Monday, October 21, 2024

Sunny Sunday


Smoke from a Fire in the Distance

Sunday was sunny and warm, with an afternoon high of 82F.  I went outside for a short walk (still walking up and down my driveway and in front of the house, as I feel I can do that without a mask; I'd need to wear a mask if I walked around the block). 

That's when I noticed the grey smoke from a fire in the distance.  I couldn't see quite where it was coming from, but, the smoke was obvious.  Later in the evening, when I watched the local news, they mentioned a fire in the neighborhood which involved hazardous materials.  They were telling people to stay inside if they could smell the smoke.  Well, the fire had been put out by then and although I had been outside, walking, while it was still burning, fortunately, I couldn't smell the smoke!

I had a fairly productive day on Sunday.  I tidied the kitchen counters, ran the dishwasher, scrubbed the kitchen sink, and did a load of laundry.  I also took the bags of recently decluttered items out to the garage, where I am keeping them until I schedule a pick up.  Then, I checked on the garden and picked the last ripe persimmon and a couple of lemons.

On Sunday, I was grateful for:

- The sunny and warm day
- Working appliances
- Not being able to smell the smoke from the fire
- Phone calls and emails from family and friends
- The garden is showing signs of recovering from the summer scorching

Sunday's joyful activity was being in the garden.

The Lantana Bushes are Flowering Again

Plans for Monday include doing the vacuuming I didn't do on Sunday, a bit of general pick up and tidying, cleaning out the fridge, watering the garden, and taking the trash cans to the curb.

How was your Sunday?  What are your plans for Monday?

Sunday, October 20, 2024



Living Room Bookcase

This is the "before" picture of the bookcase in the living room.  It and the one in the family room are a pair, bought at the same time. in 1982.  I worked for an office space design company and employees could buy furniture through them for cost plus 10% and pay in installments deducted from the paycheck.  I have plans to declutter the books in this bookcase, too, over the next couple of weeks.

But, not on Saturday.  On Saturday, I took a package to my friend R and we had a brief curbside visit.  When I got back home, two big bags of cat food had been delivered and I managed to get them inside the house.  I also wrestled the two 30 lb. boxes of kitty litter that had been delivered earlier, which the very obliging delivery driver had left just inside the front door for me, from the living room to the bathroom.  

Then, I dusted and vacuumed the living room and dining area, vacuumed my bedroom and daughter's bedroom, and the hallway.  I had meant to do some kitchen cleaning, too, but, I ran out of energy.  I cleaned Dancer's litter box, but, the rest of the evening, I relaxed and watched some programs on TV.  Later, I video chatted with my daughter.

On Saturday, I was grateful for:

- Being able to help friend R by taking her packages to her
- A safe drive there and back
- Being able to order things online and have them delivered
- Working appliances
- What I was able to accomplish during my "productive" period

Saturday's joyful activity was the curbside visit with friend R.

Plans for Sunday include cleaning the kitchen a bit more, vacuuming the family room, and decluttering, of course.

How was your Saturday?  What are your plans for Sunday?

Saturday, October 19, 2024


A Most Superlative Book?

I'll be the first to admit that, although I consider myself to be quite fluent in English, it was not my first language.  I grew up with Sinhala (or Sinhalese) as my first language and learned English as a second language.  As a result, I am very hesitant to correct other people's English.

However, I was taught certain rules about comparative and superlative words, including the rule that the superlative form of a word showed the ultimate level or degree.  So, when I saw the title of this book, on sale at the drug store, I just had to take a picture of it to share!  I was taught that it should be "funny, funnier, and funniest".  Does "most funniest" indicate that the jokes are funnier than the funniest?

My mother taught English among other subjects, including an English as a Second Language course at a university.  I wonder what she would have thought about this book title?  Friday, October 18, was the anniversary of her birthday.  I remembered how happy she was when my daughter and I surprised her with a birthday cake and pizza (she loved pizza) on her 85th birthday.  We didn't realize that it would be the last birthday she'd celebrate.

I took it easy, today, and got my Covid vaccination.  It was while I was waiting to be vaccinated that I saw the book that is pictured above. I didn't want to take the flu vaccine at the same time, so, made an appointment for that for next week.  This time around, I didn't get the urge to shop side effect!  LOL.  I did receive a free bag of blue corn tortilla chips for getting vaccinated and a coupon for $5 off $20 purchase at the store.  

Later, M tended to the garden and he brought me two cuttings of a variegated jade plant and a "blue" jade plant.  

I spoke with Aunt C and texted with cousin N.  Later, I called former neighbor T's daughter K and got an update on T.  

On Friday, I was grateful for:

- Memories of my mother and being able to think of her and remember the good times without crying
- Being able to get my Covid vaccine and schedule the flu vaccine
- A free bag of tortilla chips
- M's help with the garden and gifts of plant cuttings
- Phone calls with family and friends

Friday's joyful activity was video chatting with my daughter.

Plans for Saturday include friend R coming over to collect her packages; I offered to bring them to her, but, she insisted that she wanted to visit me.  

What are your plans for the weekend?

Friday, October 18, 2024


Summer Bouquet (June 2024)

The only picture I took today was of an empty shelf in the bookcase, which didn't look as pretty as this bouquet of garden flowers!  So, I decided to go with the flowers!

But, just for the record, the bottom shelf of the family room bookcase is now empty:

Empty Shelf

I don't think it will remain empty for long.  I am thinking of storing my canning jars there, in a couple of fabric covered boxes.  Or, maybe the board games which are currently being stored on a shelf in the entertainment center.  Nature abhors a vacuum, they say; apparently, as much as I say I like empty spaces, I am not happy with vacuums, either!  LOL.  But, for now, the bottom shelf is empty.

It was another overcast day, here, and temperatures on the cooler side.  I went to the pharmacy to pick up my asthma inhaler refill and went to the dollar store afterwards.  I was looking for a box of disposable gloves (needed for when I apply Dancer's thyroid medications; I am down to the last two gloves I had bought from the old dollar store) and a butter dish (my old butter dish broke), but they didn't have any disposable gloves (I asked one of the store assistants) and they didn't have any butter dishes, either.  I bought a packet of rice to make myself a new rice-filled heat pack and I bought a four-pack of lemon-lime soda cans.  The store was not crowded and I felt comfortable walking around (I had my mask on).

In the evening, I called former neighbor T to check on her and left a message, chatted with friend R who is having another package delivered to my house, and had a long conversation with my daughter.

On Thursday, I was grateful for:

- My medication refills being available
- A safe drive to the pharmacy and back
- Leftovers for meals
- My portable electric space heater (yes, I put it on in the evening as I felt cold!)
- Exchanging emails with friends

Thursday's joyful activity was having a long conversation with my daughter.

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday?


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

October Decluttering Part 2

My decluttering goal for October is 10 items a day for a total of 310 items.  Unfortunately, I am behind with my decluttering, but, I hope to get caught up and I'm telling myself that some progress is better than none!

Here's the link to October Decluttering Part 1 which covers Days 1-5.

Here's what I've decluttered more recently:

Day 6:  9 books, mostly gardening books.  They have lovely photos of lush, flower filled gardens, and lots of good ideas, but, the majority of them have, at most, just one or two examples of drought tolerant gardens.  Looking at the lush gardens only makes me feel envious.  Time to let them go!  The garden secateurs broke and came apart in my hand when I was trying to cut some flowers.  I put the two halves together to take the picture; they have been tossed.  The books will be donated (I offered them to M, but, he said no thank you).

Day 6: Books and Garden Secateurs

Day 7:  6 more books, 2 items of clothing (blouses), old garage door opener remote control, 1 mop (not pictured).  I have now decluttered all my gardening books.  I am not quite sure how I feel about that!  

Day 7: Books, Clothing, Old Remote Control
(+1 mop not pictured)

Day 8: 6 books about decorating (the book on the top of the stack dates back to 1970s), 4 decorative kitchen wall hooks (a gift from my sister, many years ago; I used to hang the pot holders from them)

Day 8: 6 Books, 4 Decorative kitchen wall hooks

Day 9:  9 books from the shelves and one toy catalog that came in the mail.  I kept four books on decorating and two books on scrapbooking.

Day 9: Books and a Catalog

Days 10 & 11:  20 Holiday Cookie cutters - for St. Valentine's Day (a cupid), for Easter (lilac colored - bunnies, a chick, and a duckling), for Halloween, and for Christmas, including five Disney-themed ones.  After going through all the books and making difficult decisions whether to keep or donate, I needed to sort through something that was easy to declutter and the cookie cutters were it!  I still have half a container filled with more cookie cutters and tartlet shells.  

Days 10 & 11: 20 Cookie Cutters

I am making progress!  If you are decluttering this month, how are you doing?

Mid October

Dinner and More, Compliments of Neighbor S

Here we are, midway through October!  Already!

I'm happy to say that I've had two fairly productive days, so far, this week.  

On Monday, I called the pharmacy to request a refill, did a load of laundry, watered the garden both front and back, took the trash cans to the curb for pick up, and did a bit of decluttering.  I need to post an update on that.  I had a cold cuts sandwich for brunch and for dinner, I had chicken noodle soup and another sandwich. 

On Tuesday, I put away the laundry from Monday and did another load.  Then, I ran a cleaning cycle on the washing machine as the light came on to let me know that it needed to be cleaned.  Afterwards, I rewashed the kitchen wall.  I found that, if I stood on tip toes on the top step of my two-steps step stool, I could manage to reach almost up to the ceiling.  I used a microfiber cloth and undiluted Pine-sol and managed to get the wall mostly clean, but, I can still see the outlines of where the copper pans used to hang.  I might have to wash the walls another time or get a magic eraser or something.

I was resting after I washed the wall when neighbor S called to ask if I'd like to have some rice and kebabs, lahmajoon (a thin flat bread spread with a ground meat mixture), and burek (bread filled with a cheese mixture).  I said I'd love to have some and offered to come over to collect it, rather than have her bring it to me.  So, I was able to sit and visit with her for a few minutes, as well, and chat with her older daughter, too.  In addition to the food she had mentioned, S gave me a red velvet cupcake for dessert and another carton of coconut water!  Although it was about 5:30 p.m., I had not had eaten anything, yet, so I had lahmajoon and some of the rice and kebabs for brunch and had a small piece of the burek for a snack dinner.  I have a choice of leftovers for Wednesday's meals.  

In mid-October, I am grateful for:

- Neighbor S sharing more delicious food with me
- Working appliances and the electricity to run them
- Water for the garden
- Sunny days (in the 70s, but the nights are getting a bit chilly)
- The electric neck massager that was a gift from my daughter one year

Joyful activities the past couple of days have included reading, visiting neighbor S, and spending time in the garden.

Plans for Wednesday include tending to the garden with M and washing another kitchen wall.

How is your week coming along?

Monday, October 14, 2024

Kitchen Cleaning on Sunday

Strawberry Salad

This salad was part of my dinner on Saturday.  I had half a cold cuts sandwich with it.

Last week's cleaning area was the bathroom.  This week's cleaning area is the kitchen and I got a head start on it on Sunday.  I emptied the dishwasher and dish drainer, refilled the dishwasher with the dishes that were waiting in the sink and ran it.  Then, I washed all of Dancer's food bowls by hand and kept them to dry on a fresh dish towel.  I wiped down the counters and stove top, swept the floor, and mopped it.  I started to wash one of the kitchen walls, but, I think I need to bring in the step ladder for that; the step stool wasn't tall enough for me.

Brunch had been half a cold cuts sandwich and dinner was rice, mackerel curry, dhal, and tomato chutney.  I ate some strawberries for dessert.

On Sunday, I was grateful for:

- Working appliances
- What I was able to accomplish
- Pleasant weather (in the 70s)
- Interesting videos and TV programs to watch
- My hands didn't cramp when I was cleaning

Sunday's joyful activities included video chatting with my daughter.

Plans for Monday include more kitchen cleaning (the fridge needs to be cleaned out), watering the garden, taking the trash cans to the curb, and making an appointment for my Covid booster.

How was your Sunday?  What are your plans for Monday?

Saturday, October 12, 2024

October Grocery Shopping Part 1

October Groceries (10/12/24)

I put in an order for groceries this morning and picked up the items in the afternoon.  I am going to consider this as my first grocery shopping order for October although I bought two frozen food items and some candy when I shopped at the dollar store on Monday.  I spent $3.75 on that shopping trip and that will be added to the spending total for this month, but, today's shopping is the first 'proper' grocery shopping trip. 

The store sent me a text when the order was completed, saying that there were no substitutions or out of stock items.  However, when I went to pick up the order, the person who brought the items to the car said he substituted the bread and the pancake syrup.  I said that was fine (I usually order the lower priced store brand items and if they substitute an item, they usually charge the lower price for whatever item they substitute).  When I came home, I noticed that they had substituted the bread and syrup with higher priced items and charged me the lower store brand price. 

However, they had charged me a higher price than the advertised price for grapes and this was the second time that has happened!  The advertised price was $1.99/lb. and they charged me $3.36/lb.  I am not going to complain, since they have given me extra items such as the two additional boxes of croissants with my previous order, at no charge.  But, I might think twice about ordering grapes from them in the future!  

Once again, I will copy and post the receipt, without all the item codes, etc.

Order Summary

Original Item Total$66.46
Item Coupons/Sales-$26.72
Fulfillment Fee+$0.00
Sales Tax$0.00
Order Total$39.74

Item Details

24 Items

CA Redem Val (deposit on the bottle of juice)$0.10
1 x $0.10 each
Cucumber, 1 ct$0.39
1 x $0.39 $0.89 each
Item Coupon/Sale: -$0.10
Item Coupon/Sale: -$0.40
Fresh Banana - Each, 1 ct$0.48
0.7 lbs x $0.68 each (approx.)
Fresh Strawberries, 1 lb$2.49
1 x $2.49 $3.99 each
Item Coupon/Sale: -$1.50
Kroger® Complete Buttermilk Pancake & Waffle Mix, 32 oz$1.99
1 x $1.99 $3.49 each
Item Coupon/Sale: -$1.50
Kroger® Garbanzo Beans Chickpeas, 15.5 oz$3.96
4 x $0.99 each (cheaper than at the dollar store)
Kroger® Grade AA Large Cage Free White Eggs, 12 ct$3.99
1 x $3.99 each
Kroger® Hardwood Smoked Bacon, 16 oz$0.00
1 x $0.00 $6.99 each
Item Coupon/Sale: -$1.50
Item Coupon/Sale: -$5.49
Kroger® Original Pancake Syrup, 24 fl oz$2.79
1 x $2.79 $3.29 each (the item they substituted with is priced $5.99)
Item Coupon/Sale: -$0.50 
Kroger® White Sandwich Bread, 20 oz$1.79
1 x $1.79 $2.49 each (the item they substituted with is priced $2.99)
Item Coupon/Sale: -$0.70
Lay's® Classic Potato Chips, 8 oz$1.99
1 x $1.99 $4.99 each
Item Coupon/Sale: -$1.50
Item Coupon/Sale: -$1.50
Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Slow Roasted Roast Beef Sliced Deli Meat, 7 oz$4.99
1 x $4.99 $6.49 each
Item Coupon/Sale: -$1.50
Ralphs® Vitamin D Whole Milk Half Gallon, 1/2 gal$2.79
1 x $2.79 each
Red Seedless Grapes, 1 lb$5.99
1.78 lbs x $3.36 $4.49 each (approx.)
Item Coupon/Sale: -$0.50
Item Coupon/Sale: -$1.50
Simply Cranberry Cocktail Fruit All Natural Juice, 52 fl oz$0.00
1 x $0.00 $4.99 each
Item Coupon/Sale: -$4.99
StarKist Chunk Light Tuna in Water Can, 5 oz (to be shared with Dancer!)$6.00
6 x $1.00 $1.59 each (it was cheaper than the store brand, this time!)

My total came to $39.74.  

My October grocery budget = $100

I do have $71.84 carried over from September, but, I am going to set that aside for when I go to the Sri Lankan store to stock up on tea, curry powder, treats, etc., or for extra groceries when my daughter comes home for a visit in November.

So, October's grocery budget is $100.

Spent to date: $3.75 (at the dollar store) + $39.74 = $43.49

Balance remaining = $100 - $43.49 = $56,51

As always, I am grateful for:

- Being able to buy groceries and the availability of items
- The store's substitution policy
- Friendly staff
- A safe drive to and from the store
- A well stocked pantry

Today's joyful activity was getting free splurge items (the bacon and the juice).

If anyone is wondering where are the vegetables...apart from the cucumber, I didn't need any fresh vegetables.  I have moringa and a handful of green beans I picked from the garden, most of a lettuce, some beets, and some carrots, in the fridge, frozen corn, broccoli, snow peas, okra, etc., in the freezer, plus some canned vegetables (which must be used up, soon).

Have you grocery shopped in October, yet?  Do you have a grocery budget?  Are you able to stay within your budget?  

On Friday


Unhappy Kitty

Friday was another sunny, warm day, with a daytime high of 93F (33.8C).

Dancer's appointment to get his injection was at 1:00 p.m., but, he received his sedative at 11:45 a.m. The ride to the clinic was fine although he protested a little bit.  Then, as I turned into the parking lot, he started to heave and threw up.  Fortunately, I had put a towel under him so he didn't make too much of a mess.  When I went inside and told them what happened, we were shown to an empty examination room where I could clean him up a bit before he was taken to the back for his injection.  He was not a happy kitty.  

The journey home was much better, although once home, he made a beeline to the litter box!  Thank you for waiting until we got home, Dancer!

He spent most of the rest of the afternoon sleeping off the effects of the sedative.

Dancer Sleeps It Off

But, he's fine, now, and enjoyed his treat of canned tuna.

Later in the afternoon, I took friend R's packages to her, along with a bunch of curry leaves and a package of frozen grated coconut, as she had been telling me that she has been unable to find frozen grated coconut in any of the local stores.  I buy mine from the Sri Lankan store and I had stocked up on my last visit, so I was able to give her a package from my stock.  

After I came home, I moved my bed and unplugged the window air conditioner so that M could take it down for me, which he did.  He asked me how often I used it during this summer and I said maybe 3 times during the heatwave.  I might not have used it often, but, it was good to know that the air conditioner was available if I wanted to use it.

I cooked rice, mackerel curry, and dhal for dinner.  Later, neighbor S called and brought me some treats:

Treats from Neighbor S

A piece of coffee cake, some cookies, a carton of coconut water, and some chocolates.  I think the cake and cookies were from her younger daughter's birthday, midweek.  I ate some of the coffee cake for dessert and it was very good.

Later in the evening, I video chatted with my daughter.  She is still unable to walk even with the walking boot, but, she thinks her ankle is getting better.

On Friday, I was grateful for:

- Dancer's vet visit went fairly well
- I had a safe drive there and back
- I was able to drop off friend R's packages and take her some frozen grated coconut
- M's help with the garden and some household jobs
- Treats from neighbor S

Friday's joyful activities included chatting with M and visiting briefly with friend R and neighbor S.

Plans for Saturday include some housework, maybe a load of laundry, some decluttering, and maybe some crocheting.

How was your Friday?  What are your plans for Saturday?

Friday, October 11, 2024

This Week


Brunch Salad 

Since I didn't make a meal plan, this week, I haven't been keeping track of what I've been eating, but, I have been trying to eat a few salads along with spaghetti with meat balls and sauce, the frozen burrito and Hot Pocket I bought from the dollar store, pancakes with seeni sambol (spicy onion relish) and half of an apple fritter (keeping the other half for tomorrow!)

I have been spending quite a bit of time, this week, decluttering.  I am afraid that it has been a bit of a process for me.  Decluttering does not come easily to me.

However, in between bouts of decluttering, I've been doing a few other things, too.  I've already written about Monday when I went to the dollar store and my neighbor fixed my garage door.  Later, I took the trash cans to the curb.

On Tuesday, I continued to clear up the spare bedroom, which had become a bit of a dump as I store various things in there, from extra pantry items to crafts supplies and other items.  I was able to clear the items I had placed on top of the bed - rolls of quilt batting, and a couple of extra quilts.  I still have a quilt in progress folded and stored at the end of the bed, but, the top of the bed is clear!  I also sorted out the closet in that room, where I keep my crafts supplies (the bin with all the yarn, for example) and part of the fabric stash, as well as the air purifier filters and part of the fabric stash.  I haven't finished decluttering it, but, I've made a start. 

M was here on Wednesday and we tended to the garden.  He brought another iris plant and we planted a cabbage stem that I had rooted in water (not sure if it will grow or not, but, we shall see).  I picked more moringa and six green beans from the one green bean plant that survived the heatwave!  

On Thursday, I called the vet's clinic to confirm Dancer's appointment that is scheduled for Friday.  I also inquired about the status of his medication refill, which I had called in to the pharmacy on Monday.  The pharmacy was going to call the vet's clinic to request a new refill and they were going to call me when the refill was ready.  That pharmacy is usually very prompt with filling requests, and I hadn't heard anything from them.  The staff member I spoke with checked the records and said, "Yes, the pharmacy sent us a fax".  But, apparently, the fax just sat there!  He said he will call it in and I thanked him.  The pharmacy called me, later in the afternoon, to let me know that the medication was ready for pick up!  So, in the afternoon, I went to the pharmacy and picked up the medication (for Dancer's thyroid issues).  While there, I went to the doughnut shop (next door to the pharmacy) and treated myself to an apple fritter.  

I also dusted the living room and dining area and cleaned the bathroom, on Thursday, and did a load of laundry.  I was going to vacuum the living room, but, Dancer was sleeping there and I didn't want to disturb him!  He'll have a difficult day on Friday with his visit to the vet's clinic, so, he was entitled to enjoy his naps without being bothered by a vacuum cleaner, on Thursday!  LOL.  

Later in the evening, I watched the news, checked on my cousin's daughter who is in Florida (she came through the hurricane safely), called former neighbor T, and chatted with friend R (I accepted more packages for her, this week, which I will take to her on Friday).  

This week, I am grateful for:

- Sunny, warm days
- Neighbor E's help with the automatic garage door opener
- M's help with the garden
- Dancer's medication refills
- What I've been able to accomplish this week

Joyful activities have included watching videos, listening to music, tending to the garden, and being able to open and close the garage door at the touch of a button!  

Friday plans include:

- Taking Dancer to the vet's clinic for his injection
- Taking the packages to friend R
- Tending to the garden with M and having him take down the room a/c unit
- Vacuuming

How was your week?  What are your plans for Friday and the weekend?

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Making Progress


This was the second shelf of the family room bookcase.  This shelf held books about quilting/patchwork, knitting, sewing, crocheting, and "one stroke" painting.  These were the books that had been left after previous decluttering sessions.   I enjoyed looking through them even though I didn't look through them all that often.  But, I am on a mission to reduce the amount of items I possess.  So, I've been trying to declutter my books, going through each book and asking myself if I really needed to keep it.  Was I really going to make any more of those projects?  Would I be able to find ideas for similar projects online?    

Here is how the shelf looks now:


I might switch things around once I've finished decluttering this bookcase.  But, for now, I am happy with how this shelf looks.  

If you are decluttering, too, are you starting to see signs of progress?

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

October Decluttering: Part 1

My decluttering goal in October is to declutter 10 items a day for a total of 310 items.  So, how is it going?  I'm a little behind, but, here's an update for the first five days.

Day 1: 10 books.

Day 1: 10 Books

Day 2:  1 catalog of quilt patterns, a miscellaneous collection of craft supplies (ribbons, feathers, lace, Easter eggs, artificial flowers, small pom poms, a crayon, and the zippered bag in which they had been stored. The majority of the items were tossed.

Day 2: One Catalog and Miscellaneous Craft Supplies

Day 3: 8 books, 1 skirt, 1 blouse.  I have now gone through all my patchwork/quilting books and decluttered all but three, which I am keeping for now.

The skirt (floral, long, lined, with tiered chiffon flounces) was something my cousins gave me when they were decluttering their mother's closet a few years ago.  I loved it, but, it was too snug and I didn't want to undo the fitted waist and zipper to alter it.  But, I kept it, hoping that one day, I'd lose some weight and it would fit.  Well, I lost a bit of weight, and, I was able to fit into the skirt last winter.  But, by this summer, I had lost a little more weight and now, the skirt is a bit loose!  The waist slips down a bit, the long skirt gets too long, and I run the risk of tripping on it!  I don't want to cut and shorten the skirt, so, I'm donating it.

Day 3: 8 Books, 1 Skirt, 1 Blouse

Day 4:  Kitchen Items - 1 copper sauté pan, 2 copper saucepans and lids, 1 metal trivet, 6 spoons/utensils.

The trivet is something I purchased for $0.25 from a thrift store when I was a student in Wisconsin because I loved that saying ("The hurrier I go the behinder I get").  But, it is time to pass it along.

The copper cookware was something I collected in the 1980s.  I never used them for cooking, just for displaying.  I still have the colander, kettle, and the big pan.  I use the kettle to hold some of my cooking utensils, the colander to hold fruit, and plan to use the big pan as a planter.

The cooking utensils were given by neighbor S, when she was sorting through her kitchen.  I accepted them thinking I will use them, but, haven't used these items and it's time to let them go.

Day 4: Kitchen Items

Day 5:  3 Books, 3 VHS tapes, 4 pairs of glass bangles from Sri Lanka.  The bangles are the last of the 10 or 12 pairs that I bought on my first trip back to Sri Lanka in 1979.  The majority of them broke over the years.  The red pair still fits, but the others are too small to fit over my hands, now.  

Day 5: Books, VHS Tapes, and Bangles

I am making progress and I am starting to see it.  It is a bit slow going and I find myself needing to take some breaks as I ask myself questions like, "Am I really going to re-read it?  Am I really going to make those projects?  Can I find directions for similar projects online?"  etc.  For the most part, I am still focusing on reducing the visual clutter, but, I look through drawers and cabinets, too, especially when I'm looking to make up the numbers!  

If you are decluttering this month, how are you doing?

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Shopping on Monday

Dollar Store Haul

On Monday, I went back to the pharmacy to pick up another medication that was ready for pick up and this time, I decided that I will look around the newly opened dollar store which replaced the old dollar store that went out of business.  I saw that they had frozen foods  (I bought a hot pocket and a big burrito for $1.25 each),  candy and other snacks (I bought a package of one of my favorite candies), canned and other shelf stable foods (didn't buy any), lots of kitchen ware and baking supplies (I bought a set of paper muffin/cupcake liners) and, in their crafts supplies aisle, yarn!

100% acrylic, no-brand name yarn, in 50 gram balls for $1.25 each.  Which is approximately what I would pay for an equal amount (by weight) of store brand yarn at the big crafts supplies store and a little less than an equal amount of name brand yarn.   At first, I passed the yarn section without buying anything, but, then, I went back and bought 15 balls of yarn!  Three each of grey, blue, and white, and six of purple "eggplant"!  I had been telling my daughter, just the other day, that I wanted to get more yarn for another blanket.  Besides, I wanted to support this dollar store, after the other one went out of business.

My bill came to $25.65 with tax.

After I came home, I had half of the burrito for a very late lunch (I had the other half for dinner).

When I got home, my new neighbor E (who bought neighbor T's house) came over.  About a couple of weeks ago, I had asked him if he could fix or replace my automatic garage door opener, which had been broken for years (it was last repaired in November 2019, then broke shortly after that and I've been opening and closing it manually since then).  I told him I could buy a new unit if he could install it for me.  He told me he could try to get a replacement part (he does construction work).  Well, today, he told me that one of the guys he works with will bring the part over and they can install it, later in the evening.  Around 6:00 p.m., he and two other guys showed up with a replacement unit!  They took down my old unit, installed the replacement unit, and adjusted the mechanism that moved the door up and down to their satisfaction.  It took them over one hour but the door works beautifully, now!  At the end of it, E handed me the new remote and had me open and close the door.  I asked him how much I owed him for parts and labor and he brushed it aside and said, 'Nothing"!  I was overwhelmed!  That was a lot of work for nothing!  I thanked him and his assistants and, of course, I will take over a thank you gift, later in the week.  But, that was such a blessing!  One more item crossed off my mile-long to do list!  

I have many more repairs to be done around the house.  I will ask E to give me an estimate to do those, though, and insist on paying him!  

I watered the back yard while they were fixing the garage door.  

Today, I am grateful for:

- My medication was available at the pharmacy
- A safe drive to the pharmacy and stores and back
- Neighbor E was able to replace my garage door opener
- He very generously didn't charge me for the work!
- A working garage door

Today's joyful activity was shopping!  LOL.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sunny Days


Enjoying the Sunshine

The sunny and warm weather continues with the daytime highs being about 94F/34C.  Dancer still likes to lie on his quilt and enjoy the sun rays.  

My daughter had a virtual consultation with her doctor about her ankle on Thursday and the doctor wanted her to come in to have her ankle x-rayed and be fitted with a boot on Friday.  The x-rays showed that there were no fractures; thank goodness for that!  It's just a very bad sprain.  Even with the boot, my daughter is unable to put any weight on her foot.  The doctor told her that it might take a few weeks, but, if she is still unable to walk in four weeks, to make another appointment to consult with her.

My daughter's former supervisor K, who has since become a good friend, drove her to the clinic, stayed with  her until she was seen, and brought her home, again.  And on her way out, K took my daughter's household trash to the big trash container in the basement of the apartment building for her.  I am so grateful that my daughter has such a kind and helpful friend up there.

On Friday, I went to the pharmacy to pick up a medication refill that was ready.  I saw that they have opened a Dollar Tree where the former dollar store was (the one that went out of business).  I didn't go in to check it out because I really don't need anything, but, I just might go by one day, next week (and probably find things I didn't know I needed until I saw them!) LOL
M was here on Friday and he tended to the garden, watering and weeding, etc.  We discussed the cold weather vegetables I want to plant this year - carrots, beets, and maybe some chard.  I might plant some lettuce, too.  We will probably wait until late October or even, early November to plant them.

Also on Friday, neighbor S's family blessed me with most of a bag of frozen meatballs and a box of cereal bars with a strawberry fruit filling.  S's daughter called to ask if I'd like to have the meatballs as her father had bought them and they had some, but, didn't want the rest!  I was happy to have them and the box of cereal bars, as well.  I took some of the meatballs and made spaghetti with meatballs for dinner on Friday and had leftovers for Saturday night's dinner, as well.   The rest of the bag is in the freezer.  I plan to make some meatball curry, later.  

Saturday was a relaxed day.  I did a load of laundry, took some of the decluttered items to the recycling bin, watched some videos, and walked for a bit once it had cooled down.

I am grateful for:
- Daughter was able to consult with her doctor and have her ankle attended to
- It was not a fracture; just a bad sprain
- Her former supervisor was there to help her
- M's help with the garden
- Gifts of food from neighbor S's family

My joyful activities included tending to the garden, planning the cool weather crops, and watching videos.

Plans for Sunday include some kitchen cleaning and decluttering.

How is your weekend coming along?  What are your plans for Sunday?

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Balanced Life Monthly Goals - September Review and October Goals

October has already started, so it's high time to review my monthly goals for September and post my goals for October.

Health, Self-Care & Well Being (6.75)(6.75):  The goal is good health.

September Health Goals Review:
My September health goals included taking my prescribed medications, more regular exercise, and a better diet; there was, in addition, a bone density scan.    To that end, 
- I have been taking my medications and the supplements my doctor recommended that I take.
- I have been walking more or less regularly (but, not as often or for as long as I should). 
- I have been trying to improve my diet by keeping track of the variety of plant based foods I eat and servings of fruits and vegetables per day (although I sort of stopped doing that towards the end of the month). 
- I had my bone density scan; the results would have been sent to my doctor and I will find out when I see her next.
- I have maintained the weight loss of 5 lbs. I accomplished in July, although there have been some weekly fluctuations of a couple of pounds gained or lost!  

I'm keeping my satisfaction rating the same because I feel that I didn't do enough to raise it.  

October Health Goals: continue to work on the above goals.  More specifically,
- consistently walk for 20 minutes daily
- increase the daily servings of vegetables to 3 and maintain that consistently
- decrease the consumption of added sugar
- reduce my weight by an additional 5 lbs. by the end of the month 
- Do another blood test at the end of the month

Apart from all that, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and I am a survivor of 9 years as I had my lumpectomy on October 2, 2015.  Such a blessing!

Time Management (8.25)(8.00): The goal is to spend my time in a mindful manner.
Spend time purposefully, mindfully
- Procrastinate less

September Goals Review:
I had a hard time with my procrastination tendencies, in September! My favorite excuse to put off doing things was that it was too hot!  Too hot to walk, too hot to do housework, too hot to cook, "too hot to trot"!  LOL.  However, the important things, such as medical appointments and bill paying, were still accomplished in a timely manner.  Even so, I made a small reduction in the satisfaction level because I did procrastinate.

October Time Management Goals: To continue to spend my time in a mindful manner and to procrastinate less.  

House (8.75)(8.75):  The goal is a home that is pleasant, comfortable, and welcoming.

September House Goals Review:
My biggest accomplishment in this area was the amount of decluttering I did!  I have posted regular weekly decluttering posts, so I am not going to  write much more about it.  However, I have made a dent in The Dump, which is what I've been calling the spare bedroom! 

I have been cleaning in a minimal fashion, dusting and wiping things down as I decluttered; it really has been too hot to do any real deep cleaning!  That's my excuse and I am sticking to it!  LOL.  However, I was able to get a couple areas set up the way I wanted, including this corner in the hallway where I used to keep the home telephone and answering machine:

The Old Telephone Table

I'm keeping the same rating, despite the amount of decluttering I did.  Partly because quite a bit of the decluttered items had been stored in drawers and cabinets, in closed storage.  Only the books and VHS tapes had been stored on shelves and visible.  There is still quite a bit of what I consider as visual clutter.  

October House Goals: Continue to keep a pleasant, well maintained house, keep the horizontal surfaces cleared, and continue to declutter.  I've a goal of decluttering 10 items a day for a total of 310 items for the month.

Spiritual (10)(10):   The goal is to live a spiritually meaningful life.

September Spiritual Goals Review:
I continued doing the things I consider as important to live a spiritually meaningful life with daily prayers, meditation, being kind and helpful to others, and cultivating gratitude.  I'm keeping the same rating.    

October Spiritual Goals: Continue to pray daily, meditate, cultivate gratitude, etc.

Daughter (10)(10) The goal is to continue to have a close relationship with her.
September Goals Review:  
My goal was to continue to maintain a close relationship with my daughter and I did that. There is no change in the satisfaction rating.   

October Goals: Continue to have a close relationship with my daughter.

Leisure/Crafts/Hobbies (10)(10):  The goal is to relax doing something I enjoy doing for the pleasure of it.

September Goals Review:
My September goals included engaging in more fun, relaxing activities including crocheting, reading and gardening and I did all of those.  Once again, I read the maximum number of e-books I was allowed to borrow from the online library, gardened, listened to music, watched videos, and crocheted.   I am keeping the rating the same.   

October Goals include more of the same. 

Garden (10)(10):  The goal is a garden that is productive, yet drought tolerant.

September Goals Review:
My September garden goals were to continue to nurture the fruit trees and vegetable plants and to maintain the garden.  The September heatwave we had was brutal, but, with M's help, I've been able to keep the garden productive.  I am keeping the rating the same.

October Garden Goals:  Continue to nurture the fruit trees (give them their last application of fertilizer, prune as needed), continue to clean up and maintain the garden.  Start thinking about planting cool weather plants.  

Family/Friends/Community (10)(10):  The goal is to have a close connection with family and friends and be involved with my community.
- Regular phone calls and emails, etc., to keep in touch with family and friends
- The occasional in person visits as and when I feel comfortable with doing so
- Participate in the blogging community and the online organizing community

September Goals Review:
In September, I kept in touch with family and friends through phone calls, texts, and emails.  There weren't many in person visits, but, I did have a curbside visit with friend R when I dropped off some packages.  I participated in the blogging community, as well, and interacted with neighbor S and her daughters.  I am keeping the rating at 10.

October Goals will continue to be the same as above.  

Finances (10.0)(10.0):  The goal is financial security.
- Continue budgeting and spending mindfully, with purpose

September Goals Review:
My September goal was to continue to budget and spend mindfully, with purpose, and I believe that I have met my goals.

October Financial Goals: Continue to budget and spend mindfully, with purpose.

September was another good month.  Only one area (Time Management) had the satisfaction rating lowered by a little bit.  The other areas remained the same, although there's room for improvement, especially in the Health area. I hope that October will to be another good month.

How was your September?  Did you feel that there was balance in the different areas of your life?