Saturday, June 22, 2024

Friday: As the Garden Evolves

The Evolving Rockery Stonery

It started out as a bare spot that would get muddy and I started putting the odd stones I'd find in the garden when digging to cover the bare spot.  Over time, some celery self seeded and M added a few more plants.  Today, I suggested that it needed a stone border and M gathered all the larger rocks we've found in the garden and added a border!  He has planted some bulbs in there, as well, so there should be spring flowers, next year.  In the meantime, the sedum seems very happy and I expect the dogbane/scaredy cat plant cuttings will grow to fill in the space, too.  

We also constructed a sort of trellis to provide support to the pole beans:

Bean Trellis

We used the bamboo poles that M found for me and I tied strips of fabric I had torn from some old scrap fabric that I had (too stained to use for patchwork) instead of string because I didn't have any string.  The strips of fabric are tied to the chicken wire fencing - I'm hoping that the bean plants will grow up the chicken wire mesh to the strips of fabric.  I can add more strips of fabric, if needed.

There's some progress inside the house, as well.   I changed the sofa dust covers, did a load of laundry, and sorted two of the shelves in the linen closet.  One shelf has all the towels, the other shelf has table covers that my mother and grandmother had crocheted.     

I also picked more blueberries, today, and some peaches.  I gave some of the peaches to M to take home with him, along with a jar of peach jam I had made earlier in the week.

On Friday, I was grateful for:

- The start of summer
- M's help with the garden
- The evolving garden
- Fresh blueberries and peaches
- What I was able to accomplish

Friday's joyful activity was picking ripe fruit from the garden

Saturday is supposed to be sunny and warm, with a high in the low 90s.  I am planning to finish organizing the linen closet and to can the peaches I picked.  

How was your Friday?  How is your garden coming along?  What are your plans for the weekend?



  1. I do like your rockery,it looks lovely. Such a good idea to use strips of fabric instead of string, you always come up with excellent alternatives when need must.
    Summer has finally arrived here although it did rain yesterday while I was out walking Tilly. I have to wait until later in the day when it's cooler to walk her now what with her being black and having a thick curly coat, I don't want her panting and becoming exhausted. I put one of my patio roses which isn't doing too well into the raised bed and hope it does better there but that's the lextent of my gardening I'm afraid.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I've a feeling that the rockery will continue to grow as M keeps adding more plants to it! LOL. As for the fabric strips, they are more obvious than string would have been, but, I didn't want to go to the store to buy strings.
      I'm glad that is has warmed up and summer has arrived in your part of the world. Good idea to walk Tilly when it is cooler. I hope the patio rose you transplanted does well in the raised bed. To be quite honest with you, if I didn't have M to tend to the garden for me, I probably wouldn't have done much, myself.

  2. Your stonery bed looks pretty. I can't seem to get sedum to grow here. The animals love it and eat any of it that grows. :(

    1. Thank you, June. I'm so sorry for the delay to respond to this comment, but, it went to my spam folder for some reason! Sorry to hear that you can't grow sedum in your garden because the animals eat it. I suppose if I still had those rabbits that used to visit the garden, quite a few of my plants would have been eaten, too.

  3. I love pretty little spots in the garden. It’s nice to highlight plants or flowers. I see this trend when I walk in the neighborhood. Your stone border sets yours off well.
    I hope your neighbor’s party wasn’t too loud. 😴
    I spent a quiet Friday at home and the weekend will be sedate as well. I’m going out early to return shoes I ordered online. I should have known better; I need to try them on first. Then I’ll grocery shop while I’m out.
    I am keeping up with my goal to declutter an item a day, although it hardly seems to make a dent. 😊

    1. Thank you, Taconix. I do like how the stones form a border.
      The neighbor's party is scheduled to start at 3:00 p.m. according to the invitation. The music started at 2:30 p.m. (I'm writing this at 2:43 p.m.) They usually have a live band, with amplifiers, and the party is held outdoors, with the tents set up in their driveway. There is a distance of five feet between their driveway and my house. My whole house vibrates when they turn up the base!
      I, too, can't buy shoes without trying them on, first. Doesn't help that my right foot is bigger than my left! Hope you find some good bargains at the grocery store and enjoy the rest of your Saturday. Well done with keeping up with the decluttering! It will eventually make a difference. :)

  4. Your stonery is perfect for that spot! And the cloth supports are ingenious. I may steal that idea for the morning glory vines once they get bigger. I will, of course, give you full credit!

    1. Thank you, Celie. I have an abundance of fabric and I am a firm believer that one has to use what one has! :D

  5. I have bean envy! Those plants look very healthy. I like the arrangement of poles and the cloth strips. Your stonery looks pretty with the sedum. Mine flowers much later in the summer.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady; the plants do look healthy don't they? I hope they will produce plenty of beans. :) The sedum seems to like this spot - it gets the morning sun and afternoon shade.

  6. I like your stonery. It's a good use of the area. There is a small corner of my garden which looks quite similar, and I edged it with various stones I've found when gardening, and planted a hydrangea there. It looks rather nice, as long as I overlook that it also contains the small England garden gnome, that Lily won in a school competition :)

    1. Thank you, Jules. Your garden corner with the hydrangea sounds lovely, especially with Lily's garden gnome! In fact, I was thinking that the stonery was just crying out for some sort of garden ornament, myself! Although I was thinking more along the lines of a stone lantern. :)


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