Thursday, July 4, 2024

July Grocery Shopping - Part 1

I picked up an order of groceries, yesterday, Wednesday July 3.  Partly because I needed a few items for the dinner on Friday night (I've invited three family friends) and partly because I wanted to take advantage of the sale on salmon and beef so that my daughter could enjoy them and maybe take some back with her.  Sorry, no pictures of what I bought (daughter put away the groceries for me, right away).

I bought:

1.16 lb. broccoli @ $1.94/lb. (with $0.40 off coupon) = $2.26

2 lb. green beans @ $1.99/lb. = $4.00

2 lb. bag carrots = $1.99

1.35 lb. onions @ $0.91 with coupons (reg. price $1.49/lb.) = $1.24

10 lb. bag potatoes = $4.99
(the 5 lb. bag was $3.99)

2.16 lb. salmon @$8.99/lb. (reg. price $14.99) = $19.42

3.21 lb. beef chuck roast @ $6.99/lb. (reg. price $8.99) = $22.44

1 loaf sandwich bread = $1.99

2 ice cream, butter pecan, 14 fl. oz. each, buy 1 get 1 free = $5.99

2 ice cream, pistachio, 14 fl. oz each, buy 1 get 1 free = $5.99

Total = $70.31

According to the receipt, my original cost, without sales = $103.34
Amount saved with sales and digital coupons = $33.03

My July grocery budget is $100.00 + $23.64 carried over from June = $123.64

Spent to date = $53.33

Balance Remaining = $123.64 = $70.31 = $53.33

I might need to pick up another small container of half and half for daughter's coffee in the next day or so (I asked her if she needed more when I placed the grocery order and she said no, but, today, she said that the half and half is starting to go off).  But, other than that, I don't anticipate needing more groceries for at least another week or two.  

As always, I am grateful for the availability of groceries and being able to afford the occasional splurge item.

Have you done a grocery shop in July, yet?  How do the prices I pay compare to what you pay in your area?  Curious minds want to know!  LOL.


  1. That was a good shop on meat, vegetables and ice cream. Great that you got a good piece of salmon while it is on offer. I mostly buy frozen veg for myself as my husband won't eat vegetables apart from carrots and peas but he does eat fruit. We buy our weighed food items in grams and kilograms so it's difficult for me to compare prices. I had to look up half and half and it sounds good but I buy semi skimmed milk. I think the loaf of bread costs about the same here but I only buy a small 400g loaf and that is £1. I think your chuck roast is braising steak here and I don't buy that either preferring a joint of beef. Your budget is doing well considering you are entertaining and I hope you have a lovely time with your friends.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Yes, this time, I received a nice big fillet of salmon and I was very pleased with it. 400g is 14 oz., so, just under 1 lb. I should consider buying more frozen vegetables. Currently, store brand frozen veg in 12 oz./340g. bags are priced at $1.50, which works out to $2/lb., which is quite comparable to fresh veg prices.
      I think I should be able to keep to my budget this month. We shall see. :)

  2. I need to do a grocery shop this weekend. Next week is going to be busy, so I need to plan and prepare some meals in advance.
    There are some good deals to be had, but with food prices rising, it can be hard to compare from one week to the next. Xx

    1. Good idea to be prepared for a busy week ahead, Jules. Yes, prices do change from week to week, don't they?

  3. I see your ready to survive any heatwave with sufficient ice cream. :)

    1. Oh, yes! Nothing cools one off as well as ice cream! :D Some of the ice cream is for tonight's dessert (I'm having guests to dinner).

  4. I like your idea to go back for the salmon on sale. The savings makes that worthwhile. This weekend will be the first July shopping for me. I only have milk and dog food on the list so far. We’re finishing everything we have since we will leave in one week for vacation. Your grocery prices usually seem pretty comparable to New York prices, except we pay a little more for produce and we don’t get free product coupons. Sometimes we’ll have an amazing loss leader and I buy the amount allowed if it’s something we eat.
    I hope you enjoy entertaining this week!

    1. Thank you, Taconix. I try to get the salmon when it is on sale, even though the current sale prices are higher than what used to be the regular price, not too long ago! It's always good to stock up when there is a good deal, isn't it? Are you excited about the upcoming cruise?

  5. I was in "that other store" this morning and I took a walk by the meat counter and was astounded to see marrow bones at nearly $6 each!

    1. Yes, meat prices are ridiculous. I stopped buying beef for a while when it went up to $4.00/lb. but, eventually gave in.

  6. I didn’t go grocery shopping this month, yet. I am planning to go to Costco next week.

    1. A trip to Costco would be something to look forward to. I gave up my Costco membership about 8 years ago. Every now and then, I miss it. :)

  7. That's good you were able to get some more salmon at a good price.
    And more ice cream! Yeah!
    My husband just brought home some Black Walnut ice cream.
    I haven't tried it yet but he says its good.

    1. Thank you, Debra. Daughter will be able to enjoy her salmon a couple of more times before she has to go back. :) Yes, more ice cream! :D I'm having some guests to dinner and we'll have ice cream for dessert. I've tried Black Walnut ice cream and liked it; but, I prefer Butter Pecan. :)


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