Friday, August 13, 2021

On Thursday

On Thursday, I watered the front garden in the morning, before it became too sunny and hot.

Later, I decided to take advantage of some coupons that had arrived in yesterday's mail and get crispy chicken sandwiches (buy one, get one free) and a large fries for $1 (with the purchase of a sandwich) for our lunch.  Daughter came with me (it was during her lunch break), because the fine print on the coupon said one coupon per customer and we were redeeming two coupons.  We went through the drive-through and our lunch came to $6.78, which, I guess, isn't too bad.  

I'm glad I decided to drive the car, today, because the low tire pressure light had come on, again!  It was the same right front tire that I had inflated about two weeks ago, on my way to the clinic to get my injection.  So, after eating half of my sandwich for lunch, I drove back to the tire shop and told them I probably have a puncture; they put a patch for me.  It came to $20.

I came home, changed out of the skirt and blouse I had been wearing, and put on a pair of shorts and another sleeveless blouse.  Then, I ate the rest of my sandwich and spilled hot sauce on my blouse!  I didn't mind it, too much, but, then, friend R called to say that N, the person who makes the stringhoppers, etc., had wanted to stop by my house to pick up some curry leaves (earlier, I had offered some curry leaves to her husband).  Well, I couldn't meet N for the first time in a blouse with drips of hot sauce on it, could I?  So, I changed my clothes again!  That's three changes of clothes in one day and I haven't got ready for bed, yet!  Now I know why I have so many clothes in my closet!  LOL!

A short time later, N arrived.  She is a young woman, perhaps a few years older than my daughter.  The minute she saw my back yard she said she loved it, that it looked like a typical Sri Lankan garden, and asked if she could bring her two small sons to see it!  I guess they live in an apartment without access to a proper garden.  She also volunteered to bring her husband and help with the garden as an act of service!  LOL. I am not quite sure what M might think of it, but, I would be happy to have some extra help with the garden, especially when offered so willingly!  Well, we shall see if anything happens!  Her husband might have other ideas!  LOL.  In the meantime, I gave her plenty of curry leaves, as well as some tomatoes, and, yes, two zucchini!  No 133 has left the premises, along with one that had been picked earlier!  LOL!  Can I consider them as part of my decluttering?  I didn't declutter anything else, today!

N apologized for not bringing me any food she had prepared (she was on her way home from grocery shopping), but, offered me two mangoes, which I accepted.  

Later in the evening, I watered half of the back yard.  It took me 30 minutes.  The full yard takes me one hour to water; I've watered the full back yard twice, so far, and both times, I've experienced leg twinges, the following day.  I am hoping that by watering only half the yard, I'll be able to avoid getting leg twinges.  I will water the rest of the back yard, tomorrow.  

My daughter checked the jury service website this evening and she was informed that she has completed her service requirements for this particular summons!  She did not have to report in person, this go around, and we are very glad!  Today's new Covid case count in the county was 3,865!

Today, I am grateful for:

- My daughter has completed her jury service without having to go in person to the courthouse
- I was able to get the tire patched before I had a flat tire
- Coupons in the mail for an easy lunch
- Being able to give some curry leaves and other garden produce to N
- Chatting with family and friends

Today's joyful act was sharing the garden produce with N and seeing her enthusiasm for the garden!  I appreciated her spontaneous offer of help with the garden and, even if it doesn't come to anything, her pleasure in being able to walk around my garden enabled me to realize just how blessed I was to have a garden!  

Plans for tomorrow include watering the rest of the back yard and tackling the floor of the closet!

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday?


August Decluttering Challenge: 

8/1 - 1 pair gardening gloves

8/2 - non-working heating pad

8/3 - old purse/handbag

8/4 - 1 computer CD containing a report

8/5 - 1 plastic lid that cracked and broke in two

8/6 - 1 hooded sweatshirt (received a new one to replace it)

8/7 - old make-up I no longer use

8/8 - 6 plastic laundry detergent scoops (I use powdered laundry detergent; each new box comes with its own scoop; I don't need to keep the old ones, but, it seems such a waste to toss them in the recycling bin)

8/9 - 1 sponge paint brush (unused, but, so old, the sponge is no longer spongey!)
         1 plastic food container

8/10 - 1 blouse (given to daughter); will be donated as she decided it didn't fit her properly

8/11 - 1 broken clothes hanger
          3 bras

8/12 - 2 Zucchini!  LOL!


  1. How lovely that you've met N. Let's hope the offer of some help with the garden does work out but without offending M.

    Do zucchini count as decluttering? I'd say 'no' as they aren't a possession in terms of being an item you've owned or used and are choosing to remove from the house. Don't worry about it 😂 ... you are ahead on the number of items as you decluttered more than one item the previous day.

    That's such good news about your daughter's jury service ... definitely the best outcome considering the high number of cases in your area.

    1. It was very nice to meet N; she seemed to be a very pleasant person.

      Sigh, I didn't think the zucchini counted, but, you've got to credit me for trying! :D I did go around the house looking for something to declutter, late at night, but, I gave up and went to bed!

      I'm very glad my daughter didn't have to go in person to serve on a jury. The new Covid numbers are rather crazy and scary!

  2. I hope the hot sauce doesn't stain. I seem to have episodes of messing up perfectly clean clothes while eating. I blame food that has a mind of its own!
    So glad your daughter doesn't have to appear in court, what a relief!
    I haven't done much decluttering being busy with other things, but I did throw out an empty TicTac plastic box. I can't imagine why I kept it, I'll probably remember one day and wish I still had it. :)

    1. I, too, hope the hot sauce doesn't stain, but, if it does, then, it is one of those really old blouses that can be decluttered.

      Yes, it is a big relief that my daughter doesn't have to be in court during this 4th wave or whatever we are going through right now!

      Ha, ha, guess who did an online search for reusing TicTac containers! :D But, you probably did the right thing tossing it!

  3. Your garden sounds lovely. Sorry to hear about the twinges. Taking care of a home and garden becomes more challenging with age. I need to have my tire pressure checked, too.

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. The garden is coming along nicely. Today, I upended one of the pots in which I planted a potato and harvested a few baby potatoes!

  4. Even if N and here family aren't able to help with the garden, letting the children see it should be a lot of fun.

    1. It would be a lot of fun to have the children over to see the garden. I'm not quite sure how old they are, but, they are in elementary school.

  5. That is so nice that your daughter's friend has offered her husband to help in your garden. With your friend/gardener away for a couple weeks, his help might come in handy if it works out that way.
    I laughed when I read about your 3 changes of clothes thinking " it's a good thing she's got more than the average of 103 items of clothing" lol

    I am glad your daughter served her jury duty summons without being called in person.

  6. Well, M is back from his vacation, and while N's offer of her husband's help is much appreciated, I am happy with having M tend to the garden. He's been tending to the garden for the past 28 years, after all. :)

    Oh, I don't know if I could go with the basic guideline of 5-7 weekday outfits! Not unless I intend to do laundry twice a week instead of just weekly! Or, I'd have to wear an apron all day long and a bib at meal times! :D

    Thank you; with the Covid numbers being what they are right now and even vaccinated people getting sick with it, I, too, am glad that my daughter didn't have to serve in person. Maybe it will be better, next time she's called.


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