Sunday, June 23, 2024

Saturday in Review

On Saturday, we warmed up to 99F, which is the highest it has been so far, this year.  I was perfectly happy with that temperature, especially since the house stayed cooler than that.  However, it became a little uncomfortable in the late afternoon, partly because I kept my windows closed to minimize the noise from the party next door.  I switched on the ceiling fan in the family room and that helped to keep Dancer and me cool.

The invitation said that the party would start at 3:00 p.m., and it did, but, the music started at 2:30 p.m. It is 1:40 a.m. as I type this and the music is still going on, although the live band stopped around 1:00 a.m.  I went over at 3:30 p.m. handed over a small gift (a scented jar candle that I had in my stash), and came home.  

I had planned to can some peaches, today, but, I felt that the day was too hot to be processing peaches.  Instead, I read, watched some videos, crocheted a bit, and took an afternoon nap!  Later in the evening, I chatted with friend R and, of course, video chatted with my daughter.

Brunch today was leftover chicken curry and yogurt flat bread.  I had a cold cuts sandwich after my nap and fried breaded shrimp for my dinner.  Snacks included fresh peaches.  

On Saturday, I was grateful for:

- Finding a suitable gift in my stash, along with a birthday themed gift bag and card
- Ceiling fans and electricity to run them
- Afternoon naps
- Phone calls and emails from friends
- Internet access and being able to video chat with my daughter

Saturday's joyful activities included feasting on fresh peaches.

Plans for Sunday include canning those peaches before they spoil!

How was your Saturday?  What are your plans for Sunday?


  1. Too bad about the loud music and the length of time you had to put up with it. You are a good neighbour giving a card and gift knowing what was in store for you. I'm glad you were able to keep cool with your ceiling fan on. I hope you aren't too tired to can your peaches today.

    1. The music finally ended at 2:45 a.m. Fortunately, I am a night owl and I routinely go to bed around 3:00 a.m. or later, so it didn't keep me awake. Don't get me wrong, I like music, though not necessarily their choice of music, but, twelve hours of music played as loudly as they did, becomes a bit too much. It's blissfully quiet, this morning!

  2. I hope your Sunday plans include a nap! 💤 You are such a nice neighbor bringing over a birthday gift.
    I bought a bunch of fresh vegetables yesterday and then did food preparation so I’m ready for the week. I especially like to have salad ingredients clean and cut-up in containers. Today I’m going to cook chicken breast with zucchini and tomatoes.
    Happy Sunday!

    1. Thank you, Taconix. I slept in this morning and I don't think I'll need a nap, but, we'll see. :)
      Sounds like you got quite a bit of meal prep done, yesterday. Chicken with zucchini and tomatoes sounds good!
      Happy Sunday to you, too. :)

  3. Your neighbor's parties amaze me. I would be exhausted hosting a party for that long. In fact, I think I would be exhausted just listening to the party for that long. I'm glad you were able to keep cool inside. It was that hot or hotter here yesterday, and we definitely took advantage of the AC.

    1. To be quite honest, I don't know how they do it! They did play some rather upbeat, energetic music, but, after awhile, it did get a bit too much.
      I've been hearing about your high temperatures in the news; it's probably worse because your area has a relatively high humidity level than we do. I'm glad you have AC and can stay cool indoors when it is hot outside.

  4. Those fresh peaches must have tasted delicious.
    It was very kind of you to have gifted a candle, although I do hope the party has quietened down by now.
    Even though the weather this weekend has been warm and sunny, I've spent most of it at home. But I've been quite productive. Lily has a busy week ahead, so I wanted her to feel rested, and it gave me the chance to catch up with some jobs around the house (inside and out). Xx

    1. The fresh peaches were wonderful.
      They were kind enough to invite me and I thought it would be neighborly to give a small gift. The party eventually ended around 2:45 a.m., my time. By 3:00 a.m., it was all nice and quiet and I went to bed. :)
      Sounds like you and Lily both had a nice weekend. Hopefully, you'll have more warm and sunny weekends during which you can go walking and do some fun activities, knowing that you're all caught up on the household stuff. :)

  5. Your neighbours really know how to party! The only time we have to put up with loud music is at the town's summer festival, which is a few kilometres from us but can still be heard. Thank goodness we don't live in the town!

    1. LOL, yes, they do! They do rentals for parties, supplying folding tables and chairs, etc., so they go all out when they host parties of their own. Maybe it's a form of advertising for them! It lasted for 12 hours; I just don't know how they do it!

  6. Hopefully there will not be another party next door for a long while, and you get to enjoy open windows with some quiet! That is too hot to be closed up indoors.

    1. Hopefully, there won't be too many parties this summer. I like to open the windows in the evening, when it is cooler, to cool down the house.

  7. I am glad the party is behind you. I read in your comments that it ended at 2:45 - that's ridiculous. You've explained before why you don't complain and I understand that. But I sure wish someone would.
    I hope that party is "one and done" as the saying goes.

    1. Thank you, Debra. One of my neighbors did complain to the police, one time, and the police came out and told them the turn off the music, which they did that one time, but the next party was just as loud and when that neighbor called the police she was told to tell the neighbors to turn down the music (I think they might have been short staffed that night or had other more serious crimes to tend to) which she did, driving over and honking her car horn and yelling at them! Once again, it only worked that one time.


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