Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Cloudy Tuesday

Tuesday has been overcast and gloomy!  And cool, too, with a high of only 76F.

In the morning, I brought in the trash cans and strolled around the front garden, looking at things.  Bunnies have eaten several succulents, but, some other succulent leaves that had fallen off the plants have started to form new baby plants; I placed them in spots I would like them to grow.  Afterwards, I took a stroll around the back garden and spotted two more okra flowers!  

Brunch was leftover uppuma with some roasted chick peas added to it.  Later, I boiled two eggs to make egg salad sandwiches for tea.  I added some finely chopped green chilies to the egg salad, in addition to freshly ground black pepper.

After brunch, I vacuumed the living room, dining area, kitchen, and hallway leading to the bedrooms.  I also vacuumed part of the family room, again.  I plan to vacuum the bedrooms and the bathrooms, tomorrow. 

I called the library to find out if they accept old text books, but, they said they don't and also, they are not accepting any donated books, right now.  

Afterwards, I called the charity I usually donate to, to schedule a donations pick up.  That has been scheduled for September 20th.  Which gives me a little extra time to get a few more items decluttered and added to the donations pile.  They will not accept more than 15 bags and boxes at a time and nothing which weighs over 60lbs.  That should not be a problem as I don't have any heavy items to donate.

Then, I rested, and that was the end of my productivity!  I was planning to clean my bedroom, but, didn't!  I watched the news, instead, went through this week's grocery ads (this week's "deals" are not really deals in my opinion), oiled and brushed daughter's hair, wrote a blog post, and cooked a sausage stir fry (smoked sausage, carrots, onions, corn, bell peppers, tomatoes, and zucchini) for dinner.  Friend R called while I was cooking and I called her back after I finished cooking.  Daughter and I had dinner after she finished her piano lesson.   

Today, I am grateful for:

- Weekly curbside trash pick up
- Being able to walk in my garden
- Being able to do my housework, again
- Phone chats with my friend
- What I was able to accomplish

Today's joyful activity was relaxing at home with my daughter, chatting about this and that, and, yes, sharing a cookie or two! 


August Decluttering Challenge: 

8/1 - 1 pair gardening gloves

8/2 - non-working heating pad

8/3 - old purse/handbag

8/4 - 1 computer CD containing a report

8/5 - 1 plastic lid that cracked and broke in two

8/6 - 1 hooded sweatshirt (received a new one to replace it)

8/7 - old make-up I no longer use

8/8 - 6 plastic laundry detergent scoops (I use powdered laundry detergent; each new box comes with its own scoop; I don't need to keep the old ones, but, it seems such a waste to toss them in the recycling bin)

8/9 - 1 sponge paint brush (unused, but, so old, the sponge is no longer spongey!)
         1 plastic food container

8/10 - 1 blouse (given to daughter); will be donated as she decided it didn't fit her properly

8/11 - 1 broken clothes hanger
          3 bras

8/12 - 2 Zucchini!  LOL!  Eileen informed me that the zucchini don't count!

8/13 - Daughter's old artwork: A poster 

8/14 - Daughter's old artwork: A painting

8/15 - 1 long dress (given to daughter) - she had urged me to buy it for myself one year for all of $1, but, I didn't wear it.  She, on the other hand, loves it!  It looks much better on her than on me! 

8/16 - 1 coffee mug 

8/17 - A book on cake decorating

8/18 - 1 bottle of perfume spray (an "our version of a famous perfume" that someone gave which doesn't smell good to me)

8/19  - 1 blouse (to be donated)

8/20 - 1 pair of slippers/flip flops (unworn; to be donated)

8/21 - an old digital camera that I could never figure out how to use!

8/22 - 1 small plastic bucket

8/23 - 2 plastic food storage containers

8/24 - 1 craft book on wreath making

8/25 - 1 cook book

8/26 - 1 felt hat (part of a dance costume from when daughter took dance classes)

8/27 - 1 participation medal daughter received at school  

8/28 - 1 knit tunic (something that was given to me, but, doesn't suit me!)

8/29 - More old make-up (small eye shadow kit)

8/30 - 5 hair bands with bows

8/31 - 1 cotton cardigan that had been given to me; tried it on for the first time, today, and decided I didn't much care for it

I decluttered a total of 44 items in August!  Thank you, Eileen for the challenge.  

I have decided that I will continue to declutter one item a day in September, too.  Anyone else wants to join me?

August Monthly Photo Challenge - E

This month's photo challenge theme, posted by Eileen, is "Starts with E".  These are my selections for this theme:


I have a small collection of elephant statues and figurines; here are some of them:

My Father's Wooden Elephant

According to family lore, this black painted wooden elephant that is now cracked and battered (its tusks fell out and the tail broke) dates back to my father's childhood.  It had been stored in a friend's garage for years after I left Sri Lanka until I brought it back with me when I returned from a holiday.  I probably should get rid of him, but, I can't bring myself to do so, yet.

Trio of Ceramic Blue & White Elephants

This set of elephants was a gift to my from my mother who knew I liked to collect elephants and blue and white china.  Elephants with their trunks raised are considered to be lucky.


A cushion cover I embroidered several years ago.  I've shown it earlier, too, but, I pulled it out when I was sorting out the linen closet and thought I would show it again!

Embroidered "Crazy Patch" Cushion Cover

Close Up: Pansies

Close Up: Mostly Lazy Daisy Stitches



When I was a child, we used to often buy eggs from a man who brought them around in a basket on his bicycle.  There used to be some haggling before the sale about the price of the eggs and a discussion about how fresh they were, etc.  It was almost a ritual, with the egg seller claiming that the eggs were laid just that morning, my mother saying the price was too high, and the cook claiming the eggs were probably rotten and she'd end up throwing half of them away!  Eventually, the price was settled on, with the egg seller protesting that he would not be making a profit from the sale.  Then, he would hold each egg up to the sunlight to show that they were good eggs, before putting them in the container the cook held out.  Later, we used to buy eggs from the market, where there would be a similar discussion about the price and freshness, etc.  But, these days, I buy eggs that come presorted by size in containers, with their "best by" dates already stamped on the container, and there is no haggling about the price!  When I used to shop in person, I would open the containers whenever possible to make sure that the eggs inside were not cracked, but, these days, with curbside pick up, that is not possible.  So far, however, all the eggs I've bought have been good.  



Elections and the right to vote!  We, in California, have a special election coming up, next month; a gubernatorial recall election!  There is a lot of discussion, these days, about who gets to participate in elections, how they are held, etc.  I will not go into all that, but, I am very thankful that I am able to vote, right now and participate in the upcoming election.


Entangled Rosemary Branches

The rosemary bush growing in the back garden started out as a cutting a friend gave my mother.  It is over 20 years old and sprawling well beyond the edge of the planting bed, while its bare branches are weathered and entangled around themselves and the bauhinia tree trunk! 


English Language

A fascinating language, in my opinion.  

Thank you for this opportunity to participate in the monthly photo challenge, Eileen.  I had fun and am looking forward to September's theme!  

Monday, August 30, 2021

Sunday Treats and A New Start on Monday

On Sunday, a discussion between my daughter and me about plant based foods (we were eating a salad for lunch), and how sugar is also a plant based food ("Oh, and remember the time when I grew sugarcane in the garden from a piece that had been thrown over the garden wall by presumably the neighbors next door?") although it has a bad reputation, and the difference between refined sugar and other less refined plant based sweeteners such as fruit juice and corn syrup and molasses, led to this:

Chewy Oatmeal Molasses Cookies

Which led to this:

Pastries and Meat-Filled Kufta


The minute my daughter mentioned molasses, I mentioned molasses cookies!  Then, she looked up a recipe!  She did most of the work, the measuring, the mixing, and forming the balls of dough; I took down the jar of molasses, the container of oatmeal, the shortening, and lined the baking sheets with parchment paper!  She turned on the oven and I brought in a stand fan to keep in the kitchen, in addition to the table fan on the counter.  Did I mention that the temperature was in the mid 90s and I have no central air conditioning?   

She made the balls of dough a bit bigger than the recipe said and we found out why the smaller size was recommended!  The cookies spread out a lot and ran into each other, making one big sheet cookie!  We were able to cut around the cookies to separate them; some were more or less round, the rest were squares!

Once they had cooled a bit, I took a small plate of cookies over to neighbor S, who, in return, gave me more kufta (meat-filled ones, this time) that her mother had made and pastries her mother and sister-in-law had made!  She told me the name of the pastries, but, I have forgotten what they are called.  The round, rolled up ones were what her sister-in-law made and they have a pumpkin jam filling.  

Daughter and I enjoyed cookies and pastries with our tea in the evening!

Later in the evening, I watered the back yard.  I was greeted by Bun Bun, who had managed to make his way into the garden, even after M and I had blocked some of the entrances!  I told him he did not belong in my garden and chased him off - he squeezed himself through the narrow opening between the gate and the gate post that we had not blocked.  I tried to block it with a few pieces of wood that I had in the garage and went in.  A little later, I looked outside and there was Bun Bun, happily stretched out on a patch of grass near the back door, looking as me with a very smug look on his face!  Round 1 to Bun Bun!  LOL!

On Sunday, I was grateful for:

- Freshly baked cookies!
- Being able to take some cookies over to S
- Receiving more treats in return!
- Baking with my daughter
- Having enough garden produce to share with a hungry Bun Bun

Sunday's joyful activity was enjoying some freshly baked cookies.

Today (Monday), I am determined to get back on track with my daily cleaning routines.  Remember those?  They sort of fell by the way side after the sciatica pains, but, now, I am over that and need to get back to regular cleaning.  I couldn't dust in the morning, today, because my daughter was having back to back work meetings online (she sits at the dining table to do her meetings because the internet signal is better there than in her room), but, I dusted the living room and the dining area afterwards, when she went back to her room to do the rest of her work.  That's when I noticed that there is an empty space of about 6 inches on one of the shelves in the bookcase in the living room!  I have at least two more books on that shelf which can be decluttered after I have re-read them.  After I dusted, I cut a few branches from the pomegranate tree to place in a vase to brighten up the room.  

A Vase of Pomegranate Leaves

The doily is one that my mother crocheted; the vase is part of my blue and white collection.  

Monday's To Do List:

- Dust (living room and dining area)
- Clean the fridge
- Take the trash cans to the curb
- Water the front garden
- Dust the dressing table

Today, I am grateful for:

- Cooler temperatures (highs only in the mid 80s)
- My daughter making me coffee in the morning
- Ripe fresh mangoes
- Electricity to run the appliances
- Rescue inhalers (yes, the asthma acted up, again)

Today's joyful activity will be spending some time relaxing in the garden. 

 How was your Monday?  What are your plans for the rest of the week?


August Decluttering Challenge: 

8/1 - 1 pair gardening gloves

8/2 - non-working heating pad

8/3 - old purse/handbag

8/4 - 1 computer CD containing a report

8/5 - 1 plastic lid that cracked and broke in two

8/6 - 1 hooded sweatshirt (received a new one to replace it)

8/7 - old make-up I no longer use

8/8 - 6 plastic laundry detergent scoops (I use powdered laundry detergent; each new box comes with its own scoop; I don't need to keep the old ones, but, it seems such a waste to toss them in the recycling bin)

8/9 - 1 sponge paint brush (unused, but, so old, the sponge is no longer spongey!)
         1 plastic food container

8/10 - 1 blouse (given to daughter); will be donated as she decided it didn't fit her properly

8/11 - 1 broken clothes hanger
          3 bras

8/12 - 2 Zucchini!  LOL!  Eileen informed me that the zucchini don't count!

8/13 - Daughter's old artwork: A poster 

8/14 - Daughter's old artwork: A painting

8/15 - 1 long dress (given to daughter) - she had urged me to buy it for myself one year for all of $1, but, I didn't wear it.  She, on the other hand, loves it!  It looks much better on her than on me! 

8/16 - 1 coffee mug 

8/17 - A book on cake decorating

8/18 - 1 bottle of perfume spray (an "our version of a famous perfume" that someone gave which doesn't smell good to me)

8/19  - 1 blouse (to be donated)

8/20 - 1 pair of slippers/flip flops (unworn; to be donated)

8/21 - an old digital camera that I could never figure out how to use!

8/22 - 1 small plastic bucket

8/23 - 2 plastic food storage containers

8/24 - 1 craft book on wreath making

8/25 - 1 cook book

8/26 - 1 felt hat (part of a dance costume from when daughter took dance classes)

8/27 - 1 participation medal daughter received at school  

8/28 - 1 knit tunic (something that was given to me, but, doesn't suit me!)

8/29 - More old make-up (small eye shadow kit)

8/30 - 5 hair bands with bows

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Warm Saturday


Potato Kufta

Another warm day with a daytime high of 96F.

I made uppuma with semolina, curry leaves, dried red chilies, and peanuts, for brunch, today.  Later, I had a plum.

I vacuumed the family room after brunch.  It was the first time I've vacuumed since early May when I experienced the sciatica pains!  Daughter had been doing the vacuuming for me, but, today, I decided I was well enough to vacuum.  I only did the family room as I didn't want to overdo things.  The family room was this week's "room of the week"; it has now been cleaned and tidied.  Next week's room will be my bedroom and the rest of the closet.  

I made Sri Lankan style pancakes (thin, crepe-like), rolled up with sugar and lemon juice for tea, since my daughter had been requesting them.  I took a few over to neighbor S and that's when she gave me the potato kufta her mother had made!  She gave me four of them, but, there are only three in the photo, above, because my daughter ate one before I could take the photo!  LOL.

After tea, I put away my share of the laundry.  After turning the hangers the other way round when I sorted through my closet, earlier this month, I am now turning the hangers back the usual way when the washed clothes are put back.  This will enable me to see which clothes I haven't worn and figure out why I haven't worn them and why I continue to keep them.  Some of the items remaining unworn might be because they are clothes I'd wear when socializing and I haven't done that since March 2020; I'll probably continue to keep them.  But, others might be hanging unworn because they don't fit me anymore or I don't like how I look in them. The ones that don't fit should be altered (if I think I'll wear them once they fit me again) or given away, along with the ones that I don't think suit me.  Deciding which ones don't suit me is a work in progress!  Today, I decluttered a knit tunic type blouse that had been given to me; I wore it for the first time, last week, and didn't like how it looked on me.  

Later, after dinner (I had pork curry and a tortilla; daughter had pork curry, rice, and zucchini chutney) I chatted with friend R and with aunt C.

Today, I am grateful for:

- Neighbor S and her family for being such good friends over the years
- Being well enough to vacuum, again!
- Electricity to run the fans and other appliances
- Saturday mail delivery
- Phone calls with family and friends

Today's joyful activity was making (and eating) pancakes!

No particular plans for tomorrow.  Nothing specific that has to be done, other than the dishes.  Maybe I'll do a crafts project.  

How was your Saturday?  What are your plans for tomorrow?  


August Decluttering Challenge: 

8/1 - 1 pair gardening gloves

8/2 - non-working heating pad

8/3 - old purse/handbag

8/4 - 1 computer CD containing a report

8/5 - 1 plastic lid that cracked and broke in two

8/6 - 1 hooded sweatshirt (received a new one to replace it)

8/7 - old make-up I no longer use

8/8 - 6 plastic laundry detergent scoops (I use powdered laundry detergent; each new box comes with its own scoop; I don't need to keep the old ones, but, it seems such a waste to toss them in the recycling bin)

8/9 - 1 sponge paint brush (unused, but, so old, the sponge is no longer spongey!)
         1 plastic food container

8/10 - 1 blouse (given to daughter); will be donated as she decided it didn't fit her properly

8/11 - 1 broken clothes hanger
          3 bras

8/12 - 2 Zucchini!  LOL!  Eileen informed me that the zucchini don't count!

8/13 - Daughter's old artwork: A poster 

8/14 - Daughter's old artwork: A painting

8/15 - 1 long dress (given to daughter) - she had urged me to buy it for myself one year for all of $1, but, I didn't wear it.  She, on the other hand, loves it!  It looks much better on her than on me! 

8/16 - 1 coffee mug 

8/17 - A book on cake decorating

8/18 - 1 bottle of perfume spray (an "our version of a famous perfume" that someone gave which doesn't smell good to me)

8/19  - 1 blouse (to be donated)

8/20 - 1 pair of slippers/flip flops (unworn; to be donated)

8/21 - an old digital camera that I could never figure out how to use!

8/22 - 1 small plastic bucket

8/23 - 2 plastic food storage containers

8/24 - 1 craft book on wreath making

8/25 - 1 cook book

8/26 - 1 felt hat (part of a dance costume from when daughter took dance classes)

8/27 - 1 participation medal daughter received at school  

8/28 - 1 knit tunic (something that was given to me, but, doesn't suit me!)

Friday's Doings


Stuffed Vegetables and Fresh Passionfruit

Neighbor S brought over a plate of stuffed vegetables and a bag of fresh passionfruit (from the garden of one of her family members), today.  Daughter and I had some of the stuffed vegetables with a salad for lunch and shared one of the passionfruits over ice cream after dinner!  I am going to try planting a few of the passionfruit seeds to see if they will germinate!  I love fresh passionfruit!  

It was another warm day, today.  I did two loads of laundry and continued with cleaning the family room in the morning.  I wrapped an old towel around a broom and "swept" the family room walls and ceiling to remove cobwebs and cleaned the ceiling fan blades, too.  Then I washed the insides of the window and the sliding glass door, removing finger prints, more cobwebs, and kitty nose prints!  I asked M to clean the outsides of the window and door, but, he didn't have enough time to do them, today.

M blocked a few more possible entrances to the back garden with cardboard, today.  I didn't see Bun Bun and the others bunnies, today, so maybe the cardboard barriers are working!  Watch!  They'll all be here, tomorrow!  LOL!

I also called my insurance company about a questionnaire they had sent me regarding my homeowner's insurance renewal.  They had sent it earlier in the month; I had filled it out on August 7 and sent it back on August 8 (or, at least, put it in the mail box on August 8).  Yesterday, I received a duplicate questionnaire, with a letter stating that they had either not received my response to the earlier notice or the information was incomplete!  The letter I received yesterday was dated August 22.  I called them, today, and the agent I spoke to said they had received my response, it was complete, and the information had been entered in the file as of August 24!  She told me to disregard the second notice.  I made a note on it and filed it, just in case!  

Later in the evening, I cooked the still partially frozen pork!  The package weighed 1.8 lbs.  I cut most of it in cubes and made a pork curry; the rest was sliced thinly and made into a stir fry with onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, and carrots.  Daughter made the sauce for it (with soy sauce, the fermented chili paste gochu jang, water, and a little sugar), as I was getting tired by then.  We had rice with the stir fried pork for dinner, tonight and there is a little leftover for someone's lunch, tomorrow.  The pork curry will be for tomorrow night's dinner with leftovers for later in the week.  Afterwards, I ran the dishwasher.  

Today, I am grateful for:
- S blessing us with more food and fresh passionfruit
- Working appliances 
- M tending to the garden for me
- Daughter helping with the cooking
- What I was able to accomplish

Today's joyful activity was enjoying the passionfruit with ice cream!

Plans for tomorrow include a little more housekeeping and putting away the laundry!

How was your Friday?  What are your plans for the weekend?

Friday, August 27, 2021

Warm on Thursday

It was a warm day, today, with a high of 98F in the afternoon.  It was cooler in the house for most of the day, however, and the fans were enough to keep my daughter and me comfortable.

I took a walk in the garden in the morning before it got too warm.  Remember this?

Okra Flower - August 18

The flower only lasted for one day, but, after about three days, an okra pod developed and I picked it, today!

Okra Pod - August 26

It is another red okra!  I noticed that the pods start out green and turn red in the sun.  

The moringa plant is having quite a few pods:

Moringa Pods

They are not big enough to harvest, but, you can see why they are called "drum sticks"!

The plants from the newer packet of watermelon seeds are now starting to set fruit!  Introducing Baby and Tiny:

Baby Watermelon

Tiny Watermelon

Baby is about the size of a tennis ball; Tiny is well, tiny!  LOL.

After the stroll in the garden, I came inside and replied to blog comments, etc.  Then, I had a bowl of my tomato soup for brunch, with a half a glass of orange juice.  Yesterday, I noticed that, while I had more than my recommended five a day of fruits and vegetables, five of those servings were fruit and only one of vegetables (the homemade pasta sauce)!  I tried to do better, today (thus the tomato soup), but, even so, I had more fruits than vegetables, today, too!  

In the afternoon, I dusted the family room and tried to remove all the cobwebs!  There were some cobwebs near the ceiling that I couldn't reach with the wand type duster I used for the purpose; tomorrow, I will try again with a broom.  Afterwards, the air in the room felt dusty and I ran the air purifiers.  

Then, I rested and watched news.  While I watched the news, I altered one of my blouses.  I had sewn it, with fabric my mother had bought, shortly after I had finished my chemo treatments, after I had lost a lot of weight.  Since then, I have regained at least 10 lbs., if not more, and the blouse became a bit tight around my tummy!  I unpicked the side seams part way and resewed them as open slits and hemmed the blouse.  I sewed it by hand because it was easier for me to do that than fill bobbins and rethread the sewing machine with matching thread!  

Altered Blouse

There is also a matching scarf that I made with the leftover lace fabric, which can be worn either as a scarf or as a sash around the waist.

After tea, when it had cooled down a bit, I walked for 10 minutes up and down the drive way.   I had wanted to walk for 15 minutes, but, 10 were all I could manage without pushing myself.  

The packet of pork I had taken out of the freezer and kept to thaw in the fridge was still frozen solid, so for dinner, I made fried rice with leftover rice, some mini sausages I had in the freezer, some frozen corn, a bit of diced onion, the last of the leftover broccoli, a tomato or two, an egg, and a handful of peanuts.  Daughter and I shared it for dinner. Afterwards, I ate some grapes.  I don't know if there was enough vegetables in the fried rice to make a full serving of vegetables (probably more like half a serving), but, I had at least three servings of fruit!  

Today, I am grateful for:
- The produce from the garden
- The house staying cool until mid afternoon
- Sewing skills
- "Made overs" for dinner
- Working fans, electricity to run them, etc.

Today's joyful activity was walking in the garden and harvesting another okra!

Tomorrow is supposed to be slightly cooler (a high of 95F).  Plans for tomorrow include vacuuming the family room and M coming over to tend to the garden in the evening.


August Decluttering Challenge: 

8/1 - 1 pair gardening gloves

8/2 - non-working heating pad

8/3 - old purse/handbag

8/4 - 1 computer CD containing a report

8/5 - 1 plastic lid that cracked and broke in two

8/6 - 1 hooded sweatshirt (received a new one to replace it)

8/7 - old make-up I no longer use

8/8 - 6 plastic laundry detergent scoops (I use powdered laundry detergent; each new box comes with its own scoop; I don't need to keep the old ones, but, it seems such a waste to toss them in the recycling bin)

8/9 - 1 sponge paint brush (unused, but, so old, the sponge is no longer spongey!)
         1 plastic food container

8/10 - 1 blouse (given to daughter); will be donated as she decided it didn't fit her properly

8/11 - 1 broken clothes hanger
          3 bras

8/12 - 2 Zucchini!  LOL!  Eileen informed me that the zucchini don't count!

8/13 - Daughter's old artwork: A poster 

8/14 - Daughter's old artwork: A painting

8/15 - 1 long dress (given to daughter) - she had urged me to buy it for myself one year for all of $1, but, I didn't wear it.  She, on the other hand, loves it!  It looks much better on her than on me! 

8/16 - 1 coffee mug 

8/17 - A book on cake decorating

8/18 - 1 bottle of perfume spray (an "our version of a famous perfume" that someone gave which doesn't smell good to me)

8/19  - 1 blouse (to be donated)

8/20 - 1 pair of slippers/flip flops (unworn; to be donated)

8/21 - an old digital camera that I could never figure out how to use!

8/22 - 1 small plastic bucket

8/23 - 2 plastic food storage containers

8/24 - 1 craft book on wreath making

8/25 - 1 cook book

8/26 - 1 felt hat (part of a dance costume from when daughter took dance classes)

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Reminiscing on Wednesday

"Made-overs" for Dinner!

Today, August 25, marks 47 years since I arrived in this country!  Hard to believe that so much time has passed!  It was my first time travelling alone!  From Hong Kong to Seoul to Honolulu to Los Angeles to Chicago to Madison (or, was it Milwaukee?) to Green Bay, Wisconsin!  Doesn't everyone fly halfway around the globe on her first time travelling alone?  LOL.  I was on my way to Wisconsin to attend the university there.  A chance encounter while seeking shelter from the rain had led to a scholarship and my parents made it possible for me to take advantage of it.  The journey took two days and I crossed the International Dateline, too!  I was 18 years old and it was quite an adventure!  

On August 30, it will be 48 years since I left Sri Lanka!  

Today, in between reminiscing, I chatted with M when he tended to the garden.  He watered the garden and started on the late summer clean up!  All the mirabilis (four o'clocks) plants under the lemon trees were ready to be cut back and the circle where the wild flowers grew at the back needs to be tidied, too.  

A couple of items we had ordered were delivered today - another box of flea prevention medication, a box of kitty litter, and two big packages of toilet paper to replenish my stocks!  

Later, I called cousin V to check on her (she had knee replacement surgery, earlier in the week) and chatted with friend R, too.  

Brunch had been a cold cuts sandwich with grapes for dessert.  At tea time, I had some crackers and a banana with my cup of tea.  For dinner, I made over some leftovers!  There was one slice of ham and most of a half of a chicken breast I had pan roasted, earlier, and a small container of homemade pasta sauce (tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, etc.).  I cut up the slice of ham and the chicken breast meat, sauteed them with some onions, bell pepper (from the garden!) strips, fresh tomatoes and added the leftover pasta sauce to it, as well.  It went well with some freshly cooked egg noodles.   My daughter liked it almost more than I did!  There is a little bit leftover for one person's lunch, tomorrow!  Nectarines for dessert.

I haven't made a meal plan as such for this week, but, I took out a packet of pork to cook for tomorrow night's dinner.  Not quite sure how I'll make it - curry or stir-fry?  

Today, I am grateful for:

- All the little things that had to click into place for me to come here, all those years ago
- My mother's strength and support which made it possible
- The past 47 (48 if you count from when I left Sri Lanka) years 
- The young woman I was back then 
- What I have accomplished

Today's joyful activity was reminiscing!  *smile*



August Decluttering Challenge: 

8/1 - 1 pair gardening gloves

8/2 - non-working heating pad

8/3 - old purse/handbag

8/4 - 1 computer CD containing a report

8/5 - 1 plastic lid that cracked and broke in two

8/6 - 1 hooded sweatshirt (received a new one to replace it)

8/7 - old make-up I no longer use

8/8 - 6 plastic laundry detergent scoops (I use powdered laundry detergent; each new box comes with its own scoop; I don't need to keep the old ones, but, it seems such a waste to toss them in the recycling bin)

8/9 - 1 sponge paint brush (unused, but, so old, the sponge is no longer spongey!)
         1 plastic food container

8/10 - 1 blouse (given to daughter); will be donated as she decided it didn't fit her properly

8/11 - 1 broken clothes hanger
          3 bras

8/12 - 2 Zucchini!  LOL!  Eileen informed me that the zucchini don't count!

8/13 - Daughter's old artwork: A poster 

8/14 - Daughter's old artwork: A painting

8/15 - 1 long dress (given to daughter) - she had urged me to buy it for myself one year for all of $1, but, I didn't wear it.  She, on the other hand, loves it!  It looks much better on her than on me! 

8/16 - 1 coffee mug 

8/17 - A book on cake decorating

8/18 - 1 bottle of perfume spray (an "our version of a famous perfume" that someone gave which doesn't smell good to me)

8/19  - 1 blouse (to be donated)

8/20 - 1 pair of slippers/flip flops (unworn; to be donated)

8/21 - an old digital camera that I could never figure out how to use!

8/22 - 1 small plastic bucket

8/23 - 2 plastic food storage containers

8/24 - 1 craft book on wreath making

8/25 - 1 cook book

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Doctor's Appointment on Tuesday

Today, I had an appointment with my primary care physician.  I don't know why, but I felt a bit stressed about it:  I hadn't lost the weight I had wanted to, I hadn't been quite as careful with my diet as I should have been (too many desserts!), I didn't know what my blood test results would be, etc.  Not that stressing about it was going to help!  It only raised my blood pressure!    

In the end, I was stressing about nothing!  My weight was not as low as I would have liked, but it was lower than what it had been during my visit in May.  My blood test results were OK, too.  My fasting blood sugar was a little higher than it should have been, but, my A1c level was good.  It had been lower, earlier, but, it was still at a good level.  The doctor wanted me to do another blood test in December, but, unless the results have something to worry about (in which case my doctor would call and tell me to come in), I don't need to see her again until February!  I made the appointment before I left the clinic.

After I came home, I had lunch (homemade tomato soup) and rested a bit.  Later, I dusted the living room and dining area, watered the front garden (I had brought in the trash cans from the curb, earlier), and cooked some rice, dhal (lentils), and chard leaves harvested from the garden for dinner (to go with leftover chicken curry).   After dinner I chatted with family and friends.  

By the way, Bun Bun, Snowbunny, and Pirate Bun are all well and hopping around; they all sat and watched me while I watered the front garden.  LOL.

Today, I am grateful for:

- A safe drive to the clinic and back
- Good blood test results
- Water for the garden
- Chard leaves from the garden
- Phone calls with family and friends

Today's joyful activity was being in the garden.

Plans for tomorrow include M tending to the garden and dusting the family room.

How was your Tuesday?  What are you planning for Wednesday?


August Decluttering Challenge: 

8/1 - 1 pair gardening gloves

8/2 - non-working heating pad

8/3 - old purse/handbag

8/4 - 1 computer CD containing a report

8/5 - 1 plastic lid that cracked and broke in two

8/6 - 1 hooded sweatshirt (received a new one to replace it)

8/7 - old make-up I no longer use

8/8 - 6 plastic laundry detergent scoops (I use powdered laundry detergent; each new box comes with its own scoop; I don't need to keep the old ones, but, it seems such a waste to toss them in the recycling bin)

8/9 - 1 sponge paint brush (unused, but, so old, the sponge is no longer spongey!)
         1 plastic food container

8/10 - 1 blouse (given to daughter); will be donated as she decided it didn't fit her properly

8/11 - 1 broken clothes hanger
          3 bras

8/12 - 2 Zucchini!  LOL!  Eileen informed me that the zucchini don't count!

8/13 - Daughter's old artwork: A poster 

8/14 - Daughter's old artwork: A painting

8/15 - 1 long dress (given to daughter) - she had urged me to buy it for myself one year for all of $1, but, I didn't wear it.  She, on the other hand, loves it!  It looks much better on her than on me! 

8/16 - 1 coffee mug 

8/17 - A book on cake decorating

8/18 - 1 bottle of perfume spray (an "our version of a famous perfume" that someone gave which doesn't smell good to me)

8/19  - 1 blouse (to be donated)

8/20 - 1 pair of slippers/flip flops (unworn; to be donated)

8/21 - an old digital camera that I could never figure out how to use!

8/22 - 1 small plastic bucket

8/23 - 2 plastic food storage containers

8/24 - 1 craft book on wreath making

Monday, August 23, 2021

August Grocery Shopping Part 3

Today, I picked up the groceries I had ordered, yesterday.  

I bought:

1/2 gal. half & half = $3.99

2 lb. packet ground beef = $8.98

1 lb. pork loin "country style boneless ribs" = $2.44 

2+ lb. bananas (4 bananas) @ $.65/lb = $1.40

2 lb. container strawberries = $3.99

1 mini seedless watermelon = $1.99

2 mangoes @ $1.00 = $2.00

2+ lb. nectarines @ $1.48/lb = $3.35 

2 bottles (64 fl.oz each) apple juice @ $.99 = $1.98

2 ears of corn @ $.40 = $.80

1 loaf sandwich bread = $1.50

12 pkts. ramen noodles = $2.99

1 frozen pizza (18.22 oz) = $3.99

1 container (26 oz.) iodized salt = $.99

1 hot cheetos = $2.50

1 bag tortilla chips = $1.66

2 packs coffee filters @ $1.59 = $3.18

1 container (1.5 qt.)ice cream = $2.99

Sales tax (on coffee filters) = $0.30

Total = $51.02

(According to the receipt, the original cost of the order was $71.41 and I saved $20.39 due to sales and coupons; or $27.34 with the waived pick up fee of $6.95)

My August grocery budget is $250.

Spent to date: 

8/2 = $48.52 
8/14 = $90.56
8/24 = $51.02

Total spent = $48.52 + $90.56 + $51.02 = $190.10
Balance left in the grocery budget = $250 - $190.10 = $59.90

I am on track to stay within my budget, this month!

On the way to the grocery store, I stopped to put gas to the car.  This was actually the first time I've put gas to the car myself since March of 2020!  Until today, first M and then, my daughter, have been putting the gas for me.  But, today, I put on my N95 mask and went into the gas station to pay for the gas!  Gas was $4.15/gal. for the lowest octane gas at the neighborhood gas station; the same gas (same company of gas stations) was $4.19/gal. at the gas station near the grocery store.  I had just over 1/4 tank of gas in the car and I put $40 worth of gas; it was enough to fill the tank.   According to my notes, I last put gas to the car on July 15 when we put $40 worth of gas.  I budget $50 per month for gas, so there's some wiggle room in the budget if needed.  There was a time when I had to budget $100 per week for gas!  But, these days, I don't drive that much and most of my journeys are short trips to pick up groceries, drop something off at friend R's, etc.

Daughter helped me put away the groceries and I baked the pizza I had bought for our lunch.  Followed by some of the strawberries for dessert.  

I called the doctor's office to confirm tomorrow's appointment, this morning.  I was stressing about that for some reason, yesterday.  

I also received a call from my financial planner who was checking to see how I was doing.  She had received both doses of Covid vaccinations and still came down with Covid; she had been hospitalized and been on a ventilator; she is recovering now (has been home for a week) and is still on oxygen, still short of breath, etc.  But, she is recovering and credits it to being vaccinated; she said she would not have made it through if she hadn't been vaccinated!  I'm glad she's feeling better, now.  I've known her for several years; ever since my previous financial planner was killed in a car accident in 2013, and she became my FP.  We chatted for a few minutes and I promised to call and check on her, soon.

Monday's To Do List:

- Call the doctor's office to confirm Tuesday's appointment - DONE
- Put gas to the car - DONE
- Pick up groceries - DONE
- Take the trash cans to the curb
- Water the garden  

I will take the trash cans to the curb and water the garden in the evening.

My other To Do List, the one that keeps running in my head and which I wrote down, last night, before I went to sleep, also has dust the living room and dining room, clean the fridge, alter one blouse, tidy the rest of the linen closet, and clean the litter box.  I suppose I should get off the computer and get started on those items, too!

Today, I am grateful for:

- Being able to order groceries on line and free curbside pick up
- Availability of gas for the car
- N95 masks!
- My FP is recovering from her bout with Covid
- All the little every day blessings, like being alive, relatively healthy, being able to walk without pain, etc., that we tend to take for granted!

Today's joyful activity was enjoying some nice fresh strawberries after lunch.

I haven't decluttered anything, yet, today.  Maybe the linen closet will yield something!  

How is your August grocery shopping and grocery budget coming along?  

Productive Sunday

It was another relatively cool day, today.  It started out cloudy and overcast, but, the afternoon was sunny.

In the morning, daughter went to feed her friend's cat one more time.  Her friend will be home in time to give the cat his dinner.

I spent the day doing a bit of this and a bit of that.  First, I took over some of the zucchini bread that daughter had made last night to neighbor S.  It was my turn to share something with her! 

Then, I altered daughter's dress and sewed up the area above the zipper that had been gaping open.  As I suspected, I had to undo the binding on the armhole and take up some of the extra fabric and resew the binding, again.   

Later, I tidied two shelves in the linen closet - the shelf with the bed sheets and the shelf with the towels.  As I organized them, I wondered if anything needed to be decluttered.  And, I returned to the question of how much is enough?  How much is too much?   How many bed sheets do I need/should I have?  How many towels?  The conventional wisdom seems to be two to three sets of sheets per bed and two to three sets of towels per person.  Which is what I have.  So, then, why do I feel I have too much?

Sheets:  I have three beds in my house, one queen sized and two twin sized; but, daughter's bed can be pulled out to make two twin beds, so four mattresses.  Which means that, at a minimum, I need four sets of sheets (each set consisting of one fitted sheet and one flat sheet) plus as many pillowcases as the number of pillows per bed; each set would be washed and put back on the bed.  I am not that much of a minimalist, though!  The next level up would be two sets of sheets per bed - one on the bed and one either in the wash or in the linen cupboard.  That would mean eight sets of sheets.

Currently, I have seven sets of sheets.  I have three sets of sheets (one flannel set for the winter and two cotton blend sets for the summer) for my bed, three sets (again, one flannel and two cotton blend) for daughter's bed(s), and one set of sheets for the guest bed.  One of my fitted sheets, however, is very worn and threadbare; I will need to replace it in the near future (or have only one set of summer sheets). I do have an assortment of pillowcases!  The guest bed has two pillows, but, both my daughter and I have more than two pillows on our beds.  I also use pillowcases to protect quilts that are not in use, so, I have several extra pillowcases.

In addition to the sheet sets, I have several extra flat sheets (usually, the fitted sheets wear out before the flat sheets do), the majority of which are stored on the bottom shelf of the linen closet.  I use them as dust covers on the family room sofas.  In any case, I didn't tidy the bottom shelf, yet, so sorting through them is for another day.  

Towels: I have two sets of towels for myself and two sets for my daughter, plus, one set of holiday towels and one set of guest towels.  What I do have extra are wash cloths!  I seem to have a stack of about ten wash cloths!  Not quite sure how that happened!

Then, there are some old towels that I use as sofa arm covers to try to keep cat fur off the sofas, but, those are not stored on the same shelf as my regular towels.  Occasionally, those towels are pressed into service when needed to mop up spills, etc.

After I tidied those two shelves, I dusted and tidied my bedside table/night stand.  I figured that was enough housework for the day!  Later in the evening, I played the piano for a little bit, put in an order for groceries to be picked up, tomorrow, and then, cooked a chicken curry and rice for dinner.  I also ran the dishwasher and washed a few other dishes by hand.  

I also chatted with neighbor T (she said she was tempted to walk over to my party neighbors in her nightdress, last night, and ask them to turn down the music, which finally ended at 12:50 a.m.).  I also chatted with friend R who was very concerned because a fully vaccinated family member in Sri Lanka has been diagnosed with Covid.

Today, I am grateful for:

- Daughter had a safe drive to and from feeding A's cat
- Two tidy shelves in the linen closet
- Sewing skills
- The cooler weather and sunny afternoon
- What I was able to accomplish

Today's joyful activity was sharing some zucchini bread with S and family.

Monday's To Do List:

- Call the doctor's office to confirm Tuesday's appointment
- Put gas to the car
- Pick up groceries
- Take the trash cans to the curb
- Water the garden

How was your Sunday?  What are your plans for Monday?


August Decluttering Challenge: 

8/1 - 1 pair gardening gloves

8/2 - non-working heating pad

8/3 - old purse/handbag

8/4 - 1 computer CD containing a report

8/5 - 1 plastic lid that cracked and broke in two

8/6 - 1 hooded sweatshirt (received a new one to replace it)

8/7 - old make-up I no longer use

8/8 - 6 plastic laundry detergent scoops (I use powdered laundry detergent; each new box comes with its own scoop; I don't need to keep the old ones, but, it seems such a waste to toss them in the recycling bin)

8/9 - 1 sponge paint brush (unused, but, so old, the sponge is no longer spongey!)
         1 plastic food container

8/10 - 1 blouse (given to daughter); will be donated as she decided it didn't fit her properly

8/11 - 1 broken clothes hanger
          3 bras

8/12 - 2 Zucchini!  LOL!  Eileen informed me that the zucchini don't count!

8/13 - Daughter's old artwork: A poster 

8/14 - Daughter's old artwork: A painting

8/15 - 1 long dress (given to daughter) - she had urged me to buy it for myself one year for all of $1, but, I didn't wear it.  She, on the other hand, loves it!  It looks much better on her than on me! 

8/16 - 1 coffee mug 

8/17 - A book on cake decorating

8/18 - 1 bottle of perfume spray (an "our version of a famous perfume" that someone gave which doesn't smell good to me)

8/19  - 1 blouse (to be donated)

8/20 - 1 pair of slippers/flip flops (unworn; to be donated)

8/21 - an old digital camera that I could never figure out how to use!

8/22 - 1 small plastic bucket

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Mending on Saturday

Another day of cooler than normal temperatures!  Today's high was only 76F!

In the morning, daughter went to check on her friend A's cat again.  A is out of town for the weekend and had asked daughter to check on her cat and give him to eat wet food twice a day!  Apparently, you can't leave out a quantity of food for him as he will eat it all in one sitting!  Daughter checked on him last night and went to feed him again tonight, too.  She will go, again, tomorrow morning;  A is expected to return tomorrow evening.

I did another load of laundry (my bedsheets and a couple of the sofa dust sheets) in the morning and cleaned the bathrooms.  Later, I remade the bed with the freshly laundered sheets.  

But, today was the day to do some repairs and mending!

Daughter had a few decorative collectibles that had broken over the years, which had been kept in a box waiting for me to fix them.  I am not quite sure why I didn't fix them earlier, but, I think I was waiting to buy some super glue.  Then, the other day, I found some super glue in the same container as the acrylic paints!  Today, I repaired two of the decorative items by gluing the bits together.  There is one other item to repair (I hadn't seen it when I was fixing the other items); might do that, tomorrow.

Later, I sat down to do some mending.  Daughter had a blouse that had developed a small hole in the fabric near the side seam.  I darned the hole as invisibly as I could.  She might not be able to wear it to the office, but, she can wear it while she's working from home.  There is one other item I need to mend for her - a dress she had bought, in which there is a gap in the side seam between the top of the zipper and the armhole binding!  I might have to undo the armhole binding to fix it.  Might work on that, tomorrow.  

After I mended daughter's blouse, I decided to "renew" and repair one of my small hand towels which had frayed edges.  The frayed edges made it look rather sad and created a lot of lint whenever I dried it in the dryer.  It didn't take long to cut some strips from a piece of fabric in my scrap basket and sew them on with the sewing machine:

Renewed Towel

One upon a time, it was a bright red towel.  Now, after years of use, it has faded to a sort of pink!  I suppose this towel might have been a candidate for decluttering.  But, I don't mind the fact that it has faded; it is still quite absorbent and functions well as a towel.  I think the new binding will extend its useful life, even it if wasn't sewn very neatly and evenly!  I suppose, I could have just rehemmed the towel, instead of putting the binding, too.  Eventually, I will need to buy some new towels, but, for the time being, I can renew and repair what I have.  It is the frugal thing to do!    I save my pennies where I can in order to spend my dollars where I need to!  LOL.  

Today, daughter decided to cook the tofu we had bought, earlier:

Korean Style Mapo Tofu Dish

She made Korean style mapo tofu.  The original recipe had called for ground meat as well as tofu, but, she decided to make it a fully vegetarian version.  It was very spicy because she used gochu jang (a Korean fermented chili paste) and ichimi togarashi (a Japanese chili powder) as well as regular chili powder because her packet of gochu garu (Korean hot pepper flakes) had somehow become moldy! Oh, and she added some fresh Serrano chilies from the garden, too!  I tried a little of it with rice and it was delicious (even though I don't like soft tofu that much).  

My next door neighbors are having another party, complete with DJ and disco lights, in the garden, this evening!  I have all the windows closed, partly because it is too cool to leave them open (the temperature outside is 63F, as I type this and is supposed to go down to 62F, later tonight) and partly because it is now 12 midnight, but, the music is still quite loud! 

Still later in the evening, daughter made some zucchini bread - the sweet version.  I grated some of one of the huge zucchini for the bread and chopped up the rest of the zucchini and froze it.  There is still one huge zucchini in the fridge, which needs to be turned into chutney very soon.

Today, I am grateful for:

- Sewing skills
- Daughter's cooking skills
- Chili peppers (and zucchini) from the garden
- Working appliances
- Daughter had a safe drive to and from her friend's apartment

Today's joyful activity was picking the chilies from the garden!  I love being able to harvest the things I'm growing this year.  

Plans for tomorrow include mending daughter's dress and maybe making zucchini chutney?

How was your Saturday?  What are your plans for Sunday?


August Decluttering Challenge: 

8/1 - 1 pair gardening gloves

8/2 - non-working heating pad

8/3 - old purse/handbag

8/4 - 1 computer CD containing a report

8/5 - 1 plastic lid that cracked and broke in two

8/6 - 1 hooded sweatshirt (received a new one to replace it)

8/7 - old make-up I no longer use

8/8 - 6 plastic laundry detergent scoops (I use powdered laundry detergent; each new box comes with its own scoop; I don't need to keep the old ones, but, it seems such a waste to toss them in the recycling bin)

8/9 - 1 sponge paint brush (unused, but, so old, the sponge is no longer spongey!)
         1 plastic food container

8/10 - 1 blouse (given to daughter); will be donated as she decided it didn't fit her properly

8/11 - 1 broken clothes hanger
          3 bras

8/12 - 2 Zucchini!  LOL!  Eileen informed me that the zucchini don't count!

8/13 - Daughter's old artwork: A poster 

8/14 - Daughter's old artwork: A painting

8/15 - 1 long dress (given to daughter) - she had urged me to buy it for myself one year for all of $1, but, I didn't wear it.  She, on the other hand, loves it!  It looks much better on her than on me! 

8/16 - 1 coffee mug 

8/17 - A book on cake decorating

8/18 - 1 bottle of perfume spray (an "our version of a famous perfume" that someone gave which doesn't smell good to me)

8/19  - 1 blouse (to be donated)

8/20 - 1 pair of slippers/flip flops (unworn; to be donated)

8/21 - an old digital camera that I could never figure out how to use!

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Friday: Okra Harvest!

The First Okra!

Apparently, I was wrong to think that the okra flower I photographed the other day was the first flower!  It was the first flower I saw, but, hidden from view, on another plant, an earlier flower had bloomed and had, in fact, formed an okra pod!  I saw it yesterday, but, kept it so M could have the honor of harvesting it, today!

Red Okra!

It is a red okra and the first time I've seen a red okra!  But, it turns green when it is cooked!  I sliced it up, added a pinch of curry powder and salt, and sauteed it in a bit of oil:

Green When Cooked!

I probably should have put it in a dish before I photographed it!  I shared it with M and my daughter!  M said it was the first time he had eaten okra.  Now we wait for the plants to produce more!

In the meantime, Fort Watermelon has been officially named:

Fort Watermelon

Yes, it means you, Bun Bun

M was very amused!  Bun Bun didn't seem to mind - he ate some cat food, instead!  Which was fine.  Actually, I was rather happy to see him hopping around!  Because, earlier in the evening, I had shown M something which looked a little different from the average dog dirt on my front garden (I don't have a wall or fence in the front and people don't always pick up after their dogs!) and not only did he think it looked like coyote dirt, he also spotted a clump of off white rabbit fur near by!  Oh, no!  Bun Bun!  But, later in the evening, there was Bun Bun, very much alive and hopping!  

Today, I did two loads of laundry, tidied the kitchen, and mopped the kitchen floor.  In the evening, I chatted on the phone with my cousins and with friend R.    

Today, I am grateful for:
- Okra from the garden!
- Fort Watermelon keeping the melons safe!
- Bun Bun didn't end up being coyote dinner!
- M tending to the garden
- Working appliances

Today's joyful activity was chatting with my cousins.

How was your Friday?  What are your plans for the weekend?


August Decluttering Challenge: 

8/1 - 1 pair gardening gloves

8/2 - non-working heating pad

8/3 - old purse/handbag

8/4 - 1 computer CD containing a report

8/5 - 1 plastic lid that cracked and broke in two

8/6 - 1 hooded sweatshirt (received a new one to replace it)

8/7 - old make-up I no longer use

8/8 - 6 plastic laundry detergent scoops (I use powdered laundry detergent; each new box comes with its own scoop; I don't need to keep the old ones, but, it seems such a waste to toss them in the recycling bin)

8/9 - 1 sponge paint brush (unused, but, so old, the sponge is no longer spongey!)
         1 plastic food container

8/10 - 1 blouse (given to daughter); will be donated as she decided it didn't fit her properly

8/11 - 1 broken clothes hanger
          3 bras

8/12 - 2 Zucchini!  LOL!  Eileen informed me that the zucchini don't count!

8/13 - Daughter's old artwork: A poster 

8/14 - Daughter's old artwork: A painting

8/15 - 1 long dress (given to daughter) - she had urged me to buy it for myself one year for all of $1, but, I didn't wear it.  She, on the other hand, loves it!  It looks much better on her than on me! 

8/16 - 1 coffee mug 

8/17 - A book on cake decorating

8/18 - 1 bottle of perfume spray (an "our version of a famous perfume" that someone gave which doesn't smell good to me)

8/19  - 1 blouse (to be donated)

8/20 - 1 pair of slippers/flip flops (unworn; to be donated)

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Bunny Fort!

Fort Watermelon

Or, should that be Fort Watermelon?

I mentioned, yesterday, that I saw Bun Bun feasting on the watermelon leaves and I had to rig up a barrier of sorts, using what I had on hand - several metal folding chairs and flattened cardboard boxes, mainly!  Plus a metal cover and an old dry erase memo board!  With flower pots standing guard/propping up the chairs and cardboard!  

Inside the Fort!

Tucked safely inside the fort are Wawa Melon and Walter III aka Dandy Macaroni!  You can catch a glimpse of him on the left in the picture, just above the upturned pot!  Wawa is just out of the picture on the lower right..

Fort Knox it ain't (I've had to reinforce one of the cardboard panels as the wind had blown it down!), but, I have tried to close up all the gaps and I am hoping that it will keep Bun Bun away!  At least until I can order some wire mesh and ask M to build me an enclosure!

In the meantime, the hibiscus must have been very curious to see what was going on with the melons, because both its flowers were on the side overlooking the fort and appeared to be peering:

Hibiscus Flowers

Maybe they are communicating with the cosmos inside the fort!  

"Hey, Cosmos, what is going on?"

"Oh, Hibiscus, it's the most exciting thing!  We have us a fort to keep us safe from Bun Bun!"

Elsewhere in the garden, the roses are happy and not too concerned:

Pink Rose says, "I have thorns to protect me!"

While the poor Buddleia says, "I've enough other things to worry about; my leaves are drying up!"

Ailing Buddleia

 So, what's going on in your garden, these days?

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Cloudy Wednesday

Couscous Pilaf, Ground Beef and Potatoes, and Gata (Armenian Cookies)

More delicious food compliments of neighbor S and family!  Yesterday, she mentioned that she was cooking because she was expecting a visit from some family members, today, and asked if she could delay daughter's piano lesson by fifteen minutes; she wanted to finish the cooking and not have to interrupt the lesson midway to check on what she was making.  Apparently, she made a type of Armenian cookie known as "gata" for the first time.  She also cooked a dish with ground beef and potatoes and her mother made a type of pilaf using couscous and the tomatoes I had given S.  Today, she called to ask if I would like to try some of it!  Of course, I said, "Yes, please!"  A few minutes later, she brought this feast, shown in the photo, above!  She had included two madeleine cookies with the gata.  I returned one of her containers and gave her more tomatoes.  Daughter and I enjoyed the meal at dinner.

We had quite a change in the weather today.  Not only was it cloudy and cool (our daytime high was only 77F), it even drizzled in the morning!  

I woke up earlier than usual because I had to go for a fasting blood test this morning.  I got to the clinic a few minutes before my appointment and checked in.  There was just one other person in the waiting room and I was called in almost immediately.  I had my blood drawn by a phlebotomist I had not met before.  We chatted a bit while she entered my particulars into the computer and drew my blood.  As one of my friends and I had been discussing, recently, our opportunities to engage in casual conversations with strangers are rather limited, these days, which makes it harder to make new acquaintances and friends.

After I came home, I had a cup of tea and breakfast - a scrambled egg, toast, and calamondin marmalade. 

Then, I walked around the back garden and when M arrived a little later, I was able to share a couple of discoveries with him:

Crepe Myrtle Flowers

There had been a couple of crepe myrtle trees in the back which, to all intents and purposes, died a couple of years ago.  But, at least one of them grew back and now, we have some flowers!  M quickly weeded around the plant and removed some of the gazania, osteospermum, and curry leaf seedlings that were crowding out the crepe myrtle (as seen in the photo).  I saved some of the gazania plants that were pulled out to plant in the side yard.  

The other discovery I had to show him was this:

Okra Flower

The first okra flower!  There are a few more buds on some of the other plants.  I am looking forward to my okra harvest!  

M did some weeding and watering, today.  I shared some of the Serrano chilies with him. 

Later in the evening, I saw Bun Bun happily munching on watermelon leaves!  Oh, no!  I don't mind him eating the leaves, but, I don't want him to move on to the watermelons!  I managed to rig up a temporary barrier around the watermelon plant, with a bit of help from my daughter (she came out to see what I was doing).  It was too dark to take a picture, but, I'll take one, tomorrow.  I know everyone is going to laugh at it, but, if it keeps the watermelons safe, then, that's what matters!  I've noticed that Bun Bun and friends have eaten several of the succulents in the front garden, too!

After dinner, I made several phone calls to chat with family and friends.  

Today, I am grateful for:

- S blessing us with food she and her mother had prepared
- The little drizzle we received this morning
- The blood test itself went smoothly without long delays
- The opportunity to chat with the new phlebotomist
- M's help with the garden

Today's joyful activity was being in the garden.

I don't have any firm plans for tomorrow.  I should, however, take advantage of the cooler temperatures that are forecasted (a high of only 80F, tomorrow!) and get some housework done!

Cosmos Flowers

Bun Bun ate all the lower branches of the cosmos plant, but, it still produced some lovely flowers!


August Decluttering Challenge: 

8/1 - 1 pair gardening gloves

8/2 - non-working heating pad

8/3 - old purse/handbag

8/4 - 1 computer CD containing a report

8/5 - 1 plastic lid that cracked and broke in two

8/6 - 1 hooded sweatshirt (received a new one to replace it)

8/7 - old make-up I no longer use

8/8 - 6 plastic laundry detergent scoops (I use powdered laundry detergent; each new box comes with its own scoop; I don't need to keep the old ones, but, it seems such a waste to toss them in the recycling bin)

8/9 - 1 sponge paint brush (unused, but, so old, the sponge is no longer spongey!)
         1 plastic food container

8/10 - 1 blouse (given to daughter); will be donated as she decided it didn't fit her properly

8/11 - 1 broken clothes hanger
          3 bras

8/12 - 2 Zucchini!  LOL!  Eileen informed me that the zucchini don't count!

8/13 - Daughter's old artwork: A poster 

8/14 - Daughter's old artwork: A painting

8/15 - 1 long dress (given to daughter) - she had urged me to buy it for myself one year for all of $1, but, I didn't wear it.  She, on the other hand, loves it!  It looks much better on her than on me! 

8/16 - 1 coffee mug 

8/17 - A book on cake decorating

8/18 - 1 bottle of perfume spray (an "our version of a famous perfume" that someone gave which doesn't smell good to me)