Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Meal Plans - July Week 4 Review and July Week 5

More Nectarines From the Garden

This was my July Week 4 Meal Plan:

Brunches:  Toasted cheese sandwich (Monday), scrambled eggs, bacon, fried potatoes; waffles/pancakes with blueberry compote and dhal; salad; uppuma (Indian style cream of wheat)  apple fritter, 

Dinners: Sauteed chicken with broccoli and microwave baked potato; Rice with dhal, sauteed okra, and hot dogs sauteed with onions and tomatoes (I have to finish that packet of hot dogs!); leftovers. 

Snacks/Desserts: Fruit/fruit salad, tuna salad or peanut butter on crackers, protein breakfast bars, apple juice, lemonade, cake

And here's how it worked out:


Brunch: Toasted cheese sandwich

Monday Dinner

Dinner: Rice, dhal (lentils, curry leaves, onions, turmeric, raw curry powder, serrano chilies, garlic, tomato, coconut milk) with moringa leaves, sauteed okra (roasted curry powder, onions), sauteed hot dogs with onion and ketchup 

Snacks: Sliced apple

= 9 plant points (curry powder is a mixture of 12 spices), 2 servings of vegetables, 1 serving of fruit


Brunch: Apple fritter


Tuesday Dinner

Dinner: Leftovers: Rice, dhal, sauteed okra, sauteed hot dogs, leftover diced potatoes

Snacks: Another apple

= 1 plant point; 2 servings of vegetables (I am not counting the potato as a vegetable); 1 serving of fruit 


Brunch: Fresh nectarine

Dinner: Leftover rice and curries

Snacks: Saltine crackers; pomegranate

= 2 plant points, 2 servings of vegetables (dhal and okra), 2 servings of fruit


Brunch: Pancakes and leftover dhal

Thursday Brunch

Dinner: Sauteed chicken, broccoli, carrots, corn, black pepper, and fried potatoes

Thursday Dinner

Snacks: Nectarine

= 4.25 plant points; 3 servings vegetables, 1 serving fruit


Brunch: Leftover pancakes with blueberry compote

Dinner: Leftover sauteed chicken, vegetables, and a freshly sauteed potato

Snacks: Nectarine, a piece of love cake, tortilla chips

= 1 plant point; 2 servings of vegetables, 2 servings fruit


Brunch: Yogurt flat bread, katta sambol (a mixture of onions, chilies, and powdered Maldive fish - a type of dried, cured tuna), a nectarine, and kotta kilengu (dried Palmyra palm sprouts)

Dinner: Leftover sauteed chicken and vegetables (there were three chicken thighs in the package of sauteed chicken, so Thursday, Friday, and Saturday)

Snacks: Strawberries, another piece of love cake

= 2 plant points, 3 servings of vegetables (counting the palmyra palm sprouts as a vegetable), 2 servings of fruit


Brunch: Tuna salad on crackers

Dinner:  Peanut butter and peach jam on crackers!  I had taken out a package of ground turkey to thaw in the fridge and it hadn't thawed; I didn't feel like cooking anything, so I sort of snacked.

Snacks: Spicy dried mango slices, two ginger biscuits/cookies, cereal

= 1 plant point; 1 serving of fruit, 0 servings vegetables

Weekly totals: 20.25 plant points and Saturday was the only day I had a full 5 servings of fruits & vegetables.  Well, that wasn't a stellar week, was it?

Never mind.  Moving on to this week, which I am calling July Week 5 (July 29 to August 4) . 

Treats Compliments of Neighbor S
(Rice Pudding, Almond Croissant, Yellow Cake)

On Monday, neighbor S brought me treats!  A container of rice pudding her sister-in-law had made, a type of yellow cake her mother had made, and an almond croissant purchased from a grocery store bakery!

Brunches: Cheese and crackers (Monday), almond croissant (Tuesday), scrambled eggs and bacon with toast or fried potatoes, salad, milk rice with seeni sambol and mackerel curry; cerea

Dinners: Rice with green peas and grated carrots added to it and sauteed cabbage with roasted cashews (Monday and Tuesday); ground turkey keema curry with rice and vegetables; spaghetti with ground turkey and pasta sauce;  gyoza/pot stickers; leftovers  

Snacks/Desserts: Rice pudding, cake, fresh fruit, smoothies, yogurt

We shall see how that works out!

Are you getting your five a day?


  1. As much as I like vegetables and fruits, I don't think I'm getting 5/day. I should start counting, but I can only do one thing at a time. For now, I am counting the amount I'm drinking. That's something I struggle with also and recording it helps to keep me on track.

    1. Well done keeping track of your drinking, June. That's important too, isn't it? Especially in the summer. I try to drink my 8 glasses a day, but, I know that there are days when I drink less than that.

  2. The teats from your neighbour look delicious as do your meals. I'm afraid I don't have my five a day although I have bought nectarines this week, eat salads and drink plenty of fruit juice, my favourite is Ribena a blackcurrant juice. I would be hopeless with the plant based challenge but you seem to be doing alright with it, certainly not easy to follow.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. The treats were delicious (they are all gone, now!) and taking pictures of my meals help me remember what I ate! I remember Ribena from my childhood! It was given to me as a tonic! LOL. They don't have it, here, but, I do remember seeing a bottle of it at the Sri Lankan store (they have a selection of British foods).

  3. Hello!
    I’m intrigued by your plant points. I have a lot of catching up to do. Your meals look amazing, as always, and I love your neighborly desserts.
    Well, my vacation was wonderful and I loved being with my sisters, brother, cousin, brother-in-law’s sister and all of their spouses! We saw beautiful parts of the world!
    Younger daughter safely traveled cross-country and kitty cat survived the journey.
    I bought lots of fruit and vegetables since we were completely out after being away. It’s a good time of year for produce in NY and it’s good for me to eat a little lighter right now. 😉
    I can’t wait to read all your posts and see what was going on in Bless’ world. 😊

    1. Welcome back, Taconix! You were missed! I'm so glad that you had a lovely time and that your younger daughter had a safe cross-country drive and kitty cat survived it! LOL. This is definitely the time for fresh produce and we could all do with eating lighter. I'm trying to eat a variety of plant based products and get my 5 servings of fruits and veg a day.

  4. What a lovely variety of meals. I do enjoy reading the posts about your menu. You always seem to have such a variety.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I always think that I don't have a lot of variety because I'm always eating leftovers!

  5. You are doing well with your veggies and fruit, and all those meals look delicious. We are still picking a few berries in the yard, but I had to buy some plums today as we don't have fruit trees. We should have planted some years ago, but no doubt there would have been bears raiding them!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I'm glad you are able to pick berries from your yard. I wouldn't want to plant fruit trees if I thought they'd attract bears! Possums and raccoons are bad enough!

  6. Those first three dinners with your lentils look yummy. All the food does actually but I'm drawn to the first 3. Why? The color? The addition of the little potatoes in the 2nd meal? Hot dogs? I've never had hot dogs with lentils. A combination of all of these things?
    I'm hungry right now so they seem even more desirable.

    1. Ha, ha, you liked the three, mostly Sri Lankan, fusion meals! They were also photographed in better light, I think.


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