Sunday, June 2, 2024

Starting June


Garden Bouquet

Thank you, everyone, for your very kind comments on the Balanced Life Monthly Goals post.  I do appreciate your comments.

On the first of June, the day started out with typical "June Gloom" weather - overcast and dull in the morning, but, sunny in the afternoon.  

As is my usual custom, I made milkrice for brunch, picked some flowers from the garden, made an offering at the altar, and said my morning prayers.

Neighbor S called in the early afternoon and brought me some gata (Armenian cookies) and later, I took the packages that had come for friend R over to her, along with the last of the blueberry muffins I had made and some freshly picked blueberries.

I also went to the pharmacy to pick up two of my medications that were ready; I'm waiting for a third prescription, but, the pharmacy said they haven't received it yet.  While I was at the pharmacy, walking through the store section, I saw that the granola bars I like were on sale this week - originally priced at $5.99 a box, on sale for $1.99 (they are selling for $4.49/box at the supermarket, with a $0.50 off the purchase of two boxes).  I bought two boxes as I had just come to the end of the box I had bought back in March. 

I spent most of the evening reading a romance novel I had borrowed from the on-line library.  As a result, very little housework got done, other than the dishes and the litter box!  

Brunch had been milkrice and chicken curry.  Dinner was waffles and sausages.  

On the first of June, I was grateful for:
- Neighbor S bringing me treats
- Being able to help friend R with her packages
- Flowers from the garden
- The availability of medications and insurance to help cover the cost
- Safe driving to the pharmacy and to drop off R's packages and back

Joyful activities included brief visits with neighbor S and friend R, the monthly ritual of making milkrice and making an offering at the altar, and reading.

Plans for Sunday include ordering groceries to be picked up, giving Dancer his monthly flea prevention medications, doing a load of laundry, and picking more blueberries!

How was your Saturday?  What are your plans for Sunday?  


  1. Nothing like getting lost in a book! Sounds like a good day.

    1. Thank you, June. Yes, it was a lovely day and there really isn't anything like getting lost in a book!

  2. Beginning of the month rituals already; time flies. The only habit for me is to make the mortgage payment. I will thoughtfully identify and add a ritual that is meaningful to me. I don’t know what it is yet, but I want to mark new beginnings in a more intentional way.
    Your social interactions sound nice! My sister dropped by Saturday morning and we had a nice visit talking and drinking coffee.
    I like using a coupon on top of a sale. It’s the thrill of the hunt that keeps shopping interesting.
    We’re in a spell of beautiful weather here and I’ve been walking in the evenings. ☺️

    1. The thought is that, if you start the month off right, then, the rest of the month will be good! But, for that matter, each day is a new beginning. I begin and end my days with prayers and, at night, I bless the house my way, by walking through the house and sprinkling it with blessed water while saying a prayer. It might be a messy house, it might need some repairs and sprucing up, but, it is my home and it provides me with shelter.
      Your visit with your sister sounds lovely and that's a nice start to the month; it also reminds me that I should call my half-sister!
      I love finding a bargain on things I usually buy. I dislike paying full price, although, sometimes, one has to.
      I'm glad you are having some beautiful weather and enjoying walking in the evenings. It's another overcast day, here, and no sunshine even in the afternoon!
      I'm glad

  3. It's sunny here and I've finally taken the cover off our garden furniture, not sat out on it yet but I will. How lovely to be brought some cookies and the granola bars you bought were quite a bargain. I'm glad you relaxed reading and enjoying your romance novel, the housework will still be waiting when you're ready.

    1. Yay! You are having some sunshine and the covers are off the garden furniture! I hope you will have many sunny days this summer and enjoy being outside. Tilly will be happy, too, I know!
      It was lovely have neighbor S bring me cookies (they are more like a pastry with an almond filling) and I was very happy with the sale on the granola bars.
      Thank you, the romance novel was full of all the cliches such novels often have, but, I enjoyed reading it! :D

  4. Love the flower bouquet. That's a really good deal on the granola bars!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I love being able to pick some flowers from the garden to bring inside.
      I did get a good deal on the granola bars, didn't I?

  5. I love that bouquet in the pretty vase in front of the mirror. It looks just right! That was a great deal on the granola bars.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. The vase of flowers on the mantel placed next to my mother's picture; she gets the one rose that I picked. :)
      I was very happy with the granola bars bargain! :D

  6. Lovely spray of flowers. Amazing deal on the granola bars. I would definitely have bought more than two boxes - and probably eaten them all too quickly! Yesterday was dry, but cool and grey here. I put some washing out anyway and it just about dried. Today was warm and sunny, I spent about three hours in the garden. Did loads of weeding but completely forgot to save some brambles - even though I ended up with thorns in my fingers! Slug damage SEEMS to have abated now. The weaker plants have been taken and the rest are doing ok. Hope I haven't jinxed it. Anyway if need be I can retrieve and chop up some stems tomorrow but I fear dad may be right about the spacing of the thorns. The molluscs might just think I've provided some nice bridges for them. They were grumbling about slugs and snails again on the radio this morning and a couple of pundits said they refuse to be told by the RHS to "make friends with them". In the end they said the best solution is salt. The birds leave it alone and if they should ingest some, it is not a big problem.
    Anyway, drier weather on the horizon so that should help.
    Ella (as if you couldn't guess)

    1. Thank you, Ella. The poppies last for at least a couple of days as cut flowers, closing up at night and opening again in the morning!
      Yes, I was tempted to buy more of the granola bars, but, like you, I am tempted to eat them when I have them and I am back to monitoring my sugar intake after the latest blood test results; the granola bars are rather high in sugar!
      I'm glad you had a sunny and warm day to tend to your garden. Glad, too, to hear that the slug/snail damage seems to be abating. I noticed that something had eaten the tops of some of my okra seedlings and I wondered if I had some snails, or, maybe it was Chicken Little helping itself to some tasty snacks! I have since put some fencing around the vegetable plants. Well, it sounds like you might not need to get your salt shaker out, with drier weather on the horizon. :)

  7. Your bouquet is lovely.
    As usual when you mention something I am unfamiliar with I have to look it up. Now I know that gata looks delicious, I also know it is something I will not be making. Way more complicated than what I bake.

    1. Thank you, Anne.
      Yes, gata tastes delicious and making it from scratch is a process! My neighbor has mastered the art of making them, but, it's not something I would want to make, myself, either! :)

  8. You made a nice arrangement for the beginning of the month.
    Special treats from neighbor S to start this first full month of summer.
    What a good deal you got on your granola bars! How lucky you were to be there at just the right time.
    A good romance novel can certainly keep us from other plans but there are certainly worse ways to spend a day :)

    1. Thank you, Debra. It was a good start to the month, wasn't it? Treats from neighbors S, a good deal on the granola bars, a romance novel, and, best of all, I didn't fall like I did on May 1st! :D

  9. That's a good price for the granola bars. It's always wise to take up these offers whenever you see them, especially when it is for something you already enjoy. X

    1. Thank you, Jules; yes, I like to pick up a bargain whenever I see one, as long as the item is something I like. :)


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