Friday, July 12, 2024

On Thursday

Berkeley Tie Dye Tomato

Apparently, there are two varieties of Berkeley Tie Dye Tomatoes - a green one which is supposed to have a mostly green skin with some pink stripes and a pink one with pinkish skin.  I think what I have might be the pink variety:

I picked one and it looked very pretty from the top, but, the bottom was spoiled.  I tried to cut off the spoiled part, but, it was spoiled all the way, inside.  I will try to save the seeds and maybe they will grow, next year.  
Ripe Berkeley Tie Dye Tomato

On Thursday, when I checked on the chicken (?) eggs, I was surprised to see that there were four eggs!  I only saw three in the nest, on Wednesday, with one outside the nest area! I couldn't tell which was was the new egg, of course and my daughter suggested that I marked them so that I'd know if there is a new egg, tomorrow.  So, I took a marker and scribbled on the eggs in the nest and the one outside:

Four Marked Eggs

I will check first thing in the morning to see if there is a new egg!

I marked the other egg, as well

Of course, I still don't know for sure if these are chicken eggs!  But, what else could they be?  They are too big to be mourning dove eggs and, in any case, mourning doves make their nests in trees and lay two eggs.

It was another warm day.  I waited until it had cooled down to 95F(35C) at 5:30 p.m. to go to the pharmacy to pick up a second medication that was ready.  I did a few household things during the day, putting a few things away and tidying up.  I also called Aunt C to check on her.  I walked for 15 minutes after it had cooled down even more (around 8:00 p.m.)  Later in the evening, I video chatted with my daughter.  

Brunch was a tuna salad sandwich.  Dinner was leftover rice and curries: rice, chicken curry, spicy sauteed potatoes, and cucumber salad.  Ice cream for dessert.

On Thursday, I was grateful for:

- Medication refills being available
- A safe drive to the pharmacy and back
- Tomatoes ripening on the plant
- Phone calls and emails with family and friends
- Fans and electricity to run them

Thursday's joyful activity was checking on the garden and seeing that the tomatoes are ripening (even if the one I picked was spoiled).

Plans for Friday include making a birthday card for a friend and tending to the garden with M in the evening.  It is supposed to be a cooler day, with a high of only 85F(29.4C).  

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday?


  1. i do hope you have some tomatoes that are edible as they look very interesting and I'm eager to know how good they taste. Once there is a new egg hopefully laid by Chicken Little you must claim it and crack it open. How nice it would be to have a Chicken Little Special scambled, fried or poached egg.

    1. I am going to let M have the pleasure of picking the next ripe tomato, later today. :) And I'll share a slice of it with him, although, to be quite honest, neither of us likes raw tomatoes that much! I prefer to cook my tomatoes, adding them to a curry or made into a tomato curry, or made into chutney or pasta sauce. But, I will give this variety of tomato a try just as they are.
      I found a new egg, this morning! I took it into the house with me, but, I haven't cooked it yet!

  2. Those tomatoes are so nice looking. Before you mentioned them, I never heard of that variety. (Maybe because I don't live by you!). Very interesting about the eggs! andrea

    1. They are very pretty, aren't they? I hadn't heard of them before, myself! But, my gardener went to a plant sale and saw them; they are supposed to be an heirloom variety. I found another egg, this morning!

  3. Those tomatoes are beautiful. My 'cherry ' tomatoes are starting to ripen at last!

    1. They do have a very pretty appearance, don't they? Yay! I'm glad your cherry tomatoes are starting to ripen! I know you will enjoy eating them. :)

  4. My neighbors have chickens and thought they had stopped laying eggs because of the heat. Then one day, they found nine eggs under their shed. They guessed that the chickens had found a cooler place to lay their eggs. My neighbors didn't know how long the eggs had been there, so they didn't use them, but now they look under the shed every day.

    1. Oh, wow! Nine eggs! I found another egg in the "nest" this morning and claimed it! Haven't been brave enough to cook it, though!

  5. Never a dull moment - now you have ongoing mystery eggs to entertain us with!

    1. You are right, Bushlady! Never a dull moment! There was another egg, this morning, and I claimed it! Not sure if I will eat it myself or feed it to the cats!

  6. Those tomatoes are pretty.

    Bless, those are dragon eggs! Be careful! 😁

    1. The tomatoes really do live up to the name of "tie dye", don't they?
      Ooh, dragon eggs! Will I transform into a dragon if I eat it? Or, maybe I'll get the power of a dragon! :D

  7. Egg watch has me intrigued. Xx

  8. Good idea to mark the eggs. You wouldn't want one that had been lying around in the sun for days. (I've already read ahead so know that you correctly ID'd the eggs and dared to try the fresh ones.)

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. It was my daughter who suggested I marked the older eggs. :)

  9. That's a shame about your tomatoes. They are very attractive though if that's any consolation.
    Gosh - you waited until it cooled down to 95 to run an errand. 95.
    Oh my.
    I hope you're drinking your water.

    1. Those tomatoes are gorgeous, aren't they? So colorful in appearance. Too bad that most of them have bug holes and/or scorched by the sun. Next year, I will go back to my tried and true Early Girl or, maybe even Early Boy as suggested by one of the other blog readers.
      Yes, 95F felt cool after going up to 100F or so earlier in the day. :D I'm struggling to drink my water, though.


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