Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Starting December

Pichu Holding Wreath Ornament

My daughter has made a list of craft activities to do in December; she has written them in strips of paper which she folded and put inside a box.  Every day, she shakes the box and picks out one slip of paper.  On Sunday, December 1, she made a felt Pichu ornament; Pichu is a Pokemon who evolves into Pikachu.  

Here are Monday's ornaments:

Round Glasses and a Lightning Bolt Shaped Scar:
Guess Who?


On Sunday, it being the first day of the month, I made my traditional brunch of milkrice.  We had it with the last of the jar of seeni sambol.

Afterwards, we did a little more online shopping!  The humidifier I had bought when my daughter was a baby (at her doctor's recommendation) had developed a small leak.  I had set it up, last week, and run it without noticing the leak until Saturday night, when I saw a puddle of water on the floor and the table on which I had kept the humidifier.  So, we ordered a new humidifier and there were a few clothing items that my daughter needed, so they were ordered, too.  Then, since I had come to the end of the jar of seeni sambol and had opened the last packet of tea, I put in an order for groceries from the Sri Lankan store, too.  Besides the seeni sambol and tea, I needed a few things for the almsgiving and for the love cake we make during the holiday season and, of course, some of our favorite snacks and treats!

For dinner, I baked some lime/ginger/chili marinated salmon fillets and served it with rice and sauteed green beans.

Today, Monday, December 2, I got a call from the Sri Lankan store, saying my order was ready for pick up.  So, I drove to the store in the afternoon.  While I was there, I took a picture of some of the British treats they had for sale:

British Treats at the Sri Lankan Store

I was tempted to buy a box of Quality Street sweets, but, the price was $22.99 and I decided that it was too expensive.  Besides, I bought some Sri Lankan sweets and cakes, on this visit, and I thought that was plenty.  

Brunch was leftover milkrice and we enjoyed some of the Sri Lankan snacks and cakes for our tea.  Dinner was ham sandwiches.  

In the evening, I took the trash cans to the curb for pick up in the morning.  I had planned to water the garden, but, it was getting dark by then, and I decided the garden could wait until Tuesday.

As we start December, I am grateful for:

- Sunny, warm days
- Being able to obtain Sri Lankan groceries
- Being able to order things online and have them delivered
- A safe drive to the Sri Lankan store and back
- Having daughter home with me

Joyful activities have included spending time with my daughter and enjoying some goodies from the Sri Lankan store.  

Plans for Tuesday include:

- Going to the pharmacy to pick up medication refills
- Bringing the emptied trash cans in
- Watering the garden
- Putting away the laundry

I hope everyone is keeping well and staying safe and warm, especially in the areas where there are snow storms and lots of rain.


  1. Your daughter's crafts look very cute, even if I have no idea who/what they are :) $22.99 is very expensive for the Quality Street. You can buy them here for £4.50. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules.
      Yes, the items at the store are mostly imported and prices are adjusted to cover shipping and handling as well as any import taxes and tariffs. It all depends on just how nostalgic one might be to have the things from "back home" and how much one is willing to pay to enjoy those things. :)

  2. What a fun idea to pull a craft out each day. The Pichu ornament is adorable. I'm sure there's a market for it out there. Does your daughter have an Etsy shop?

    1. It is a fun idea, isn't it? She has invited me to join her, but, so far, I've only done one crochet evening with her. My daughter has been considering opening an Etsy shop, for her bead earrings and necklaces. It is against the law to sell craft items based on licensed characters such as Pokemon and Harry Potter, etc. (although, some people do).

  3. Those Quality Street would cost you about £5 to £6 here but they are very definitely a part of Christmas!

    1. Yes, they are overpriced over here, but, only a few ethnic grocery stores carry them and they need to cover their shipping and handling costs and import fees and tariffs, etc. I looked online and they cost about the same, if not more.

  4. Your daughter is so talented! What a great idea for her to do the craft projects that way
    I enjoy Quality Streets. That is about the price you pay for them over here. Yes, they are a lot cheaper in England, but unfortunately the price here is about 5 times. I do treat myself once in a while lol.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. My daughter says it's her own version of an Advent calendar! LOL.
      Sometimes, we need to treat ourselves to special treats even if they cost a lot more, don't we?

  5. I love your daughter's idea of choosing a craft a day! That's so fun! Glad you could get re-stocked at the Sri Lankan store. Those treats sound wonderful! I know y'all will enjoy them. I haven't sat down yet to make a list of things I need for holiday cooking and baking. I hope I can accomplish that sometime this week!

    1. Thank you, Mandy; my daughter says it's her version of an Advent calendar, one with a craft theme. :)
      I'm happy I was able to stock up on the items I wanted from the Sri Lankan store. Sometimes, they are out of the things I want, but, this time, they had everything.
      I hope you are able to make your list of items you need for holiday baking and cooking. I think I have most of the items I need, but, I'll need to get some fresh produce and eggs, closer to the date.

  6. What a good idea to have a box of craft suggestions to dip into - a surprise each time! We can find Quality Street tins in grocery stores at this time of year, not quite as expensive as what you saw. Some years we have had one. I always liked the chocolate with the mauve cellophane wrapper! Decades ago we used to save the cellophane and use it to make "stained glass windows" with black card cut out and the coloured cellophane behind.

    1. It is a good idea, isn't it? She says it's her version of an Advent calendar. :)
      I like the idea of saving the cellophane from the chocolate wrappers to make cards. Years ago, my cousin taught me to save the foil from chocolates (some of them would be of different colors and had patterns printed on them) to make collages.

  7. That is a fun craft your daughter is doing. I like the randomness of blindly selecting the next one.
    I've seen Quality Street on English blogs I read but have never had it. (Have we talked about this?lol) I've thought about getting some but, yes!, it is quite pricey so I passed.

    1. My daughter is enjoying her crafts "Advent calendar"!
      I think we did talk about Quality Street one time, back when I was participating in the monthly photo challenges and the theme was "Beginning with Q" and I posted a picture of an empty Quality Street box. That box was decluttered in October. I bought a different box of chocolates for us to enjoy, this Christmas.

  8. $22.99 is definitely too much for Quality Streets, although I know I pay through the nose for branded Japanese groceries if I get them from a Japanese/Korean store in London. A Quality Street tub like that is about £5/6 here but I do think they are overrated and not as good as they used to be.

    1. I guess someone who is really nostalgic for the tastes of home might be tempted to pay extra for a treat during Christmas or special holidays. I bought a box of a different brand of chocolates for us for the holidays. :)


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