Sunday, July 21, 2024

A Warm Weekend

The Corn Patch

It has been a rather warm weekend with the daytime highs being in the upper 90s (around 95F/35C).  I've been using the fans to keep cool, but, I've been tempted to turn the A/C on in the bedroom during the afternoons.  I think I am feeling the heat a bit more because I am wearing my knee high compression socks all day.  

Saturday was the 61st anniversary of my father's death.  I spent a quiet day, remembering him, and wondering how my life would have turned out if he had lived longer.  

I also started on the process of taking the slipcovers off my family room sofas to wash them.  They are two IKEA 3-seater sofas and have white denim covers; there is one big cover for the entire sofa and individual covers for the six cushions that form the seats and the back.  They are machine washable, but, have to be air dried.  When I removed the cover of one of the cushions, I found that the inner lining had torn and the filling was coming out.  So, now, I need to sew a new inner cover.  That happened with one of the other cushions, too, earlier.  

Torn Cushion

I washed the individual cushion covers on Saturday.

Today, Sunday, I washed the bigger sofa cover and it is air drying as I type this.  I also checked on the chicken eggs and Chicken Little was sitting on them when I checked, so I didn't disturb her.  I gave the plants a quick drink of water to help them cope with the heat.  I saw that there might be three more okra ready to be picked, although I didn't pick them when I watered the garden.

This weekend, I am grateful for:

- Electricity to run the fans and other appliances
- Working appliances 
- Water for the garden
- Emails from friends
- Memories of my father

The weekend's joyful activities have included blogging and reading.

Plans for Monday include taking the car in for a smog check and meal planning.

How is your weekend coming along?  What are your plans for Monday? 


  1. I also have an IKEA sofa, and I love that the covers can be removed for washing. It's a shame your inner cushion has torn, but I'm sure you will have it repaired in no time at all. I'm so sorry your father died when you were so young. Do you have many memories of him? Xx

    1. I'm on my second set of slip covers; the first set was shredded by a certain sharp clawed member of the household!
      I have some memories of my father, but, not many. My only regret is that I never really got to know him as a person - his likes and dislikes, what he thought of things, how he felt about various things, etc.

  2. Aww nice to spend the day with fond memories of your father. What a shame the cushion covers are tearing but it's good that you are able to repair them. I will email you sometime this week if that is OK, I know I regard you as a good, kind blogging friend.

    1. It was nice to reminisce, Eileen. Yes, I will sew a new cover for the cushion; just have to get around to it!
      Of course it is OK to email me! You know I love to hear from you. I hope you are having a good start to your week and Tilly is doing well.

  3. I say go ahead with the A/C on to keep you comfortable (col) :) Your sewing skills will make short work of that torn inner liner. Having removable covers should be for all sofas IMO. I wonder if Chicken Little is getting broody over her eggs? Your tomato bounty is impressive as is your corn. Lots of errands planned for Monday early before the heat of the day. We are going through another heat wave & high humidity which local corn crops love. With all the earlier rain & heat, eating corn crops are earlier & the silo corn is about 8 feet tall already. Farmer behind us cut his Winter Wheat crop yesterday - that's the earliest I can remember.

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou; I did, actually, put the a/c on for a short time, yesterday, after I posted. Then, we started the, "Meow, meow, I don't want to be in a closed room, let me out" and two minutes after I let him out, "Meow, meow, let me in!" and repeat! LOL. Eventually, I turned the a/c off! Later in the evening, the power went off! I guess too many people had their a/c on!
      Chicken Little is being very broody, sitting on her eggs for hours at a time.
      Thank you; the garden is producing quite well, all things considered.
      I hope you make it through the heat wave and the humidity without any hardship and I hope your garden is growing well. :)

  4. We have two Ikea chairs with removeable slipcovers. We have never washed them, but we don't us them very much. However, the cats did and the shredded sides show evidence of that.

    1. I try to keep the sofas covered with old bed sheets (I call them dust sheets) for everyday use, but, they don't always stay on properly and I try to wash the covers at least once a year. I guess everyone who has, or has had, cats also has shredded upholstery! :D

  5. It has been hot, I am glad you put on your AC. It seems harder to deal with the heat as we get older. You are very busy and industrious with washing those slipcovers and mending the insides. I'm sure your father is watching over you and is proud of you.

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. I put the A/C on for a little while, yesterday, and later in the evening, our power went out, all up and down the block! It was out for 3 hours; I was glad that it had cooled down a bit, being evening.

  6. It's good that you have memories of your father. I saw very little of mine, due to the war, and I was 3 1/2 when he was killed. But I do have letters he wrote to me!
    Your corn will soon be "as high as an elephant's eye" ! It looks to be growing well.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady; oh, you were so little when your father was killed! I'm glad you have the letters he wrote to you. What a precious thing to have.
      The tallest corn plant is at least 7 ft. high, if not higher!

  7. Those anniversaries are difficult no matter how many years have passed. Sending hugs.

    1. Thank you for the hugs, Sharon. I know you had a similar anniversary, yourself, last weekend. I call them anniversaries of the heart. We will always remember them.

  8. You were very young when your father passed away. I hope you enjoyed your memories of him on the anniversary day.
    I had a seamstress make a slipcover for our sofa years ago. Easily over 20 years ago now. My sofa sounds like it's similar to yours so there is one large main cover and then individual covers for the 6 seat and back cushions.
    The main large cover became so tight over the years from washing that last year I cut it in half. I thought what did I have to lose because it just wasn't going back on. I was very worried but I did it anyway and it turned out to be such a good move. In the front down by the floor you cannot see it is in 2 pieces because that area isn't the area that doesn't fit. Over the back of the sofa you can absolutely see the opening as the two pieces are now separated by several inches. I just put a nice old quilt folded long ways over that area. The middle cushion is in front of the quilt and the back of the quilt hangs down loosely over the back of the sofa. And the slipcover fits really nicely now that all the tension from the tight fit is gone. And no one knows but me.
    I've thought about sewing some seam binding to the cut but that seems like a big job (but not a complicated one) so I've not done anything.

    1. Yes, I was still a child when my father died. For one thing, I was born rather late in his life and, for another, he was in his early 50s when he died.
      Oh, your sofa sounds just like mine! Putting that main cover on is a struggle, isn't it? I like your solution to the problem! Not sure if that would work for me, though, because my daughter is known to do couch parkour when she is home! But, now I am thinking that a slip cover is a great idea!


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