Monday, July 8, 2024

Monday Medley

Corn Plant Starting to Tassel

My corn plants are not quite as "high as an elephant's eye", but, at least this one plant is as tall as I am (just under 5 feet) and is starting to form tassels!  The same plant is also showing some corn silk:

Corn Silk Forming

However, although there are one or two other corn plants that are starting to form tassels, there are no other fully formed corn tassels to pollinate this potential ear of corn,  Even so, I'm hopeful that we might be able to get some ears of corn as the summer goes along and the rest of the corn plants grow.


Today was my daughter's last day at home, during this visit.  She had to work during the day and, as soon as she had finished her work for the day, I took her to the airport to catch her flight.  I gave her some food items to take back with her including the last picking of fresh blueberries, some plums from the tree, and a bunch of curry leaves.  She has enough cooked food to last her till the end of the week when she'll be able to go grocery shopping.

She had a safe flight back and called to let me know when she got to her apartment.

Provided everything goes as planned, her next visit home will be in late November for Thanksgiving.  Until then, we will keep in touch with daily texts, phone calls, and video chats.


July Meal Planning:

This was the meal plan for Week 1:

Brunches: Milkrice, with katta sambol and jaggary (Monday, July 1)✔;  scrambled eggs, bacon, fried potatoes and/or toast;✔ cereal with milk✔; waffles with blueberry compote✔; mung beans again (as requested by daughter); hot dogs and buns; salad; egg salad sandwiches; leftovers✔

Dinners: Ground turkey keema curry and rice; salmon and rice with salad✔;  spaghetti and meat sauce and salad; beef curry. vegetables, and rice✔;  chicken curry, dhal, sauteed green beans, (spicy sauteed potatoes - they were forgotten on the day of the dinner, but, eaten later), pappadum, chutney, and rice (Friday dinner with friends)✔,  assorted leftovers✔ Sandwiches

Snacks/desserts: Avocado pudding✔, fresh fruits✔, ice cream✔, smoothies, chips✔, Armenian pastries

And here is how it turned out:

Monday (July 1):
Brunch: Milkrice with katta sambol and jaggary
Dinner: Assorted leftovers

Brunch: Scrambled eggs, bacon, fried potatoes, toast
Dinner: Chicken curry sandwiches; avocado pudding

Brunch: Waffles and blueberry compote
Dinner: Sauteed salmon, rice, cucumber salad, cashew curry; Armenian pastries

Brunch:  Assorted leftovers; cereal and milk
Dinner: Corned beef sandwiches friend A's daughters had made

Brunch: Assorted leftovers
Dinner: Rice, chicken curry, dhal, cashew curry, sauteed green beans, tomato chutney; ice cream for dessert

Brunch:  Croissants sandwiches with salmon and lettuce  
Dinner: Rice and beef curry with leftovers from Friday night's dinner

Brunch: Thai food - fried rice and beef salad
Dinner: Leftovers

I think that, on the whole, the meal planning worked out well enough.  I obviously didn't make all the different brunches I had planned to make, but there were lots of leftovers and we "foraged" in the fridge, quite a bit.

July Week 2 Meal Plan:  Leftovers!  I will keep a record of what I eat, but, the fridge is full of leftovers that must be finished!


Today, after I came home after dropping daughter off at the airport, I relaxed for a bit as it really was too hot to do anything!  I watched the news and watched a couple of videos online.  Later, I took the trash cans to the curb and walked for a little bit.  

I wasn't very hungry, today.  I had part of a yogurt flat bread with some of the devilled beef for brunch. Later, I had some fresh mango and ice cream.  I'll have a beef curry sandwich for dinner.

Today, I am grateful for:

- Daughter had a safe trip back to her apartment
- Being able to have a lovely visit with daughter
- Being able to send some homecooked food back with daughter
- A safe drive to the airport and back
- The garden continuing to grow

Today's joyful activity was making sure daughter had plenty of food to take back with her, not just the cooked food, but, some other items, too, including cereal, granola bars, red lentils, and pasta.

Plans for tomorrow include bringing the trash cans in, watering the garden, making an appointment for Dancer to get his injection, and scheduling a SMOG test for the car.

How was your Monday?  What are your plans for Tuesday? 


  1. It seems ages till November Thanksgiving! I'm hoping to see daughter#2 next month., I spent a happy day sewing yesterday, and also picking more salad leaves, beans and courgettes (zucchini) from the garden

    1. Yes, well, November is just four short months away and the time will pass quickly. How wonderful that you will be seeing your daughter #2 next month. I'm glad you were able to spend the day sewing and well done harvesting more salad leaves, etc., from your garden. :)

  2. The time will fly between now and November when your daughter visits again, it's hard to believe we are half way through the year already. You will eat well again this week with all the leftovers to finish. What a lovely time you've spent with your daughter.

    1. Yes, the time will fly. I really need to do a stock take of what I have in the fridge and the freezer and plan a few meals, but, I know that I won't be going hungry! I did have a lovely time with my daughter. :)

  3. I have only tried to grow corn once and it turned out tough with sparse ears. I have heard that you need to plant at least 8 corn plants to get proper pollination. How many did you plant?

    1. This is only the second time planting corn for me. I don't think my first attempt produced a lot of corn. I planted all the kernels that were in the first packet I bought (there were about 50 kernels and you were supposed to plant them 2 to a hole and thin them out), but, only about 10 plants came up. So, M bought another packet of seeds (a different variety) and planted some of them and most of them grew. The plants that are starting to tassel now are from the first planting; the others were planted about 4 weeks later and are still growing. I have about 30 or so plants, maybe a little more. They are planted closer together than recommended, but, I think that will be OK (at least, I hope so!)

  4. So, corn in California! I always think of midwest cornfields with plants knee-high by the fourth of July. How exciting that you’ll have your own sweet corn from the garden.
    Your menus sounds delicious as always. I picture you eating a bowl of the “forgotten” potatoes at every meal until they’re gone. 😂
    It brings me joy to read about your daughter’s visit and her safe return home. I will be visiting younger daughter for a week in August and older daughter for a Labor Day (extended) weekend. Both daughters plan to come to New York for Thanksgiving; I hope they can!
    One of my sisters and her husband are in Ireland visiting their younger son before they join us in Southampton UK for the cruise. ❤️
    I have a to-do list for the day, but I’m not working, so no excuses. 😉

    1. We shall see if I actually get any ears of corn! Yes, the forgotten potatoes are on the meal plan for this week! LOL.
      Thank you, Taconix. I hope you have wonderful visits with your daughters, too, both when you go to visit them and they come to visit you. I do hope that they will be able to come home for Thanksgiving.
      I hope you get your to do list done; I've one, too, and I'm procrastinating! :D

  5. I haven't had corned beef for a while, it does make good sandwiches and reminds me of England for some reason.

    1. Corned beef was a treat when I was growing up and corned beef sandwiches are a favorite of mine. :)

  6. Hopefully you'll get some corn! It will be interesting to see.
    I'm glad your daughter had a safe flight home. It's always hard to say goodbye but time will fly by and November will be here before you know it!

    1. Thank you, Sharon; yes, my daughter had a safe trip back and I'm sure the time will fly between now and Thanksgiving. :)
      I'm hoping that I will get some corn; we shall see!

  7. Home grown corn! How exciting!

    I am glad to hear your daughter had a safe trip.

    1. Yes, home grown corn will be something to look forward to.
      Thank you, Nil; yes, she had a safe trip back.

  8. Your corn is looking promising. How do you prefer to eat it?
    I'm glad your daughter enjoyed a safe trip home, and that it won't be too long until she gets to visit again.
    Inspired by yourself, this morning, I managed to write my own meal plan and completed the weekly shop. Xx

    1. I'm sorry to take so long to respond to your comment, Jules; I thought I had responded, but, apparently, I didn't!
      Thank you, Jules; the corn plants are coming along really well (in my opinion). I like to boil it and eat it, corn on the cob style, with butter and salt. Or, boil it and cut the corn off the cob, and eat it.
      Yes, my daughter had a safe trip back to her apartment and it won't be too long until November. The days seem to be whizzing by, anyway!
      Well done with the meal planning and shopping!

  9. Glad the second generation of corn plants seems to be more successful!

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. They are a little shorter than the previously planted ones, but, already, one or two of them are showing signs of forming tassels! All the first generation plants have tasseled!

  10. I am glad your daughter was able to visit this summer and that your visit was a good one.
    November will be here before you know it ;)
    Your corn is really looking good. I have never grown it so I am excited to watch yours progress.
    I know that being able to send your daughter home with some nice home-cooked food pleases you - and her too!

    1. Thank you, Debra; yes, it was lovely to have her visit this summer and now, I get to look forward to her visit in November. :) And, yes, sending food home with her is something we both enjoy. :)
      The corn is growing really well! I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of corn crop I'll get!


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