Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Starting July

New Painting

On Monday, July 1, the second half of this year began!  I did my usual "first day of the month" rituals, making milkrice for brunch and offering flowers at the altar.  The flowers I cut were bunches of pale pink oleander as they are one of the few flowers I have blooming in the garden, currently. 

Daughter had an appointment to get copies of a document she needed; I drove her to her appointment and waited for her at the nearby library, taking advantage of the free parking for library patrons.  I looked through a magazine until daughter came to the library after her appointment.  We put gas to the car on the way home; my budget for gas is $50 per month and I put $50 worth of gas in the car.

After we came home, we had milkrice for brunch.  Then, we went to the crafts supplies store so daughter could look at beads and I could buy another skein of white yarn for my crocheting.  The craft store had a sale on area rugs (we had no idea they sold area rugs!)  I had been looking at area rugs, online, earlier in the day, but, they were rather expensive.  However, the rugs in the crafts store were 50% off and I found one that I liked for $60 for a 5' x 7' rug.  It will go in the living room area. 

In the evening, daughter went for a walk with neighbor S's daughter and I took the trash cans to the curb, watered the back garden, and made my weekly meal plan.  We had assorted leftovers for dinner

On Tuesday,  daughter and I had a relaxed day.  Cousin V called in the afternoon and we had a nice chat.  Then, she asked me if I had any photographs of our grandmother, and if I did, could I take photos of them and send them to her.  So I sent her photos of the photos I had and told her that I will give the photos I have to her when I see her next.   Later in the evening, when it had cooled off a little, I vacuumed the living room and daughter put down the area rug and put the furniture back in place.  Daughter went for a walk, again, with neighbor S's daughter and I read a library book I had borrowed.  Afterwards, we had a "paint night" and I painted the picture shown above.  

Brunch had been scrambled eggs, bacon, fried potatoes, and toast.  Dinner was chicken curry sandwiches and avocado pudding.  

As we start the month of July, I am grateful for:

- Daughter was able to obtain the documents she needed
- Free parking at the library
- Bargains at the crafts store
- Ceiling fans (and the electricity to run them)
-  Spending time with my daughter

Joyful activities have included painting with my daughter, visiting the library, going to the crafts store, and reading.  

Plans for Wednesday include:

- Tending to the garden with M
- Picking up an order of groceries
- Doing a load of laundry

What are your plans for Wednesday?


  1. Sounds like a perfect start to the month. That's a great deal on the area rug. You & your daughter do have some great results from your painting night. My Wednesday plans include a breakfast meet up with a few of my friends from bible study. Wishing you a happy 4th of July on Thursday.

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou. It was a very good start to the month. :) My daughter and I enjoy our paint nights; we might do another one, tonight. :) I hope you had a lovely breakfast together with your friends and you and Mr. Man are having a fun summer.

  2. It’s nice to have artistic talent; your painting is beautiful.
    That was convenient to find an area rug at the craft store. Even better to get an excellent sale price.
    I have a couple hours of work this morning. Daughter is writing. Husband is at his job for 1/2 day, turning in equipment, ID, etc. 😊

    1. Thank you, Taconix. :)
      Yes, it was very convenient to find a rug on sale at the craft store. :)
      I hope your husband enjoyed his last day at work and you all have a wonderful rest of the day. :)

  3. That sounds very reasonable for your rug. How lovely to have a paint night with your daughter, your painting is nice. Sounds like you both had a very enjoyable day.

    1. Thank you, Eileen; paint nights with daughter are fun. :)
      I thought the rug was very reasonably priced. It's probably not the best quality, but, with an elderly cat around (he threw up under a dining chair this morning), I don't need a very expensive rug.

  4. It is neat how the painting appears to be one large flower at first glimpse and then the individual flowers and flower sprays can be identified. Painting is so much fun!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady; I had commented to my daughter, just this morning, how the painting looks like one flower from a distance. :D

  5. You and your daughter certainly have artistic talent. Can we see what she painted?

    1. Thank you, June. Yes, I will post a picture of what she painted. :)

  6. Your painting is very well done! Going to the craft store was a good outing, plus you got a great buy on the rug. You are enjoying time with your daughter!

    1. Thank you, Celie. Yes, I enjoyed going to the craft store and it's always fun to do things with my daughter. :)

  7. I didn't know you painted. (maybe I forgot?) Is it a new hobby?
    The painting is beatiful.

    1. Thank you, Nil. My daughter likes to paint and every so often, she encourages me to join her. It's a fun, relaxing activity to do together. :)

  8. That sounds wonderful, Bless. I watered my fruit trees in anticipation of the heat wave this week. Went shopping at Aldi, cooked up a bunch of asparagus, ran the dogs along the bike, and returned to the mountains, where it's cool.

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. Sounds like you've been busy! Glad you are able to keep cool up in the mountains. The valley is certainly hot! :)

  9. Your painting is lovely. I always imagine it must be quite a relaxing pastime.
    You got a good deal on the rug. I hope we might get to see it :)

    1. Thank you, Jules. I don't paint that often, but, when I do, I enjoy it. :) Yes, I've posted a picture of the rug. :)

  10. You had a very nice couple of days to start July.
    How nice that you were able to find a rug. I hope we get to see it soon
    As I catch up maybe a picture is there waiting for me.
    I'm sure your cousin V was happy to receive the photos you took a picture of.
    Pretty picture!

    1. Thank you, Debra.
      Yes, a photo of the rug has been posted.
      July is off to a very good start!


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