Thursday, July 25, 2024

On Wednesday

Nectarines from the Garden

On Wednesday, M and I picked the first, ripe nectarines from the garden!  They are of a good size (they are photographed on a dinner plate).  I cut one of them and shared it with M.  We both agreed that it was very sweet.

M brought me an assortment of tomatoes from his garden:

Tomatoes from M's Garden

The two large dark red tomatoes are an heirloom variety of black tomatoes.  The others are red cherry tomatoes and yellow cherry tomatoes.  I've never seen a black tomato prior to this.

I wasn't very productive on Wednesday.  I checked on the garden, made sure Chicken Little had fresh water and some food when she took a break from sitting on her eggs (she announces the fact that she's at the back steps for a snack with some clucking and a flapping of wings; she also scratched around in the planter where M and I planted some moringa seeds, earlier in the day!), watched some online videos and TV programs, called my half-sister and chatted with her for a bit, borrowed another ebook from the library, and walked for 15 minutes or so.  

Brunch was half a nectarine.  I had some saltine crackers with my evening cup of tea.  Dinner was leftover rice and curries.  

On Wednesday, I was grateful for:
- M's help with the garden
- M sharing tomatoes from his garden
- Home grown nectarines
- A chat with my half-sister
- Being able to borrow ebooks from the library

Wednesday's joyful activities included picking and enjoying freshly picked nectarines from the garden!

Plans for Thursday includes doing some cooking and a bit of tidying.

How was your Wednesday?  What are your plans for Thursday?


  1. I've never seen a black tomato either. I'm curious to know how it tastes.
    It's good to know that your garden is providing well for you. Xx

    1. I haven't tried the black tomato, yet. I'll probably cook with it, because I really don't like the taste of raw tomatoes. The garden is doing its best to keep me supplies with fresh vegetables and fruits, although the recent water bill made me cringe!

  2. Your nectarines look lovely. At first I thought the tomatoes at the back were spoiled but I've never heard of a black tomato before, you'll have to let us know if it tastes good.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. The nectarines taste wonderful. I have yet to try the black tomatoes; I hope I like them.

  3. Those nectarines look perfect! It's peach season here, and we are having our first peaches from a roadside stand. They are sweet and juicy. We had a peach tree at our old house, but we never quite outsmarted the bugs and squirrels to get many peaches.

    1. They do look good, don't they? I picked one today that looks like it's making a face, though! Yes, birds and/or squirrels have eaten at least 3 of the nectarines and you know how many peaches they pecked at. I'm glad you are getting your first fresh peaches of the season. :)

  4. What a lovely garden harvest. The nectarines look delicious.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I'm enjoying the nectarines. :)

  5. I was intrigued by the variety of colours of tomatoes and as there are a number of colours for potatoes (including blue), I decided to look up if they are related, and I learned that tomatoes and potatoes both come from the same genus, solanum (nightshade). Another piece of information for this ancient brain to file away somewhere!

    1. It seems that there are many different varieties, colors, and shapes of tomatoes, especially heirloom varieties. Many of them are not grown commercially due to various reasons such as short shelf life, more prone to diseases, etc. Yes, potatoes, tomatoes, and egg plant are all in the solanum genus.

  6. Those nectarines are gorgeous! Chicken Little sounds very attached to you and at home in your garden. They are such sweet pets.

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. Last year, I didn't get any nectarines, but, this year, I've been able to pick some. Chicken Little has made herself quite at home in my garden! LOL.

  7. The nectarines look so yummy! They are a great size! I have never seen a black tomato! Do they taste the same as red ones? Sounds like you had an enjoyable day. We've been taking it real easy around here, too, this week.

    1. The nectarines are delicious! Yes, the black tomato tastes just like a red one. I tried one, today. It's good to take it easy during the hottest days of summer. :)

  8. That's a nice assortment of tomatoes from M. The black tomatoes look really good. I've never had one either.
    That's good that your nectarines are nice and sweet.

    1. Yes, every year, M grows different varieties of tomatoes to try them. I'm enjoying one of my nectarines as I type this. I am getting some mango undertones, which is very interesting.


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