Sunday, July 28, 2024

Strawberries on Saturday

Ripening Strawberries

We had a sunny, but, cooler day on Saturday, with a high of 87F.  That was very much within my comfort zone and I didn't put the fan on until about 3:00 p.m.

I did a load of laundry and hung it up to dry.  Later, I video chatted with my step-aunt (stepfather's sister).  Still later, I watered the houseplants and a few of the plants in the garden.  I checked to see if there were any ears of corn ready for picking, but, they all needed more time.  I am impatient to try my homegrown corn!  However, there were a few ripe strawberries and I picked them before the birds could eat them.


They were very small, but, very sweet.

I watched some of the Olympics coverage, with the TV playing in the background while I went about my day's activities.

Brunch was a piece of yogurt flat bread with katta sambol (a spicy mixture of onions, chilies, and pieces of a type of dried fish called Maldive fish), an apricot a nectarine, and kotta kilengu (dried Palmyra palm sprouts).  Dinner was leftover chicken and vegetables.  Snacks included the strawberries I picked and another piece of love cake.

On Saturday, I was grateful for:

- Fresh strawberries from the garden
- Video chatting with my step-aunt
- Working appliances
- Being able to order things (Dancer's cat food) online and have them delivered to the house
- A cooler day

Saturday's joyful activity was video chatting with my aunt.

No special plans for Sunday.  It's supposed to be another cooler day with a high in the mid-80s.  How was your Saturday?  What are your plans for Sunday?



  1. I always find the small, home-grown strawberries sweeter than the big ones from the grocery store. But I like them all. Hopefully, you will get more before the birds.

    1. These were certainly very sweet. I think the grocery store ones are bred especially for size and looks, as opposed to taste. Thank you, June; so far, the birds have not been too interested in the strawberries and I hope it continues to be that way!

  2. Your homegrown strawberries look good. I've been to pick up Tilly's dog food today, they do click and collect but don't deliver. Tilly likes going in the store as staff and customers make a fuss of her :)

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Glad you were able to pick up Tilly's food, today. Tilly certainly deserves to be made a fuss of by everyone at the store. :)

  3. Congratulations on getting the strawberries before the birds found them! I picked a few wild raspberries and blackberries after church, and had to be careful as there were a couple of very large wasps sharing the blackberries (uninvited, that's for sure)!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. How lovely to be able to pick wild raspberries and blackberries; glad you managed to avoid the wasps!

  4. Yum! I love the strawberries! So good during summer! Sounds like you’ve had a good weekend. We’ve stayed inside and stayed cool. Had a little rain, but with how dry it has been here all month, it was most welcome!

    1. The strawberries were very sweet. I did have a good weekend, thank you. It was relaxing and the weather was cooler, so, it felt quite pleasant. I'm glad you were able to keep cool. The rain would have helped, I'm sure.

  5. The few strawberries our plants have produced have been eaten by something - slugs, snails, birds...? Who knows! Just not us!! Love FD xx

    1. That's just too bad, FD. Do you have the strawberry plants on your balcony? Maybe you can cover the plants with some sort of netting to keep the critters away?

  6. How lovely that you got several of the ripe strawberries before the birds. The local berry crops this year have been abundant & oh so good. During the off season we often get strawberries in the stores from California. We are entering a dry spell in the area, so I'm doing lots of hand watering for my flower pots from my rain barrels. :)

    1. I was very pleased to get some strawberries, Mary-Lou. I've not had a lot of success with strawberries in the past and had given up on trying to grow them. But, M persuaded me to try again. Hand watering is a lot of work, but, that's great that you can use the water in your rain barrels to do so. :)

  7. I have never had a smidgen of luck growing strawberries. The chipmunks get them before they are anywhere near ripe

    1. This is the first time I've managed to pick more than one or two strawberries from plants I've grown, myself!

  8. Delicious! You can't beat fresh strawberries. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. I'm really enjoying them. :)

  9. Yum! Fresh strawberries. Enjoy!

  10. Those little strawberries look really good. There's quite a few on there for such a small plant.

    1. They are very sweet and appear in clusters. Unfortunately, Chicken Little has discovered them and has eaten all of them!


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