Tuesday, July 2, 2024

June Week 4 Meal Plan & July Week 1 Meal Plan

This was my June Week 4 Meal Plan:

Brunches: Cold cuts sandwich✔, waffles with peach or blueberry compote✔, cereal and milk, salads, boiled mung beans with katta sambol✔, scrambled eggs with bacon and fried potatoes✔(for dinner), or something else!  French toast, tuna salad on crackers, sauteed garbanzo beans, roast pork on hamburger buns

Dinners:  Chicken curry (from the freezer) and vegetables with rice✔; sauteed salmon (from the freezer) with rice and cucumber salad green beans or broccoli✔; roast pork (from the freezer) made over into a stir-fry and served on hamburger buns ✔with rice or, chicken curry with yogurt flat bread✔; leftovers✔, smoked sausage stir fry with rice

Snacks/Desserts:  Fresh fruit/✔fruit salad, peanut butter and crackers, granola bars, ice cream✔ if I buy some. kotta kilengu (dried Palmyra palm sprouts)

After I made the meal plan, I realized that I didn't have anymore salmon in the freezer!  So, I bought a piece when I ordered my groceries.  And even after listing green beans and broccoli, I forgot to order them when I submitted the grocery order.

And here is how it all worked out:

Brunch: Cold cuts sandwich
Dinner: Breakfast for dinner: scrambled egg, fried potatoes, sauteed ham slices
Dessert: Peach compote

Brunch: Tuna salad on crackers
Dinner: Ditto (tuna salad on crackers)
Snacks: Apple, kotta kilengu (dried Palmyra palm sprouts)

Brunch: Sauteed garbanzo beans
Dinner - Salmon, sauteed with onions, tomatoes, and bell peppers; cucumber salad; tomato chutney; rice
Dessert: Ice cream

Brunch: Roast pork on hamburger buns
Dinner: Chicken curry, rice, cucumber salad, tomato chutney
Snacks/Dessert: Fresh peaches, a shared first strawberry of the season, a blueberry pastry (that daughter was given by a friend of hers who works in a bakery), ice cream

Brunch: Boiled mung beans with katta sambol
Dinner: Smoked sausage stir fry (with onions, carrots, snowpeas, and cashews) and rice

Brunch: Waffles with peach compote
Late Lunch (daughter): Leftover smoke sausage stir fry and rice 
Dinner: Roast pork remade into devilled pork curry with onions, tomatoes, and bell peppers) on hamburger buns
Snacks: Cherries, plums, leftover waffles

Brunch: French toast
Dinner: Chicken curry and yogurt flat bread
Snacks: Grapes, peaches, cherries, ice cream

I had originally planned to have salmon on two days and ordered a 1 lb. piece, but, I was only given a 0.5 lb. piece of salmon, which was just enough for one meal (with some of the onions/tomato/bell peppers I cooked with it leftover).  So, I cooked the smoked sausage stir fry, which was not on the meal plan.  But, it all worked out quite well.

On to July meal plans!  My daughter will be with me for the first week in July and we are planning to invite a few friends over to dinner on Friday, July 5.

Brunches: Milkrice, with katta sambol and jaggary (Monday, July 1);  scrambled eggs, bacon, fried potatoes and/or toast; cereal with milk; waffles with blueberry compote; mung beans again (as requested by daughter); hot dogs and buns; salad; egg salad sandwiches; leftovers

Dinners: Ground turkey keema curry and rice; salmon and rice with salad;  spaghetti and meat sauce and salad; beef curry. vegetables, and rice;  chicken curry, dhal, sauteed green beans, spicy sauteed potatoes, pappadum, chutney, and rice (Friday dinner with friends),  assorted leftovers

Snacks/desserts: Avocado pudding, fresh fruits, ice cream, smoothies, chips

That is the plan; we shall see how it turns out.

Did you make a meal plan for the last week in June?  If so, how did it work out?  Are you making a meal plan for the first week of July?


  1. That was a shame you only received salmon enough for one meal. Having friends over for dinner while your daughter is with you is something lovely to look forward to. I take it you will need to place a grocery order in preparation for their visit. I don't do meal plans as such as I do that when I see what's available or on offer when I place my online grocery order for the coming week..

    1. I was very disappointed to get a smaller piece of salmon than I had wanted. I suppose that, next time, I'd have to put a note in the order to make sure I meant one lb. and not one piece!
      Yes, I will be placing another grocery order before I have our friends over to dinner, but, the majority of the menu for that dinner is based on what I have on hand. I just need to get more vegetables and something for dessert.
      I, too, base my meal plans on what's on sale that week and/or what I have on hand (especially for the weeks when I don't do a grocery order). :)

  2. We did not have a meal plan here except to eat mostly what we already had in the freezer and pantry, and it worked out pretty well.

    1. If it works for you, then, I wouldn't change a thing, June. Most of my meal plans are also based on what I have on hand. :)

  3. I don't make meal plans. But sometimes I write down what veggies I need to use first.
    How did you find kotta kilengu? 😁

    1. I bought the kotta kilengu at the Sri Lankan store. They had small packets of it and I bought two. :)

  4. I love your menus. You have nice variety in your meals. Last week’s meal plan was on target with a little revision to use up potatoes. This week, there is upheaval for social reasons, so I cooked chicken breasts to put in the freezer and will likely freeze the rest of the London broil we ate last night. We’re going out to dinner tonight with my sister-in-law, nephews, mother-in-law to celebrate our nephews’ high school graduation. Then tomorrow, my sister and her husband are taking us out to dinner to celebrate daughter’s graduation from her fellowship program and husband’s retirement. We’ll probably have leftovers from 2 dinners out, so I may not even cook for a couple of days after. 😊
    I’m intrigued by your meals and, after this busy summer, I want to broaden my skills to learn to prepare curries and interesting rice dishes at home. 👩🏼‍🍳 It will be good for me to be more creative.

    1. Thank you, Taconix. I think there might have been more variety in my meal plans these couple of weeks because my daughter is home. I tend to cook more when she is here. :)
      You do have a very social week ahead of you and if you have leftovers from your dinners out, you'll get a break from the cooking, which will be nice. :)
      I'm sure you'll enjoy learning to make curries, after the summer. That will be something to look forward to. :)

  5. Of course I had to look up kotta kilengu and see what I have been missing. The internet is wonderful for finding out things. If I am ever in a city with an ethnic store, I shall look for these delights!

    1. Kotta kilengu is also known as odiyal kilengu, so if you are out and about and see odiyal kilengu, it's the same thing. The fresh sprouts used to be boiled and eaten as a snack, when I was a child and I know that I considered it as a treat. :)

  6. I also had to Google kota kilangu! Is it like heart of palms? I love those and put them in salads. Your menu looks very good!

    1. Kotta kilengu is more like thin, dried bamboo shoots. When they are fresh and boiled, they are soft, a bit like asparagus. But, dried, they are very hard; often, I will soak them to soften them before I snack on them.


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