Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Appearances Can Be Deceiving

The First Nectarine

A few days ago, I found this nectarine had fallen from the tree and picked it up.  It looks ripe and pretty, doesn't it?  

The Other Side

But, when I turned it over, I found that it was spoiled.  Not soft and rotten, but, hard and shriveled, as if it had been scorched by the sun.

Seeing Both Sides

I took the pictures and tossed the fruit in the compost heap.

Green Berkeley Tie Dye Tomato

Then, there was this tomato that had fallen from the plant.  There was a big hole at the top, but, the rest of the tomato looked fine.

Stem End Rot?

I've heard of blossom end rot, but, not about stem end rot..


Whatever caused the stem end rot, the spoilage had spread to the rest of the tomato and, it, too, had to be tossed.

So far, this was the only tomato with this stem end rot.  The other tomatoes are ripening and turning more orange than pink striped, but, they are also getting scorched by the sun!  I've covered the tomato plant with some tulle to try to shade the tomatoes a little bit.

We are under an excessive heat warning, currently, with triple digits in the forecast for tomorrow.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the rest of the ripening fruits and the vegetable plants will survive.

Are you growing any fruits and vegetables in your garden?  How are they doing?


  1. My apples all became squirrel food except for 1 ripening apple on a branch too small to hold the squirrels weight.
    I have managed to harvest 3 pears so far and still have several on the tree that are not quite ready. I hope the squirrel keeps trying to get the apple in the back yard vs. the pears in the front yard

    1. Oh, no! I'm sorry your apples became squirrel food! I hope they don't eat your pears!

  2. Wow! That would have fooled me, too! Haha! You just never know until taking a closer look. I hope you can stay cool during this heat wave! This heat is not joking around this year!

    1. Yes, you never know until you take a closer look. I'm managing to stay cool; I hope you do, too. Take it easy when it's hot.

  3. It was on our news channel about the extreme heat in California. What a shame to discover the spoiled nectarine and tomato. I hope the excessive heat doesn't spoil your other fruits and vegetables.

    1. Yes, record breaking heat in some parts of the state and plenty of brush fires, too, as a result. I was sad to find the spoiled fruit, but, it can't be helped, I suppose. The sun is scorching everything.

  4. I hope the rest of your fruit and veggies survive the heat. Be sure to take care of yourself as well. That heat can be very draining. I drove to my sister's in Indiana yesterday, I'll stay through the weekend. It's good to visit her.

    1. Thank you, Celie (I'm presuming); yes, I'm taking care of myself, too, and taking it easy. Glad you are visiting your sister and will spend a few days with her. Safe driving!

    2. I had to clear the cookies on my phone and I forgot to log back in!

    3. Ha, ha, I thought it was you! :D

  5. It’s a shame to lose fresh produce like that. I hope the rest of the nectarines and tomatoes will be edible.
    We aren’t growing a garden this year because of our travels.
    I’m afraid there will be problems for many with the high temperatures and also flooding. Fingers crossed for the rest of the season.

    1. Yes, I usually figure that a certain percentage of the garden produce is lost to being eaten by birds and insects and sun damage. But, that's nature. I do hope that the rest of the summer will be good ; I just wish that I could bottle up some of the summer heat to be released in the winter! :D

  6. We've been watering to keep the veggies alive. However, we do have blossom end rot on one of the tomato plants. Our temperatures feel like the triple digits with the humidity. The air is thick and hard to breathe.

    1. Plants need a lot of water in the heat. Sorry you're having blossom end rot on one of the tomato plants. High humidity makes the heat feel worse, doesn't it? I hope you are able to stay cool with AC and/or fans.

  7. I hope the tulle protects your tomatoes from heat.

    Today I noticed my long bean vines had aphids. I have to do something about it.

    Stay cool and safe, Bless.

    1. Thank you, Nil. I hope the tulle helps, but, I think I'll be picking the tomatoes soon.
      Oh, no! Soapy water sprayed directly on the plants is supposed to help get rid of aphids.
      Yes, I'm keeping cool with the fans and, of course, I do have the AC unit up in the bedroom if I need it.

  8. What a pity about the nectarine and the tomato. I hope you do better with the rest of the garden produce.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. Today, M picked three plums for me and they were all pecked at by the birds!

  9. Our courgettes are growing - we've eaten a baby one. The strawberries are eaten by snails before we get a look in. The butternut squash is doing nothing except growing s-l-o-w-l-y. The tomato plants are going mad, but not actually developing any tomatoes. And we've had a total of three raspberries. So really only the courgettes are doing what they should! Love FD xx

    1. Yay for courgettes! Too bad about the strawberries, but, hopefully you'll be able to pick more before the snails get to them. And hopefully, the other plants will rev up the production before summer is over!

  10. Yes, looks can be deceiving, but I'm sure you'll soon have plenty more to harvest. I've already picked the blackcurrants and I'm growing potatoes and beetroot this year. I've also sown some pumpkin seeds, just to see what happens :)

    1. Thank you, Jules; yes, I am harvesting others, now. Sounds like you've quite a few things growing in your garden! I hope you'll be able to pick your own pumpkins, this year!

  11. I wish to record that I found a punnet of "ripen at home" nectarines in the supermarket the other week, which were already ripe! I usually don't buy "ripen at home" because often they just remain hard and inedible. Anyway I bought these and had one every day for five days. They were lovely. Long time since I had a nectarine :o)

    1. How wonderful that you were able to find some already ripe nectarines and enjoy them! Especially since you don't like peaches. :) I've heard that placing under-ripe fruit in brown paper bags and sealing the bags help to ripen them. I might have to do that with the rest of my nectarines, just to keep the birds from pecking them!

  12. Oh no. That's too bad about the fruit and tomato. I hope the tulle works to help protect the tomato plants a bit.

    1. My garden is starting to look like a wedding venue! There's tulle draped around the tomato plant, the persimmon tree, the plum tree, and the nectarine branches! LOL. It's what I had on hand and that's what we are using!


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