Tuesday, August 25, 2020


Monday's Decluttering

Three more crafts magazines were decluttered, today.  I tore out two knitting patterns from one of them and put the patterns in the file folder with my favorite knitted socks pattern.  These magazines are all from the 1980s.  

But, I chose to keep this one, from 1974!

August 1974 Crafts Magazine

It is old, tattered, and falling apart, but, I have sentimental attachments to this magazine!  It was purchased in Hong Kong, back when it was still a British colony (my British readers will no doubt smile at the price: 19p!) by one of my step-cousins (step-father's niece) who still lives there.  She gave me the magazine when I was living in Hong Kong so I could knit myself a cardigan using one of the patterns given in it.  August 1974 was when I left Hong Kong to come to the United States and the magazine came with me.  In fact, today is the anniversary of the day I left Hong Kong!  ("Wait, Bless, we thought you were from Sri Lanka?" Yes, originally, but, I left Sri Lanka in August 1973, then, visited Malaysia, had an extended stay in Taiwan and then, in Hong Kong, before I came to the States).   I am keeping this magazine, a home and garden type American magazine also from August 1974, and a magazine from March 1993 (when my daughter was born) for sentimental reasons.  Other than the magazines I have from this year's subscriptions (last year's birthday gift from my daughter was a subscription for four magazines), they are the only magazines I now have.  

Remember the bookcase in the family room?  

Bookcase - Before

Bookcase - After

Gardening and books on religion on the top shelf. mostly crafts books (knitting, quilting, crocheting, etc.) books on the second shelf, brass decorative items on the middle shelf, some sewing and other books on the fourth shelf, and decorating, Christmas books on the bottom shelf.  I do have room for all the books, but, will probably continue to slowly go through and declutter more of the books.  I mean, just how many books on quilting and patchwork do I need (although I love just looking through them).  I might also rearrange some of the books - maybe put the gardening books on the bottom shelf with the decorating books.  It might look a little less top heavy if I did that!  

I didn't have my piano lesson, today, as S needed to run some errands in the afternoon.  We rescheduled it for either Tuesday or Wednesday; she will call me tomorrow to confirm the day and time.  She mentioned she was going to the dollar store for some items and I asked her if she could pick up a loaf of sandwich bread for me, as I was out of bread and hadn't put in a grocery order, yet.  She was kind enough to get me a loaf of bread and now, I can change my meal plan to include sandwiches, if I like!  

Today, I am grateful for:
  • The pharmacy being able to mail my medications to me, free of charge
  • Having postal services available
  • S picking up a loaf of bread for me
  • Another day to practice my piano pieces
  • Daughter continues to be safe from all the fires (although dealing with bad air quality)
Today's joyful activity was decluttering my magazines.

Monday's To Do List:
- Practice the piano - DONE
- Piano lesson - Postponed
- Dust living room & dining area - DONE
- Clean the fridge - DONE
- Take trash cans to the curb for Tuesday trash pick up - DONE

Tuesday's To Do List:
- Piano lesson (maybe)
- Start the car
- Dust family room and my bedroom
- Bring the trash cans in
- Water the garden, front and back
- Water the house plants

How was your Monday?  What are your plans for Tuesday?


  1. I'm just having a quiet day indoors, feeling snug and cosy while it the wind and rain wreak their havoc outside!

    I'm planning on making a 'joyful jar' filled with ideas for joyful activities. I won't actually make it yet but am gradually coming up with a list of ideas.

    I hope you have a good day Bless. It's good news to hear that your daughter remains safe from the fires, although not so good about the air quality.

    1. Indoors is the best place to be when it is storming outside! Do you suppose your migraines have anything to do with the weather? I know some people who say they always get a migraine when there is a thunderstorm approaching.

      A "joyful jar" sounds like fun! I used to write a list of seasonal joyful activities to do and then, I got out of the habit because the list became yet another 'to do' list and I felt bad if I didn't do them! But, maybe I need to rethink that! Maybe come up with a list of fun activities. :)

      Thank you, Eileen. I told her to order an air purifier for her apartment to help filter out at least some of the smoke particulates.

      I hope you have a good day, and enjoy doing some fun activities, indoors. Take care.

  2. It was nice to hear about all the places you have lived - that was quite a list.

    I have no magazines that I am sentimental about, but I do have a couple of my mom's sewing books that are tucked away for safekeeping. I have never sewn anything in them, but I wouldn't part with them for the world.

    1. Thank you, Susanne.

      Your mother's sewing books are precious, aren't they? I have a crafts magazine that had been my mothers! It is missing the cover and first few pages and has burn marks on it (from when my grandmother propped it up against the kerosene oil lamp when making something from it!), but, I am keeping it, too! Later, my daughter was able to find a copy of it, being sold online, and bought it for me as a birthday gift, one year. I am keeping that one, too! LOL. I forgot to include those two magazines in the list of magazines I am keeping! Oops!

  3. I like the pink sweater on the front of the 1974 magazine. Did you actually knit a sweater from it?

    1. The pink sweater is pretty, isn't it? The white design of diamonds are made with beads that have been threaded onto the yarn at the beginning and moved into place while knitting. Yes, I knitted a sweater that is featured on the back cover - a cardigan, with pockets. In the picture, it is made with mint green and white yarn and I made mine with a solid sky blue yarn. I wore it for years until I gained too much weight and it became too tight! I weighed under 110 lbs. back then.

  4. Excellent tidying, de-cluttering of the bookcase. I now only borrow magazines from the library as I hate spending the money on them to only deposit into the recycle bins. My plans for today are to do a click & collect grocery order & then visit my friend's pool for an afternoon swim :) - truly blessed to have such friends.

    1. Thank you, Mary Lou. I rarely buy magazines, these days, but, sometimes, I ask my daughter for a magazine subscription as a birthday or Christmas gift. Last year, she found a deal where she could get a year's subscription to four different magazines for a sum total of $8! It's a gift that keeps giving all year and when I am done with the magazines, I will donate them (I would sometimes take them to the cancer center and leave them there).

      Sounds like you have a good day, planned. Enjoy your afternoon swim! :)

  5. Sounds like you are sure keeping busy! I need to get motivated to do some decluttering too, maybe you will help me get motivated :)

    It was a rainy day here yesterday. I cleaned the kitchen, worked on some art, visited some new blogs and made a new recipe for dinner. Today is my grocery shopping day.

    Have a great week!

    1. My productivity comes and goes, and I've been trying to declutter for a long time, now, but, I'll be happy to help motivate you to declutter. :)

      Sounds like you had a busy day, yourself. Hope you are able to get your grocery shopping done safely.

      Thank you; wish you the same. :)

  6. Decluttering magazines is a great and noble aim. I have a ton I need to get rid of. I do have a Ladies Home Journal from Dec. 1980 (?) that I use every single Christmas. It has some of the best cookie recipes I have ever seen. It is falling to pieces so I keep it in a folder and am slowly transferring the recipes to a computer file, but I adore the original publication so I will never throw it out!

    1. It sounds like you have a keeper in that magazine. I think I remember you mentioning it in one of your posts, last year. You might be able to find a replacement copy for sale online.

  7. Great job with the bookcase. I love how you have kept those magazines all this time. They must mean a lot to you. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. I guess I am a sentimental fool! But, these magazines are now old enough to be considered "vintage" I suppose. :D

  8. I like the look of the crochet magazine, I have heaps of magazines from over the years, it didnt help that I worked for a publisher who produced a whole clutch! I must go through them, it would free up a lot of space!
    I do hope your daughter continues to be safe from the fires, I hope she doesnt have asthma. I have seen them on the news, terrifying, NZ along with Australia are sending teams of fireme n to help, I think it is great how countries can help in times of crisis, hope for the future I feel.

    1. I kept the crochet magazine because it had several fillet crochet patterns, which I find easier. My maternal grandmother only knew fillet crochet and she produced some lovely bed spreads/table covers, using thread and a tiny steel hook. My mother preferred Irish crochet. I have two table covers with the same pattern - one made in fillet crochet by my grandmother and the other made by my mother in Irish crochet. :) But, I tend to knit more than crochet and I have several crochet pattern books as it is.

      Thank you, Sharon. Unfortunately, my daughter does have asthma! So far, she has been OK, with the help of her daily inhalers (she has an emergency inhaler, as well, if needed). We have ordered an air purifier for her to help filter out the particles and help her breathe a little easier. Thank you to the countries that are sending help. I believe there were some firefighters from California who went to Australia to help when they had those devastating fires there, last year. Yes, mutual help among countries; something to be cherished, I think.

  9. Wow! You are doing so much better than I am. They are leaving the house though. Like the books I seem to have stashed them everywhere so it will take some time, but I am pleased with how things are going.

    1. It seems easier for me to get rid of magazines (especially older ones with out of date styles) than books! You could say that I am choosing the path of least resistance! LOL. Well done on what you have decluttered so far. Sometimes, you might find yourself more and more willing to declutter as you see yourself making progress. :)

  10. Hi Bless, Those are great vintage magazines! I have been on a cleaning frenzy today. I vacuumed and dusted, now it's time to mop. This cottage is so easy to clean, because it's small.

    1. I'd offer to send them to you, Stephenie, but, I am not going to the post office these days to mail anything to anyone.

      Sounds like you're being very productive! I'm waiting until it is a little cooler to do any cleaning. :) Have a good rest of the day and stay safe and cool.

  11. I’m glad to hear your daughter is safe from the fires. Fires in some areas, hurricanes in others... and the pandemic! 2020 is a very strange year.

    I like the pretty pitcher like containers you have on the shelf. Are they brass? My grandma had similar ones made of brass. 😊

    Have a wonderful week, Bless.

    1. Thank you, Nil; you stay safe from those hurricanes!

      Yes, they are brass replicas of the traditional kendiya (water vessel). :)

      Thank you; hope you, too, have a good week, Nil. Stay safe!

  12. I didn't know you lived in Hong Kong for a while - and still have family there. You must have more then a passing interest in all that is going on there with the Chinese government.

    I'm glad your daughter continues to be safe but I'm sorry the air quality is so poor. I think you've mentioned she has asthma so I hope she gets the purifier.
    I hope her apt has air conditioning so she can keep the Windows closed and stay comfortable.

    1. Yes, I stayed in Hong Kong for about 6 months, but, my mother lived there for almost 3 years (she taught at a school there) and my stepfather had a sister and several nieces and nephews there. His sister left HK, but, this one niece is still there.

      My daughter's air purifier arrived today and she says she has already set it up. No air conditioning up there - no need for it; it was 57F this morning, she said, and the high is supposed to be 63F! She had the heater on in the night! :)


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