Saturday, July 6, 2024

Celebrating the Fourth

The Flyover in the Distance 

Thursday, the Fourth of July, was Independence Day, here in the USA, of course.  But, it was also the birthday of my late friend A.  When she was alive, she would often have us over to dinner at her house and then, we'd step outside to watch the fireworks, as she lived close to a place where they held a fireworks display, each year.  So, when her daughters asked what we were doing on the 4th of July and we answered that we had no plans, they invited us to attend the fireworks display at the venue with them.  It is an open air venue, so I felt it would be fine to attend it, as I would be wearing a mask.  It was a ticketed event and I offered to buy our tickets, but, A's daughters declined, saying not to worry about it.  They picked us up and gave us a ride to the venue and dropped us off, afterwards.  They had brought sandwiches, chips, and drinks, but, my daughter and I didn't want to remove our masks to eat or drink, so, we brought our sandwiches home and had them for dinner.

The parking lot was a short distance away from the venue and there was a shuttle for "Seniors and Disabled" that I could have taken from the parking lot to the venue.  But, I didn't want to be separated from my daughter and the other two young women, so I decided to walk with them.  It was a bit of an uphill climb, but I surprised both myself and my daughter by managing the walk, without feeling any pains!  I did need to stop to catch my breath, halfway up, and I did lift my mask to take a sip of water a bit later, just before we went up the last incline to the seats, but, it felt safe enough as there were very few people around.  

The Flyover Overhead

There were two tribute bands playing before the fireworks show, the first one being a Fleetwood Mac cover band and the other being  Billy Joel cover band.  Both bands played some good music. 

Tribute Band in Concert: Earlier in the Evening

Later in the Evening

And then, there was the fireworks display, accompanied by patriotic music:


More Fireworks

It was very exciting and fun.  Afterwards, the walk downhill to the parking lot was much easier than the walk uphill!  

On Thursday, I was grateful for:

- Being able to celebrate Independence Day
- Memories of friend A
- A's daughters inviting us to the fireworks display and
- Giving us a ride there and back
- Being able to walk up the incline without any pains

My joyful activity was attending the celebration in the company of my daughter and my friend's daughters.  It was a fun evening and I enjoyed it very much.  


  1. What a fun evening. I haven't gone to a big 4th celebration for several years because of the traffic hassles, but I have always liked them when I did.

    1. It really was a lot of fun. There was a lot of traffic, but, the time spent in the car was fun, too, chatting with the girls and spending some time with them.

  2. That's wonderful you and your daughter had a such a good time with your friends at the fireworks display. Well done for managing the walk uphill and back down again.

    1. Thank you, Eileen; yes, I was very happy that I was able to manage the walk! Going up was a bit of a work out for me! LOL. I held on to my daughter's arm on the way back, partly because it was rather dark and partly because the road was uneven and I didn't want to fall. It was a lovely evening and we all enjoyed ourselves.

  3. What a fun celebration! It looks as though you had great flyovers and beautiful fireworks. How nice to enjoy live bands and good company! Just wonderful all around.
    You must be proud of your hiking skills and relieved that you weren’t in pain.
    I completed my packing list and started ironing and folding my clothes. I love the planning and anticipation of travel. I’m very excited!

    1. It was a wonderful celebration, Taconix, and one that my daughter and I might not have joined if we hadn't been invited to do so by my friend's daughters. I was told that there will be a Beatles tribute band playing at the same venue, next Saturday, and to let them know if I'd like to attend that concert, too, but, I think this one special outing was sufficient!
      Look at you getting all your preparations done in advance! Well done! I'm sure you will have a wonderful holiday. :)

  4. It sounds like a very fun outing! And so nice you and your daughter could celebrate your friend's birthday with her daughters. It's wonderful you were able to do so much walking without pain!

    1. It really was a wonderful outing, Celie, and apart from one or two initial qualms about being in a crowd and being able to manage the walk, I really enjoyed it. :)

  5. You got some great photos and the one of the stage taken later is even more festive than the daylight one.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady; it was actually my daughter who took the photos, but, yes, she did a great job. There were people dancing in a small area in front of the stage throughout the evening and others were dancing in the seats; it was very festive. :)

  6. Looks like a wonderful evening! I love fireworks and live music.

  7. And we had our celebrations with a new government in Britain! I hope the French election has a good outcome too. (Though I will admit others are of a different opinion to what "a good outcome" is, & will be!) Love FD xx

    1. Yes, I read about the British elections. And you are very correct in saying that a good outcome means different things to different people, especially when it comes to politics. :)

  8. Well you had quite the night out! Good for you on managing the uphill trek and, yes, the path back after that sort of journey is always nice.
    It sounds like you and your daughter had a fun time with A's daughters. It's nice to continue the tradition in a new form. Life evolves doesn't it?

    1. Yes, I certainly did have quite the night out! And we did have fun with the other two girls. The girls are good friends with my daughter and I'm hoping that they will continue to be good friends in the future, too. Their grand aunt (grandmother's sister) was a good friend of my mother, their mother and I were friends, and now, they and my daughter are friends. :) Life does evolve.

  9. Great photos! So glad you had a fun time out and got to see fireworks.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Photo credits go to my daughter. :)

  10. What a wonderful evening! And also a lovely way to remember your friend. Xx

    1. Yes, Jules, it was a wonderful evening and I felt that our being there helped my friend's daughters on what would have been their mother's birthday.

  11. This looks like a wonderful evening, and your fireworks photos are really good. I would have enjoyed the Billy Joel music.

    1. My daughter took all the photos, including the fireworks, with her cell phone, so all photo credits goes to her. But, thank you, and I will tell her that you thought they were really good.
      It was a wonderful evening and I enjoyed the music. At first, I was nervous about being in such a crowd of mostly unmasked people, but, it was an open air event, I wore my mask, and I didn't come down with a nasty virus, so, I'm happy that I went. :)


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