Sunday, July 14, 2024

You Say Toma(y)to, I Say Toma(h)to


On Friday, M and I picked three of the ripest Berkeley Tie Dye tomatoes, one of which had that stem end spoilage.  One of them seems to be sticking its nose up in the air!

Of course, I had to weigh them:

Weighing the Tomatoes

The three tomatoes came to 2 1/2 pounds:

2.5 Pounds

I offered one of the tomatoes to M, but, he declined saying his plants are producing lots of tomatoes, too.  Instead, he happily accepted the rice and curry dinner I served for him to take home; he likes my chicken curry, so, I gave him the rest of the chicken curry, the forgotten potatoes, rice, and a jar of tomato chutney.

I had a tuna salad sandwich for brunch and for dinner, I had rice, the last of the devilled beef, and the rest of the cucumber salad.

I haven't cut the tomatoes to see how they are, but, I'll take a picture when I do.  

Oh, and for the record, I say. "toma(h)to" as that's how we said it in Sri Lanka.  The Sinhala and Tamil word for tomato is, "thakkali".

I am grateful for tomatoes from the garden.  

Are you growing tomatoes in your gardens, this year? 


  1. I'm growing toma(h)toes but there's not much sign of fruit at the moment! Just lots of vegetation. Love FD xx

    1. I hope your tomato plants will produce lots of tomatoes for you, over the summer. :)

  2. Mio padre adora i pomodori e nel suo orto ne pianta di tutti i tipi: cuore di bue, san Marzano, ciliegini.
    Insomma siamo sommersi dai pomodori

    1. Hi Stefania; sounds like your father keeps you all provided with plenty of tomatoes! Enjoy them!

  3. I'm not a great lover of tomatoes. I've only grown tomatoes once and were over run with them. I really dislike tomato soup and tomato chutney. I say toma(h)to too. Your Berkeley Tie Dye tomatoes look interesting, I hope they taste good.

    1. To be quite honest, Eileen, I am not a big fan of raw tomatoes, but, I like to cook with tomatoes. I haven't tried this variety of tomatoes, yet, but, I want to taste one today and see if I like it. If not, I will use them in a curry.

  4. I always try to grow tomatoes because I love them. We've just gotten our first ripe tomato, but we've had to fight the deer and very hot dry weather to get it.

    1. That first ripe tomato is special! I hope it will be the first of many and the deer and the weather will be kind and not ruin your tomato crop!

  5. Those tomatoes are huge! I have previously grown tomatoes, but not this year. Funnily enough, I have just been given a bagful of tomatoes, which I need to roast and turn into soup. A job for tomorrow, I think. Xx

    1. They are some of the biggest tomatoes I've grown! How lovely to be given a bag of tomatoes, especially since you haven't grown any this year! Roasted tomato soup sounds wonderful!

  6. Your tomatoes are beautiful! I know you will enjoy them. Either/Eye ther Neither/Neye ther !

    1. Thank you, Anne; they are living up to their "tie dye" name! I will try them, today. Pronunciation is a funny thing, isn't it?

  7. Saying "Tomahto" is the way I grew up to say it. There must be a British influence on the pronunciation in Sri Lanka. Now I sometimes say "Tomayto" thanks to the Canadian influence! 😀

    1. I would have assumed that Canadians spoke British English and said "tomahto"! Yes, I'd say there is a British influence on the pronunciation (and many other things) in Sri Lanka; 133 years of being a British Crown Colony (1815 to 1948) will do that. :)

  8. I like the one that has its nose up in the air! Hopefully they are good inside and can be eaten. I say toma(h)to too, as that's the way it's said in England too.

    1. That one tomato has a personality, doesn't it? :D I plan to cut them, today, and see what they look like inside and try them. :)

  9. Those are big and beautiful tomatoes. I wonder if there's a difference in taste. Sweeter than say, Roma tomatoes ?

    1. Personally, I think they look better than they taste! I cut them, today, and tasted one, and it had a very strong tomato taste. Some people might like that, but, as I am not a big fan of raw tomatoes, it was a bit too strong for me! I will use these tomatoes for cooking and I think that will be just fine.

  10. I didn't try to plant any this year. Hopefully next year! But, we've been enjoying delicious tomatoes from farmer's markets and the store. I love them! I sure hope yours turn out to be ok inside. I say to-"mae"-to. But, living in the South, I've heard some country folks say " 'maters" Haha!

    1. Sometimes, I think growing my own tomatoes costs more in terms of water and fertilizer, etc., than buying tomatoes, but, there is the pleasure of growing things. I must say that I've never heard tomatoes being called, "maters", but, I guess that term rhymes well with "taters" for potatoes. :)

  11. But I don't say "tomayto" - I say "tomahto" too! Reminds me of when my aunt, with her strong Indian accent, suddenly came out with "tomayto" and it really made my sister laugh. "Tomayto tomayto, we are soooo cool!" I can't eat them but I do love them and I know homegrown usually taste way better than shop bought - even if you consider the work and cost of cultivating.

    1. Yes, I'd expect you to say "tomahto". :) I don't like them raw, but, I like to cook with them and add them to my curries, etc. I cut up the ripe tomatoes I've picked so far and froze them to use in my cooking, later. They do have a lot of flavor.

  12. I did not grow any tomAYtoes this year. Not sure why. We had such a cool wet spring that went on and on (I loved it) that I never got around to planting any.
    I have 2 sprouts of toMAYto plants from tomatoes left to decompose from last year. They are growing nicely but still very small.
    Your tomatoes are very nice size. I hope things are good inside when you cut them.

    1. Maybe you'll still get some tomatoes from those small seedlings. :)
      These tomatoes look gorgeous and are a good size, but, they are not that good, inside. I've had to compost almost half of what I've picked. I'm going back to Early Girl (or maybe I'll try Early Boy that Mary-Lou/Patio Postcards said she grows), next year.

    2. Oops, I meant "Best Boy" not Early Boy!


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