Saturday, August 29, 2020

Monthly Mini Photo Challenge/Letter A

Eileen has a monthly mini photo challenge on her blog, with a different theme for each month.  This month's theme was the letter "A".  Participants had to take a minimum of 5 photos (no maximum) reflecting this theme during the month. 

These are my takes for this month's theme:

"A" - I thought the folded laundry drying rack looked like the letter A

A is for August, the current month

A is also for Alphabets:

English Alphabet
Sinhala Hodiya (Alphabet)

A is for an Avocado seedling grown from a seed

And for a red Aloe plant to replace the one that disappeared

Anatomical drawings in a book that was a gift from my stepfather

And finally - A is for:

Pineapples?  No!  Annasi!  (Sinhala word for pineapple)

 Thank you, Eileen; I had a lot of fun participating.  

September's theme is "Green", if anyone would like to participate.


  1. Love it, I need to go check out the challenge too! Enjoy the rest of the weekend :)

    1. Thank you, Martha. There are still a couple of days left in August, if you wish to join this month, or, maybe, you can join in September. :)

  2. Nice theme, you did so well! In Polish pineapple is very similar: Ananas:)

    1. Ananas is also the genus name for the pineapple - Ananas comosus. :)

  3. Wow, that's a great selection of A photos. I especially like the A frame drying rack and the pineapples - clever thinking on your part there!

    Thanks for joining in Bless xx

    1. Thank you, Eileen. When you first mentioned the theme was "A", I thought it meant things that resembled the letter A! I was on the lookout for things that had an A-frame. Hence the laundry rack! But, then, you explained that it could be for anything starting with the letter A and that made it easier. :)

      Thank you for hosting this; I had fun. :)

  4. Replies
    1. Glad you liked it. I had fun choosing the objects to photograph. :)

  5. Great idea! I like the first photo the best! 💖

  6. Great challenge this month. Love all of your photos.

    My favorite is the drying rack that is shaped like an A - very clever.

    1. Thank you. When I saw the theme, at first, I thought it meant things that looked like the letter A and I thought the drying rack formed a letter A when it was folded like that. I was wondering what else I could find that looked like the letter A, when Eileen explained it could be anything that started with the letter A and that made it easier!

  7. Drying rack is a clever one. :)

    I forgot about my avocado plants! Though I used one of my aloes.

    1. Thank you. :)

      I'm off to check out your photos. :)

  8. I really liked the drying rack and the others were very appropriate, clever to use non-English words.

    I found mouse #8 this morning after two days break. Maybe the long day of rain yesterday brought it in. Today is fine but with the wind it is not as warm as I would like. Had fun watching large Yellow-shafted Flickers robbing a blackberry cane! Behind them a chipmunk was at work on another cane. Then DH went out to see if there was anything left for him to pick!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I suppose I could have put the scientific name for pineapple (Ananas comosus) instead, but, went with the Sinhala word, instead. :)

      At least you are finding those mice as they come in! Hopefully, there won't be many more to catch!

      Oh, I hope your DH found some blackberries to pick and enjoy!

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you, Regine. My gardener friend M gave it to me. :)

  10. Firstly, hello - I have come via Eileen's blog :o)
    Really like your finds, especially the airer and the alphabets - great ideas!
    I am also envious of your avocado, as I found a seedling growing out of a stone in my compost bin, so I planted it, it grew for a while, then died. I guess it's too cold here!

    1. Pleased to meet you, Lady Ella. :)

      Thank you; I enjoyed finding different things to photograph. :)

      I'm sorry your avocado plant died. I've had other seedlings that grew and died, too, usually because our summers are so hot (the plants get scorched), although one time, because a winter got really cold and we had frost. However, avocado seedlings make good houseplants, so, maybe, you can grow a seedling, another time, and pot it up to keep indoors.

      Thank you for visiting and commenting. Look forward to hearing from you, again.

    2. That's a great tip! Next time I find one I will certainly keep it inside. Thank you!


Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting. Your comments are much appreciated. Please comment in English. Thank you.