Monday, July 8, 2024


The New Stand Fans

Daughter assembled the new stand fans, today, and we tested them and they both work well.

Today, we spent a fairly relaxed morning.  In the afternoon, we visited one of my daughter's friends who had a baby at the end of June.  Daughter has been friends with V since high school and was one of V's bridesmaids.  V has an older daughter who will be two later this month and the new baby is also a daughter.  My daughter took two gifts for them, a toy for the older girl and a set of three onesies for the baby.  V's mother was also there, helping V to take care of the children and I was glad to see her.  As I told her, I will never forget the fact that she came over to my house twice a week to clean the litter box while I was undergoing my chemo treatments, because I had been told not to do it, by my oncologist.  That was such a blessing! She also put me on her church's prayer list and sent us a picture of my name on the list.

On the way back from the visit, we made a stop at our favorite Thai food place and picked up some fried rice and beef salad to bring home for lunch.  Daughter also bought herself a Thai ice tea.

After lunch, I felt very sleepy and as it was also rather warm, I put the AC on in the bedroom for the first time this summer and took a nap!  

Later, after I had woken up from my nap, I called friend R and chatted with her for a bit, then, cooked the beef chuck roast I had bought, earlier.  I made about 2/3 of it as devilled beef, with onions, peppers, and tomatoes and the balance became a curry with coconut milk gravy.  I froze most of each dish for daughter to take back with her, along with the rest of the sauteed green beans.  When she goes back on Monday night, she won't have time to grocery shop until the weekend, so having some curries from home will help.  All she will have to do is cook some rice.  

I took a short walk today and didn't experience any pain, so that is good.  

Today, I am grateful for:

- Daughter assembling the new fans for me
- Electricity to run the fans and the AC in the bedroom
- Being able to visit daughter's friend's baby
- Daughter's friend's mother who helped me during my chemo treatments
- Afternoon naps

Today's joyful activity was holding a newborn!  

Plans for tomorrow include taking my daughter to the airport in the evening, watering the garden, and taking the trash cans to the curb.

How was your Sunday?  What are your plans for Monday?


  1. Two very smart fans, I have one like that, a different type in the conservatory plus a ceiling fan and a desk fan none but have needed to be used yet. Sounds like a lovely visit to see the baby and nice that your very kind friend was there too. Your daughter will be very appreciative of meals to take back with her, you are going to miss her.

    1. Thank you, Eileen; there was a black fan available, too, but, I preferred the white ones. Well, at least you are saving on the electricity costs of running the fans! :) It was a fun visit to see the baby and the older girl, too. Yes, I know my daughter appreciates the food I send back with her and yes, I'm going to miss her! But, we'll still video chat in the evenings and I shall look forward to her next visit. :)

  2. Sounds like you have had a very full & active visit with your daughter, visiting lots with friends, painting & shopping. Glad to hear that there was no pain when you walked.

    1. I did have a very active visit with my daughter this time around! Seems like we had something to do most days. I'll have a fairly busy (for me) week this week, too, with taking Dancer for his shots and taking the car for a SMOG check and renewing my car registration. Thank you; I, too, am glad that there was no pain when walking. I hope you are having a lovely summer.

  3. The visit to your daughter’s friend sounds wonderful. It’s always special to hold a baby! Thoughtful to bring a gift to the big sister and what a nice memory of your friend taking on the litter duties to spare you during what must have been a difficult time.
    It sounds like your daughter will be well and lovingly stocked with good food when she returns home.
    When I took a Sunday evening walk, I ran into an old friend. ☺️
    Going in today to work in person.

    1. It was a fun visit, Taconix; I love to hold babies! It was very kind of my daughter's friend's mother to help me during my cancer treatments. The initial arrangement was for my daughter's friend's sister to do the litter boxes and I was going to pay her, but, her mother cleaned the litter boxes and wouldn't accept payment.
      Daughter will be going back with a suitcase half full of food stuff! In addition to the cooked food, I'm sending her back with a box of the free cereal I received, some surplus pasta, lentils, granola bars, etc. :)
      How nice to run into an old friend on your walk!
      Enjoy working in person, today. Hope you have a good day.

  4. I have to say that I am never very enamoured with babies. I prefer them from about 4 upwards when they can do things. But give me a kitten and I will be ooh-ing and ah-ing for ever!! Love FD xx

    1. I think I prefer babies to bigger kids; the bigger kids wear me out! But, it is fun to do things with the bigger kids, too. :)

  5. PS I'm sure the baby was very sweet though! :-)

  6. I'm always wondering what I can do to help someone, but haven't thought of cleaning a litter box. I will have to remember to offer that in the future. Enjoy your fans and AC.

    1. It was a wonderful help, June. The original arrangement had been for my daughter's friend's younger sister to come and clean the litter box and I would pay her, but, her mother did the cleaning instead and wouldn't accept payment.
      Another help I received, which I appreciated a lot, was rides to the clinic and back on the days my daughter wasn't able to come down to drive me.

  7. V's mother is a kind and caring person. How wonderful to have a friend like her. I hope your daughter has a safe trip home. It must've been wonderful to have her home for a week.

    1. Yes, V's mother is a very kind and caring person.
      Thank you, Celie; yes, daughter was home for 12 days and they went by in a flash!

  8. We have a couple of fans like that from our previous lake place. They work wonderfully well to keep air moving precisely where you want it to move.
    Glad you were able to walk painlessly!

    1. Stand fans are wonderful as they can be moved from place to place as needed. Thank you! Being able to walk without pain is a blessing!
      Hope you are feeling better, now.

  9. How nice to see V's mother as well as V and the little ones, We don't forget those who go out of their way to help us, do we? Decades ago when DS was little, a neighbour looked after him for the second of the two days when I was briefly in hospital for a biopsy, and when I came out and picked him up, she gave me a large container of a hearty soup for our supper! She passed a long time ago but I never forget her kindness.

    1. It was lovely to see them all, Bushlady, and you are right, we don't forget those who help us (or, at least, we shouldn't!) That was very kind and thoughtful of your neighbor to watch your son and then, have a container of soup ready for your supper, too!

  10. This post made me smile today. It's those simple acts of kindness that we always remember. A small gesture, but one which was a huge help to you when you were going through a difficult time. X

    1. Yes, Jules, there are some very kind people who bless others with their time and help, just as you did volunteering at the warming center and taking in some baked goods. It makes such a big difference to those receiving the help.

  11. Those fans are very useful. I too use fans often. It is cheaper than running AC.
    I hope your daughter have a safe trip tonight.

    1. Yes, the fans are cheaper than running the AC and very helpful when you don't have AC.
      Thank you, Nil, yes, my daughter had a safe trip. :)

  12. How nice that you got to see V's mother again. So nice that she helped you out with cleaning out the litter - not a fun job! It's nice that you have such caring people around you. A new baby is such a joy!

    1. Yes, I was very happy to see V's mother, again. She was very helpful at a time when I needed the help. I feel blessed to have such caring people around me. A new baby is definitely a joy. :)

  13. The fans look great and let's hope they last as well as their predecessors! Sounds as if those were ready for the recycle centre. It reminds me of a fan in the free accommodation I stayed at one night while on my pilgrimage. It had the wire guard missing and my friend nearly got her hair caught in it while it was on! It really made me realise how dangerous that could be (hair, fingers, eyes...) and was very careful not to get too close after that. Funnily enough I have received several fans from Freecycle over the years. I have given all but one away, but I rarely use the one I have, though I had mine on almost constantly when I lived in Japan. I now also have a very posh Dyson cooler/heater that Laurie left behind. It is by my bed but I haven't had it on yet. (Not exactly the conditions for it this year!)

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. They seem to be working well; we shall have to wait and see just how long they will last! I would not want to use a fan missing the wire guard. Your new cooler/heater from Laurie sounds wonderful! Maybe you'll use it, later in the year, when you need to use the heater function. :)

    2. I have used it as a heater but actually it wasn't in any way superior to the cheap heater I bought a few winters ago - well perhaps a little quieter. I also worked out that having either heater on for three or four hours costs more than putting the central heating on for a similar amount of time, so sometimes it is more convenient to heat several rooms, at least for a while. But I have become so stingy about energy bills that I tend to bundle myself up in poncho and oodie as a first resort!!

    3. Well, that's good to know that the cheaper heater was just as efficient as the more expensive one. I looked up the cooling feature of Dyson cooler/heater, online, and I found out that it was the same as a fan as opposed to an a/c. That's interesting to find out that it costs less to use the central heating for the same length of time. My central heating is natural gas and, so far, at least, it seems to cost less to keep the thermostat at a lower temperature and use the electric heater to keep my warm. I, too, bundle up in several layers during the winter - I think I just feel cold sooner than most others.

    4. It's not an a/c, but it is not a straightforward fan either. You can set the temperature you want and it works to that temperature, rather than just blowing the existing warm air around. The heater, especially the cheap blower that I bought, is very good for generating quick heat, e.g. to warm up my feet when my toes go numb, or my hands if I am trying to type, so if you just want warmth for, say, half an hour it is worth using that. It is very expensive to have it on for a whole evening. It is cheaper to put the central heating on for any length of time (and that way you don't freeze when you leave the room either).

    5. Oh, I didn't realize that you can set a temperature for the fan! So, it would blow some cooler air? That would be nice. I used to keep my main gas heater on, set at what was a comfortable temperature for me, until that one winter, a couple of years ago, when I was faced with a $700 gas bill! Not so much because I used more gas than usual, but, because the price of gas had shot up! It was a rude shock! Now, I keep the thermostat set a lot lower and use the electric space heaters to stay warm!

  14. What a nice thing for V's mother to have done for you when you were ill. So thoughtful and kind.
    Nice new clean fans! Mine get so dirty, they always need cleaning and I'm not the best at staying on top of that chore. But when I do it I think "now why did I put that off? It's not difficult at all."
    Napping in your air conditioned room sounds really nice.
    It's been really icky and hot here for a while now. (although today is very nice with very low humidity) We have central air so I am comfortable.
    I went to my friend S's house (see how I used the same format as you when speaking of my freinds? lol) on Wednesday to help her get her a/c set up in her bedroom. She said she finally slept well that night as the heat had been bothering her.
    You made good use of your chuck roast preparing several different meals.

    1. It really was a very nice thing for V's mother to have done, Debra. Her younger daughter was supposed to clean the litter boxes and I was going to pay her, but she decided to do it, herself, and wouldn't accept payment. It was one of the reasons why I crocheted a baby blanket when V had her first baby and sent it through my daughter who attended the baby shower for V. There was no baby shower for the second baby, but, maybe I'll make two quilts for the two of them for Christmas.
      Yes, nice, new, clean fans! I usually (not always), clean the fans before I put them away after summer and I cover the fan part with a big plastic bag to keep the dust off. That way, they are ready to use when summer comes.
      I haven't used the a/c since then! But, I'm glad you have central a/c because when it is hot and humid, it gets quite miserable. That was very nice of you to help your friend S with her a/c.
      The chuck roast supplied us with several meals and I sent the bulk of it back with my daughter. :)


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