Thursday, June 6, 2024

On Wednesday

Alstroemeria: Peruvian Lily

The Alstromeria or Peruvian Lilies are starting to bloom, under the pomegranate tree.  

On Wednesday, M was here, around noon, to tend to the garden.  He potted up the two dracaena cuttings I had rooted in water, weed whacked the back garden (no more grass to mow!), and watered the garden for me.  Now I have two more houseplants to add to the plant stand.

New Dracaena Plant 1

New Dracaena Plant 2

I hope they both grow well.

Later in the afternoon, I made the appointment for Dancer to get his arthritis injection (scheduled for Friday afternoon) and paid my bills.  Afterwards, instead of cleaning the family room as planned, I took a nap as I was feeling tired.

Brunch had been a cold cuts sandwich as that was convenient.  But, for dinner, I cooked a fresh pot of rice, warmed up some shrimp curry from the freezer (a slight change in the meal plan - shrimp instead of the chicken curry, I had planned), made over some sauteed garbanzo beans (also from the freezer) into a curry by adding coconut milk, more curry powder, chili powder, etc., and reheated the green beans I had cooked earlier.  I had the last of the cucumber salad with the rice and curries and it was a very tasty dinner.  I have rice, garbanzo beans, shrimp curry, and green beans leftover for tomorrow's dinner.

On Wednesday, I was grateful for:

- Daughter's safe return from her visit to New Orleans
- M's help with the garden
- New plants from rooted cuttings
- Another sunny and warm day
- Afternoon naps

Wednesday's joyful activities included gardening with M and enjoying an afternoon nap.

Plans for Thursday include cleaning the family room.

How was your Wednesday?  What are your plans for Thursday?


  1. Pretty new plants. Soon you'll have as many indoor plants as outdoor plants!
    Your dinner sounds good with your different curries.
    I didn't realize your daughter was in New Orleans. I went their once and loved it. The music and the food were wonderful.

    1. Thank you, Debra. Yes, the new plant stand was crying out for new plants! LOL.
      Dinner turned out well, didn't it? I usually have just one animal protein and one vegetable with my rice, but, this time, I had an assortment of curries, which is how it is supposed to be.
      Yes, daughter went to New Orleans with three friends for an extended weekend. She had a lovely time.

  2. Because I worry about these things, do you know that dracaena plants are poisonous to cats? They look like they would be a fun toy for Dancer. My cats always chewed on plants no matter what they were.

    1. Thank you, June, yes, I know that dracaena plants are poisonous to cats. I had a time keeping Dancer from eating the main plant when I first brought it home, but, now, he's not interested in it or the two new plants. I had been worried about the croton plant, too (another toxic to cats plant), and kept it out of his reach, but, I've been bringing it to the coffee table to get some afternoon sun, and he's not interested in it, either.

    2. I'm glad that Dancer is not interested. And I figured you knew, but just in case, I mentioned it.

    3. Thank you for mentioning it, June; it's always good to know these things. A lot of houseplants are toxic to cats, I've read.

  3. Good to see your Alstromeria starting to bloom. You may remember I am a big fan and my established plant is doing really well although I bought a new one that isn't doing as well but I'll give it a good chance. I hope your houseplants do well. Since unwrapping my garden furniture we have had very little sunshine but plenty more rain :(

    1. Thank you, Eileen; I remember your alstroemeria plants and how well they looked, last summer. I hope your new plant will establish itself, too, and do well.
      Oh, no! I hope you have better weather with plenty of sunshine soon to enjoy your outdoor furniture!

  4. I like your Peruvian Lily, and I like the sound of the meal partly foraged from the freezer, lots of good curry flavours!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. M brought me a handful of the Peruvian Lily bulbs and over the years, they've multiplied. I've read that this particular type of alstroemeria is also called Parrot Lily.
      The dinner turned out really well and I loved the fact that no real cooking needed to be done! :D

  5. It's great that you could get two new plants from your cuttings. I'm currently trying to revive a parlour palm. It had been looking more than a little sad recently, so I re-potted it into some new compost. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. I hope your parlour palm revives after being repotted. I've never had much luck with indoor palms, myself.

  6. You certainly do have a green thumb! I'm sure the indoor plants will do very well.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. The dracaena plants were fairly easy to root - just put them in water, make sure the water is changed at least weekly and in a few weeks, new roots will form. :)


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