Friday, July 19, 2024

Warm on Friday

Friday's Tomato Harvest

Friday's high was 95F (35C).  The house stayed relatively cool and comfortable with a fan on, but, by about 4:30 p.m., it became rather stuffy.  I waited till 5:30 p.m., however, to open the windows and doors.  By which time, it had cooled down to 91F, outside.  It's 11:15 p.m. as I type this and outside has cooled down to 75F.  Saturday's high is also supposed to be 95F.  It has been so warm that I've been hearing small "pop" "pop" noises as the empty canning jars seal themselves in the box!  

I checked on Chicken Little's nest, this morning, and she wasn't sitting on her eggs.  There was a new egg, however, and I went ahead and collected it.  She has five eggs in her nest to hatch, assuming they are fertilized eggs.  Later in the evening, when M was here, he said he saw her sitting on her eggs again, so, maybe she only sits on them in the evenings?  I asked him about his chicken coop building skills, if we get any chicks, and he said we can figure something out!  LOL.  

I took it easy, today, and spent a relaxed day.  Later in the evening, M arrived to tend to the garden. He picked the tomatoes and the rest of the plums for me. We are now anticipating the nectarines that are slowly ripening.  After that, there won't be any garden fruits until the Asian pears and the Fuyu persimmons ripen, later in the fall.

Later in the evening, a little after 8:00 p.m., when it was cooler, I walked for 15 minutes, up and down the driveway and in front of the house.  

Brunch was a tuna salad sandwich and dinner was Sri Lankan style yellow rice, which I cooked on Thursday, with leftover cabbage, tomato curry, fried dry fish (a salted and dried fish), and pappadum (lentil wafers).  I had the last of the grapes and some pistachio ice cream for dessert.

On Friday, I was grateful for:

- Another new egg from Chicken Little
- Tomatoes and plums from the garden
- M helping me with the garden
- Finding that I can fit into two items of clothing (a blouse I had sewn and a dress) in my closet which had been tight!
- Cool evenings

Today's joyful activity was spending time in the garden.

Plans for tomorrow include tidying the family room, just a bit.  

How was your Friday?  What are your plans for Saturday and the weekend? 



  1. You might need to change the name of your blog to Bless' Farm :)
    It's been a while since I've sterilised jars for anything, but the popping never fails to make me jump.
    Have a lovely weekend, Bless. Xx

    1. LOL, that's what my gardener M has been calling my place, recently! Bless' Farm!
      Thank you, Jules; it's been a rather warm weekend, so far!

  2. I don't know that much about chickens. I wonder how you can tell if the eggs have been fertilized. Could you hold them up to a light to see through the shell?
    My weekend plans aren't too exciting. We've had a leak in the basement to clean up and I have to work tomorrow.

    1. Yes, you are supposed to be able to "candle" them, or shine a flashlight through them. I tried doing so with the first egg I picked up, but, I didn't see anything. Maybe I should try with the eggs still in the nest.
      Oh, no! I'm sorry you've had to deal with a leak in the basement and having to work, too.

  3. It was so hot here yesterday and in complete contrast it is cooler today and raining heavily. Well done on being able to fit in a previously tight blouse and dress. Maybe Chicken Little is laying her eggs in the evening now and are the five eggs the ones you marked as you will be able to predict when they will hatch if they are fertilised?

    1. Sounds like your weather is quite changeable with it being hot one day and rainy and cool the next.
      Thank you, Eileen; I had been holding on to those clothing items, hoping I could fit into them, again. and I'm glad I'm able to do so, now.
      Yes, the 5 eggs in the nest are the ones that were laid first and I've marked. They have another 10 days or so to hatch, so, we'll see if anything happens!

  4. The heat has been really intense this summer. I'm glad it cools off at night where you live. And yay for another egg! That's wonderful! I did a rare trip to the grocery store on Friday since hubby was home and went with me. It was good to get out, but it wore me out! I'll be staying in the rest of this weekend.

    1. I'm sorry the heat has been so intense where you are, Mandy. It hasn't been really hot, here, but, that usually happens in August and September. The evenings cool down to the low 70s or, even the upper 60s, which is nice. Glad you were able to get your grocery shopping down, but, yes, rest during the weekend, especially when it is hot!

  5. Chicken Little is a profitable squatter. It will be fun to see if any of the eggs hatch.

    1. I must admit that I am feeling more kindly towards Chicken Little squatting in my garden these days, since she has blessed me with some eggs! I'd love it if some of the eggs hatch!

  6. It's very hot here too. I have been running AC more frequently and I am sure this month's electric bill is going to be very high.

    1. It's probably quite humid, too, over there, and an AC is a necessity. I hope the electric bill won't be too high!

  7. I never knew canning jar lids would pop when they don't have some of Bless's preserves in them. You are canning air!

    1. Ha, ha, yes! I'm canning some of this warm air to release when it is cold in the winter! :D

  8. Loving Chicken Little!!! Some of the best days of my life have been spend in gardens. Nothing like it in the world. xo Diana

    1. Chicken Little was diligently sitting on her eggs when I checked, this morning, and I didn't try to disturb her. I hope that there might be some baby chicks by the end of the month or the beginning of next month! I am so thankful for my garden, Diana.

  9. P.S. What plumbing problem did you have? I must've missed it.

    1. You didn't miss it, Debra; I just didn't write about it! I was taking a shower and as I tried to turn off the water, the handle came off; I tried to fit it back in, but, couldn't, and the water was gushing out from the faucet. I got out of the shower and dressed in record time to turn the water off at the mains before I called a plumber and I couldn't budge the shut off valve. I used to keep a wrench near the shut off valve, but, that had rusted and, I think, was tossed and not replaced. Then, I spent what felt like an eternity trying to find a neighbor to help me turn off the valve, all the while, aware that I was wasting gallons and gallons of water, every passing minute (this month's water bill proves it!). Eventually, I managed to get help (the party neighbors and one other neighbor who showed up with a wrench). One of the party neighbors was able to fit the handle back in place and I didn't have to call a plumber, after all. This is one of the reasons why I don't complain about their parties - in an emergency, I can ask them for help.

  10. Oh my what a thing to happen. I would've been panicked over the water too! Thank goodness for helpful neighbors even if they play their music too loud!

    1. I tried the party neighbors first, but, they didn't hear me (the gate was locked and they don't have a bell to ring), I tried the new neighbor (who is supposed to be a contractor), but, again, no one answered the knock at the door, neighbor S wasn't home and another neighbor claimed there was no one home who could help. Eventually, I saw a car pull in at another neighbor's house and although I didn't know them, I asked them for help - turned out the two ladies in the car were visiting a friend at that house, but, their friend wasn't home yet! They did try to help me and then, they said they'll tell their friend when he comes home and he did come by with a wrench. In the meantime, I was able to talk to the matriarch at the party house; she doesn't speak English and I don't speak Spanish, but, I knew "aqua" and "bano" and showed her the water valve. Just then, her daughter, who does speak English, came home and she was able to explain the situation to the neighbor who showed up with the wrench! Afterwards, party neighbor's daughter told me to let them know if ever I need any help, her husband could help. I was doubly glad I haven't complained about their loud music! :D

  11. haha - reading about the adventures of CL, I was thinking that M would be building a chicken coop soon.

    1. Ha, ha, yes! I did ask him about his coop building skills! :D I really doubt if we'd get any chicks - I don't think those eggs are fertilized. But, if we do get any chicks, I'll notify the neighbors; CL is their chicken, after all. But, maybe I'll ask if I can have one of the chicks? Not that I know anything about raising chickens!


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