Sunday, June 30, 2024

Balanced Life Monthly Goals: June Review and July Goals

June, and with it, the first half of the year, is almost over!  Time to review my monthly goals for June and post my goals for July (although I am wondering if I should try a different format for the rest of the year.)       

Health, Self-Care & Well Being (6.0)(6.5):  The goal is good health.

June Health Goals Review:
My June health goals included taking my prescribed medications, more regular exercise, and a better diet.  I have been taking my medications and the supplements my doctor recommended that I take, the exercising could be more regular and the diet could always be improved.  Improving my health is a work in progress!  But, the blood clot is being reabsorbed slowly, I haven't had any new health issues. and I am still alive, so, I'm giving myself a little raise in my satisfaction level!  

July Health Goals include more of the same! 

Time Management (7.5)(8.0): The goal is to spend my time in a mindful manner.
Spend time purposefully, mindfully
- Procrastinate less

June Goals Review:
Once again, I think I was a little bit better when it came to managing my time in a mindful and efficient manner.  I still procrastinated doing some things (filing/paperwork), but, the important things got done.  I am keeping the rating the same.  

July Time Management Goals: To continue to spend my time in a mindful manner and to procrastinate less.

House (8.5)(8.75):  The goal is a home that is pleasant, comfortable, and welcoming.

I was able to get some of the rooms cleaned and organized to a degree that satisfied me and I've kept the rest of the house maintained.  Cabinets and shelves have been cleaned and organized and a certain amount of decluttering have been done, as well.  As always, there's more that can be done in terms of cleaning and decluttering, but, in general, I have kept up with my cleaning routines.  I have raised the satisfaction rating just a little bit, which pleases me very much. 

July House Goals: Continue to keep a pleasant, well maintained house and keep the horizontal surfaces cleared.  

Finances (9.0)(10.0):  The goal is financial security.
- Continue budgeting and spending mindfully, with purpose

June Goals Review:
My June goal was to continue to budget and spend mindfully, with purpose.  I believe that I have been doing this and my finances are fine.  I am on fixed income, but, I continue to live well within my means.  I have raised the rating because, with the credit monitoring in place, I feel that things are secure.

July Financial Goals: Continue to budget and spend mindfully, with purpose.

Spiritual (10)(10):   The goal is to live a spiritually meaningful life.

June Spiritual Goals Review:
My June spiritual goals included continuing to pray daily, meditate, cultivate gratitude, etc.  I continued doing the things I consider as important to live a spiritually meaningful life with daily prayers, meditation, being kind and helpful to others, and cultivating gratitude.  I'm keeping the same rating.    

July Spiritual Goals: Continue to pray daily, meditate, cultivate gratitude, etc.

Daughter (10)(10) The goal is to continue to have a close relationship with her.
June Goals Review:  
My goal was to continue to maintain a close relationship with my daughter, and I believe I did that.  There were daily texts, almost daily phone calls and video chats (we didn't video chat when she was away on a holiday with friends) and, she is currently home on a visit.  There is no change in the satisfaction rating.   

July Goals: Enjoy her visit home during the first week in July and Continue to have a close relationship with my daughter.

Leisure/Crafts/Hobbies (10)(10):  The goal is to relax doing something I enjoy doing for the pleasure of it.

June Goals Review:
My June goals included engaging in more fun, relaxing activities including crocheting, reading and gardening and I did all of those in June.  I finished crocheting another blanket , I enjoyed reading several ebooks, and I did some gardening.  I am keeping the rating the same.   

July Goals include more of the same. 

Garden (10)(10):  The goal is a garden that is productive, yet drought tolerant.

June Goals Review:
My June garden goals were to continue to nurture the fruit trees and vegetable plants and to maintain the garden.  To that end, M and I have continued to feed and water the plants.  We've also added a tangerine tree, two strawberry plants, and two raspberry plants to the garden this month, as well as a few flowering plants that M has shared with me.  I harvested several pounds of blueberries, almost two pounds of Serrano chilies, and several pounds of peaches and shared them with friends and neighbors, as well.  The garden has been very productive this month.  I am keeping the rating the same.

July Garden Goals:  Continue to nurture the fruit trees and vegetable plants and maintain the garden.  

Family/Friends/Community (10)(10):  The goal is to have a close connection with family and friends and be involved with my community.
- Regular phone calls and emails, etc., to keep in touch with family and friends
- The occasional in person visits as and when I feel comfortable with doing so
- Participate in the blogging community and the online organizing community

June Goals Review:
June was another good month for keeping in touch with family and friends.  There weren't any in person gatherings with cousins, but, my daughter came down at the end of the month for a 10 day visit!  There were food exchanges with some friends and neighbors, I very briefly attended one neighbor's party, and there were regular phone calls, emails, messages, etc., with other family members and friends, and I participated in the blogging community.  I am keeping the rating at 10.

July Goals will continue to be the same as above.  I have invited my late friend's husband and daughters to dinner in memory of my friend whose birthday would have been this month, so there will be some entertaining in person, as well.

Overall, I am quite pleased with how June went; no area went down in satisfaction ratings, Time Management and Finances ratings increased, and the rest remained the same.  I am continuing to feel a little more balanced.  I hope that July will to be another more balanced month.

My focus in July will be my health.  I need to improve my satisfaction in that area.  

Did you have a good month in June when it came to feeling that there was balance in the different areas of your life?


  1. At the moment moment, there's are two situations outside of my control which are impacting my days. One major, the other less so. But I can say that I'm happy to score 10 in family, and friendship goals, and my faith is a real support. The garden is at 8.5, hoping for more as the crops ripen. And craft is definitely a 10 - doing my sewing helps calm my soul when things are stressful!

    1. (((Hugs))) Angela. I am sorry that there are two situations outside of your control which are impacting your days, but, I hope that both those situations will be resolved in a manner that is agreeable to you. know I don't have to say this to you, but, definitely let your faith be a source of comfort and support. I'm glad that there are other areas that are scoring high to balance things out, even a little bit.

  2. You are meeting your goals. I hope your health continues to improve, and you can raise your rating on that for July.

    1. Thank you, Celie. I am definitely going to focus on my health in July.

  3. You are not only meeting your goals you are exceeding some so very well done, I would say you had an excellent June.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I am wondering if I should raise the bar on those areas where I am meeting or exceeding my goals, but, maybe I should just keep those where they are and focus on the one or two areas that really need to improve.

  4. You are so good with your goals! Your yard looks beautiful and plentiful. I'm anxious to see those Berkeley tie-dye tomatoes when they ripen. andrea

    1. Thank you, Andrea. I, too, am eagerly waiting to see how these tomatoes turn out!

  5. You’ve had an exemplary month in June, meeting your goals. It will be good to focus on health while you’re doing so well with everything else.
    I am happy with some of my progress in June, especially continuing to declutter an item a day and meeting a goal of walking every day. I’m a little at sixes and sevens overall with my husband’s retirement (Wednesday), younger daughter’s big move, and our cruise with family mid-July. I have lots of wonderful things happening, but I’m feeling a little bit overwhelmed. 😬

    1. Thank you, Taconix. Well done with the daily walking and decluttering! That's wonderful! You do have a lot of things taking place in July, but, I'm sure everything will work out just fine. Best wishes to you and your husband on his retirement!

  6. I think it was obvious from all that you were achieving in June that your ratings would be higher, especially with time management, when one considers all that you accomplished.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I am very pleased with many of my areas and will focus on those that need more attention. :)


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