn't wear a mask.  I felt awkward to ask him to do so (I know he doesn't like to wear a mask) and, therefore, I didn't say anything.  I sprayed the house with disinfectant, afterwards, but, my daughter is very upset about the lapse.  Now, I wish I had asked him to wear a mask.  I know he would have worn one if I had asked him to.  I'm hoping that this one lapse won't undo five months of sheltering in place and being careful.  Sigh.

In the evening, I practiced the piano, picked some oranges, vacuumed my bedroom, and changed my bed sheets.  Friend R called and I chatted with her for a bit and, later, video chatted with my daughter.

Today, I am grateful for:

  • The melon from the garden
  • Oranges from the tree
  • The replacement succulent
  • M putting up the A/C unit for me
  • The mail being delivered
Today's joyful activity was cleaning the bookcase.

Plans for tomorrow include doing a load of laundry.  

How was your Friday?  What are your plans for the weekend?

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Hot Days

Yesterday (Wednesday) was slightly cooler than Tuesday, and today is supposed to be even cooler at 100F! 

I took it easy on Wednesday because Tuesday's heat might have taken a toll on me and I might have got dehydrated.  I have been trying to drink enough water, but, I guess I didn't quite realize just how much water one can lose when it is so hot.  So, although it was a little cooler, yesterday, I decided not to push myself too much.  I practiced the piano in the morning and, again, in the evening when it was cooler, watched some TV, called neighbor T to check on her and called friend R, too, and did a little cleaning.

This is what I was trying to clean, declutter, and organize:

Entertainment Center/Shelving Unit - Before

I can still remember when I put this unit together, about 25 years ago.  There was an additional shelf that was supposed to fit across the space in the lower right, where I currently store the scrapbook albums, and a door to cover the space in the lower left, where I store the board games.  I decided to omit the door as I found it hard to fix it (it required drilling holes and I didn't have a drill).  I'm not quite sure what happened to the shelf or why I decided not to use it.  

Yes, those are VHS tapes at the back of the top shelf - I haven't watched them in a while, but, I still have a VCR/DVD dual player for when I want to watch them.  I keep debating whether to continue to keep them or get rid of them.  

The "retro radio" is a combination radio, CD player, cassette tape player, and turn table and I still have a few vinyl LPs that I play on it.  The other two shelves store my CDs (some in the brown CD holder with two pull out drawers, the rest in two plastic shoe boxes) and cassette tapes.  Who listens to CDs and cassette tapes, these days, Bless?  Well, I guess I do!  LOL.

I started pulling everything out, shelf by shelf, dusting, and putting things back, yesterday, and finished it, today:

Entertainment Center - After

The unfinished doll house on the top was a kit I bought and tried to put together for my daughter when she was a little girl.  I have kept it, hoping to finish it, someday.  Maybe someday might come this year!  The towel in front is for Dancer to lie on when it's not so hot that all he wants to sleep on is the tiled floor of the bathroom.

The items I pulled out which didn't go back on the shelves are now sitting around, looking for homes!  They include two collectible dolls, my old camera (non-digital), picture frames and framed pictures, and a key holder that is meant to be mounted on the wall.

Today, I watered the front garden first thing in the morning, before it got too hot.  Then, I finished sorting the shelving unit.  I started this blog post after brunch and then, Aunt C called and we had a long chat.  I am watching the evening news programs and have just had a cup of tea.  The sprinklers are on in the back yard and, later in the evening, I will practice the piano and clean the kitchen.  

Next on my cleaning agenda is the bookcase in the family room.  It isn't too messy - just mostly full of books!

Bookcase - Before

Some book decluttering might be in order, but, I am not sure if I am up to it!

Today, I am grateful for:

  • Still having electricity (no power cuts, yet)
  • Being able to run the fans
  • Water for the garden
  • Not being dehydrated
  • Chatting with my aunt
Today's joyful activity was getting another shelving unit sorted and cleaned.  These are deep cleaning projects I had been meaning to do for some time now and didn't get around to doing.  

Thursday's To Do List:
- Clean the kitchen/do the dishes
- Water the garden, front and back - DONE
- Practice the piano

Friday's To Do List:
- Clean the bathrooms 
- Do one deep cleaning task - the bookcase
- Have M put up the window a/c in the bedroom!

How is your week coming along?  What have you planned for tomorrow and the weekend?


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Summer is Here!

According to the news, Death Valley, California registered 130F the other day!  Supposed to be the hottest temperature recorded since the 134F reported there in 1913.  

It wasn't quite as hot where I live, but, today (Tuesday), according to the weather report, we reached 109F.  Of course, it was a little cooler, indoors; only 98F according to the thermostat.  I had two fans going - the ceiling fan and the stand fan.  The three-fans days, when I either bring in the stand fan from the living room or turn the table fan set up on the kitchen pass through counter to face the family room instead of the kitchen, haven't arrived yet!  LOL!

Yesterday (Monday), it was a few degrees cooler.  I practiced the piano and dusted the living room and dining area before it got too hot.  I had my piano lesson at 1:00 p.m. and I received a new piece (Russian Folk Song by Beethoven) to learn!  I spent the afternoon reading blogs, watching news, and playing online games.  Later, I cooked rice and a smoked sausage stirfry for dinner.  I also wondered what I had on hand for meals if we have power cuts as we had been warned about rolling blackouts.  Sandwiches aren't an option as I am currently out of bread, but, I do have crackers, granola bars, and canned fruits!  However, I might add a couple of packages of rice cakes to my next grocery order to have on hand (along with a loaf of bread).  Later in the evening, I took the trash cans out to the curb, chatted on the phone with neighbor T and with friend R, and video chatted with my daughter.

Today (Tuesday), I watered the back yard first thing in the morning.  Then, I watered the indoor plants.  I also kept an eye out for when the trash collection trucks came by and brought in my trash cans as soon as they were emptied!  I had planned to dust the family room and my bedroom, but, I admit that it was too hot to do anything!  I just relaxed and took it easy.  Later, in the evening, after it had cooled down a bit, I practiced the piano and video chatted with my daughter (she, too, is under a rolling blackout alert, but, hasn't had any power cuts, yet).

Today, I am grateful for:

  • Having electricity
  • Fans
  • Water for the garden
  • Iced water for drinking
  • Daughter has electricity, too

Today's joyful activity was being in the garden, watering.

Wednesday's To Do List:
- Water the front garden
- Practice the piano
- Continue to dust/organize the family room
- Dust my bedroom
- Vacuum (only if it is cool enough to do so)
- Paperwork/filing

How was your day?  What are your plans for tomorrow?  How is the weather where you are?