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Yellow Honeydew? |
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Mystery Melon |
I picked the second melon, today, as the vine was starting to die. It was about the size of a large mango. It was yellow, outside, and the inside was a very pale, creamy color. Maybe it is a yellow honeydew? It didn't have a lot of flavor. I gave gardener friend M a slice to taste and he didn't care for it, at all. I thought it just tasted like an unripe honeydew. It tasted a little better after I had kept it in the fridge to get cold, but, it wasn't sweet. I did save the seeds and I gave some to M, too. Maybe he'll have better luck than I!
Today, I cleaned the family room bookcase. I dusted everything and put everything back. I decided not to even attempt to declutter, today, but, that is still a possibility. I took the brass items I display on one of the shelves to clean them, but didn't do that, yet. "After" picture will be taken tomorrow, once the brass has been cleaned.
M brought me a replacement succulent for the one that disappeared from my front garden. He potted it up for me and I will keep it in the back yard. He also set the air conditioner up in my bedroom window. We had a hard time removing the new window screen (that was installed last November) and had to bend the frame a little in order to do so. But, I don't mind that too much. The upside is I now have the air conditioner in place to cool the room during the next heat wave. The downside is, although I wore my mask while M put in the A/C unit, he didn't wear a mask. I felt awkward to ask him to do so (I know he doesn't like to wear a mask) and, therefore, I didn't say anything. I sprayed the house with disinfectant, afterwards, but, my daughter is very upset about the lapse. Now, I wish I had asked him to wear a mask. I know he would have worn one if I had asked him to. I'm hoping that this one lapse won't undo five months of sheltering in place and being careful. Sigh.
In the evening, I practiced the piano, picked some oranges, vacuumed my bedroom, and changed my bed sheets. Friend R called and I chatted with her for a bit and, later, video chatted with my daughter.
Today, I am grateful for:
- The melon from the garden
- Oranges from the tree
- The replacement succulent
- M putting up the A/C unit for me
- The mail being delivered
Did you have a honeydew melon at some point to have seeds that could have sprouted outside? I never buy honeydew, so I would be able to eliminate that possibility from my guesses.
ReplyDeleteI think you will be just fine after your contact with M. While it would have been better if he had worn a mask, you exposure to him was brief. It usually takes a prolonged exposure to an infected person for the virus to be transmitted. And it's highly unlikely that he is infected to begin with. However, with all of that being said, I sure it is unnerving as you think about it.
I usually buy cantaloupes, but, I sometimes buy honeydews, especially when my daughter is home. Maybe I tossed some seeds from a honeydew and they grew! I know I tossed some papaya seeds in that one spot and none of them grew.
DeleteThank you, Live and Learn. I guess I let my guard down a bit, yesterday, and I shouldn't have. But, what is done is done and I can't undo it. I am just praying that it will all work out fine.
Your melon sure looks like a honeydew, I find even shop bought ones can sometimes be a bit tasteless.
ReplyDeleteYou are now all set up for the next heatwave, a pity M didnt wear a mask, I am sure you will be okay, but it is very worrying all the same. I would ask him to wear one next time.
I want to sort out my pantry today and if the weather holds up wash the throws in the lounge.
It does look like a honeydew, doesn't it?
DeleteYes, next time, I will be sure to ask anyone who comes into my house to wear a mask! I feel very stupid, right now.
Hope your day goes well, Sharon. I am off to do a load of laundry, myself. :)
I can understand why you would feel awkward asking M to wear a mask, but I'm sure your own precautions will keep you safe.
ReplyDeleteMy plans always include laundry :) X
Thank you, Jules; that is what I am hoping, too.
DeleteLaundry is never ending, is it?
It is a difficult situation, regarding masks. During our first lockdown, a friend who popped by for a quick chat was clearly upset that I didn't invite her in. I knew she was out and about when we were all asked not to be and I have a compromised immune system anyway.
ReplyDeleteYes, asking someone to wear a mask is a bit of a problem, here, where wearing a mask seems to have become a political statement rather than a public health issue. I, too, have a compromised immune system and have been very careful so far; I'm hoping that my one lapse, yesterday, won't lead to anything.
DeleteI understand your concern and your daughter's, when M didn't wear a mask, but I think the fact that you did at least have your mask will help. I find that we are often in an uncomfortable situation in this pandemic. People either forget or they are the ones who are not taking it too seriously and I know I would also have felt awkward about asking a trusted friend to put on a mask, and I would probably have reacted just as you did. I'm still hesitant to visit a friend who has had city people visiting her recently.
ReplyDeleteWell, it is mouse season again! They are looking for good places to spend the winter. We found one in a trap in the basement 2 days ago and this morning there was another in a trap. I was telling a neighbour and she jokingly offered me her cat! Having had a cat once that sat happily and just watched a mouse sitting on the fireplace bricks in our old house, I prefer to go with traps!
Thank you, Bushlady. That's just it - M is a good friend, almost like family and I know he didn't mean anything by not wearing a mask. He just forgot, but, I felt awkward to ask him to wear one. Plus, he was doing me a favor by setting up the A/C for me. I am just going to hope and pray that wearing my mask and spraying, afterwards, was sufficient.
DeleteOh, no, not mice! Well, at least you have the traps in place! Too funny about your cat just watching the mouse - I've a feeling that's what Dancer would do, too! LOL.
Hugs. I think that the fact you wore one will offer some protection. I'm sure everything will turn out alright. I'm glad you have some air in your room.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Sharon. I am hopeful that it will be fine.
DeleteThat's too bad that the melon didn't have much flavor. Fingers crossed for the next gardening season.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you are fine but I understand your nervousness with having M into your house unmasked. Did you have some distance between you?
That was Saturday, right? And today is Wednesday so 4 days have passed out of the generally assumed 14 days for developing symptoms.
I'm sure if M feels poorly, he will let you know.
Try not to worry.
Yes, I'm hopeful for next year's melon crop! I plan to start the seeds earlier and enrich the soil before I plant them, etc. I'll try to give the poor plants a chance to actually grow before it gets too hot.
DeleteThank you. Yes, I tried to keep some distance, but, there were times when he needed items handed to him. That was Friday, actually, so, 5 days. I am hoping that it will be OK; worrying won't help, will it?