Friday, July 26, 2024

On Thursday

Black Tomato Slices

I sliced the two black tomatoes and they were this gorgeous red color, inside!  Very juicy and the taste was not bad at all (considering I don't like the taste of raw tomatoes); a lot milder than the Berkeley Tie Dye tomatoes.  I imagine they would be good sprinkled with some salt and maybe dressed in a vinaigrette.  However, I just froze them to be added to curries or turned into tomato soup, later.  I also froze the cherry tomatoes.

It was another hot day and, I think the air quality might not have been too good because my asthma was bothering me.  I take a daily inhaler and I have a 'rescue' inhaler, too, if needed.  I also turned on one of the air purifiers and that helped.  I will keep it running during the night, too, I think.  Because of the asthma flare up, I took it relatively easy, today, too.

For brunch, I made pancakes and ate them with the last of the dhal:

Thursday Brunch: Pancakes and Dhal

In the evening, after I watched the evening news and it had cooled down quite a bit, I walked for about 15 minutes.  

For dinner, I had sauteed chicken (previously cooked and frozen), with vegetables (broccoli, carrots, corn) and a potato:

Thursday Dinner

For dessert, I had one of the nectarines we picked on Wednesday.

On Thursday, I was grateful for:
- Asthma inhalers and air purifiers
- Electricity to run the fans and air purifiers
- Garden produce
- Conversations with my daughter
- Being able to take it easy when needed

Thursday's joyful activity was reading.

Plans for Friday include tending to the garden with M and watching the Olympics Opening Ceremonies.

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday?



  1. I hope the air is clearer and your asthma is better today. Do have smoky air from fires?

    1. Thank you, June; the air quality is a little better, today, in the moderate range. The outside air is not so smoky as full of pollen and dust particles. I had the air purifier on all night and it's still on; plus, I haven't opened the windows, yet, so the indoor air quality is better.

  2. Your chicken dinner looks delicious. Thank you for sharing what the tomatoes are like. I imagine they would be tasty served with some mozzarella and basil.
    Today (Friday) I have been doing some laundry, and more painting in the kitchen. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. Yes, I think the tomatoes would be great served with mozzarella and basil.
      Sounds like you are having a busy day!

  3. I hope your asthma doesn't worsen. I just bought an air purifier, hopefully it'll help reduce allergens inside. Those tomatoes look very good!

    1. Thank you, Celie. I had the air purifier on all last night and most of the day, today, and that helped. That's good that you bought your self an air purifier; it will reduce the allergens in your home.
      I like the color of the tomatoes. :)

  4. The tomatoes look excellent inside. I have sometimes found packages of brown skinned tomatoes in the store and I like them. I should have looked at your blog earlier. Supper is almost forgotten, and suddenly your food photos are making me hungry! Time to sneak a few grapes from the fridge and maybe a wee chunk of cheese!

    1. They do look good, don't they? I like the deep red color.
      Oops! Sorry the pictures made you feel hungry! Grapes and cheese will make a good snack! :)

  5. Those tomatoes are gorgeous! Really lovely. I know you don't care for raw tomatoes so it's interesting that even with that, you thought they had a nice taste.
    Now had it been me, I would've had some slice tomatoes with your lentils and then had your little fried potatoes and some of CL's eggs.
    That's what I would've ordered at Bless' Restaurant. lol
    I'm glad you took it easy since your asthma was acting up and that your air purifier helped somewhat. I think it's smart to leave the purifier on.

    1. The tomatoes were a very vibrant color and, to be honest, I would have managed to eat a slice in a burger or something like that. I like your menu selection at Bless' Restaurant! LOL.
      Thank you, Debra; yes, I've learned it's better to take it easy when I'm experiencing my asthma symptoms. I used to push through and once ended up wheezing so badly that my daughter called the paramedics. Now, I take my rescue inhaler and take it easy. :)


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