I had a relaxed morning, today. I woke up once, at 8:00 a.m., but went back to sleep and slept for another couple of hours! Only woke up when my aunt called me! After that, I had a cup of tea and went on-line for a bit and did some knitting.
Daughter asked for rice and dhal (lentil) curry for lunch, so I cooked a pot of rice and a lentil curry. My big jar of lentils was empty and I had a moment of panic, but I had another bag of lentils in my cupboard. Lentils and rice are two things I don't want to run out of!
Later in the afternoon, I went grocery shopping. I needed milk (daughter had the last of the milk in her coffee, this morning), eggs (I have one egg left in the old carton), some vegetables, and some fruit. Oh, and cat food for the garden cats.
In addition to what I needed, I bought several other items, as well! On mostly splurges - croissants (daughter loves croissants and so do I), a container of a smoothie-type juice drink (for daughter), 4 boxes of cereal (to share with daughter - the store had a deal where if one bought 4 boxes of cereal for $2.50 each, one could get a free gallon of milk; since the gallon of milk cost $2.65, it was like getting 4 boxes of cereal for $7.35 or $1.83 each) and 2 packages of roast beef cold cuts, ice cream, and whipped topping!
Fresh Produce (Spot the Dancer) |
Lots of Granny Smith apples to make an apple pie with daughter (the ice cream is to have with the apple pie). Oranges for vitamin C to help fight her cold. A green (unripe) mango to make mango pickle (a favorite snack - the unripe mango is peeled, cut into small pieces, and marinated in a mixture of vinegar, chili powder, salt, and sugar).
The Rest of It! |
I spent $60.99 with the two bags of cat food! The groceries came to $40.30. Which is rather high, but, I am splurging with daughter being home! But I am well within budget, since I had $50.74 left in my November budget.
Nov. 18 Receipt |
November grocery budget: $75 + $5.66 (carried over from October) = $80.66
November grocery spending to date: $18.75 + $4.25 + $6.92 + $41.30 = $71.22
Amount left in the November grocery budget = $80.66 - $71.22 = $9.44
After I came home from grocery shopping, I watered the orange tree in the back garden. Even with the rain we had the other morning, the tree was showing some stress from lack of water - leaves all curled up and drooping, etc.
In the evening, I attended a memorial mass for my friend who passed away a year ago. Daughter stayed home because she didn't feel well enough to attend and didn't want to infect anyone else, especially my late friend's husband who has just come home after being hospitalized for several days. I called and offered my cousin a ride to the service, but she, too, was unable to attend. So, I went by myself.
Afterwards, there was a dinner at the family's home. I left shortly after the dinner, as it was held out of doors and I was feeling cold. It had been a nice, warm day (high of 77F), but the evenings get cold (and I wasn't the only one there who felt cold). Before I left, my friend's daughters insisted that I brought home a plate of food for my daughter. When I served what I considered to be sufficient for her, they insisted that I took more! Daughter ate some of it, but there's plenty more for at least another couple of meals!
Today, I am grateful for:
- A nice, warm day
- Grocery stores with an abundance of groceries
- Being able to attend my late friend's memorial mass
- Seeing family and friends at the reception, afterwards
- Being blessed with plates of food to bring home
Tomorrow, I will be attending a funeral. My cousin will give me a ride there and back. Daughter will not be coming with us as she had already made some other plans with her friend who is celebrating her birthday. Depending on what time I get back from the funeral and how tired or not I feel, I might do that load of laundry I didn't do today.
How was your Saturday? Did you have a good start to your weekend? Do you, too, sometimes splurge when you go grocery shopping, especially when your child/children come home for the holidays and you want to indulge them a little?