Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Mid-Week on Wednesday

Santa Rosa Plums

I picked a few plums from the garden;, yesterday (Tuesday).  They are not fully ripe, but, as can be seen, the birds have been pecking at them to test for ripeness!  M picked three other plums from higher up in the tree and all three had been partially pecked. 

While I was picking the plums, I noticed this, a few feet away:

An Egg!

There was what looked like a small chicken egg!  It was on the ground between the orange tree and the feijoa (pineapple guava) tree.  And when I went closer, I saw this, at the base of the feijoa tree:

Chicken Eggs?

Chicken Little, did you do that?  Did you lay some eggs for me?  I didn't see the chicken sitting on them, so, I don't know if they are fertilized or not, if they are fresh or if they have been there for a few days, or, even if they are chicken eggs or not!   Since I am not sure, I am not going to pick them up; I'll leave them in place to see what happens.  Maybe a possum or a raccoon might enjoy them!  However, if I do see the chicken laying eggs, again, I guess it would be okay to eat them?  Or should I give them to my neighbor?  Chicken Little belongs to them, but seems to spend its days in my garden, feasting on the cat food and scratching around in the dirt. 

Yesterday (Tuesday) was a hot day and I didn't feel like doing much.  I brought the trash cans in, made an appointment for Dancer, accepted a couple of packages for my friend, called former neighbor T to check on her and left her a message as she didn't answer the phone, picked up one of my medication refills from the pharmacy, cleaned the litter box, and watered the back garden.  Then, I borrowed another ebook from the library and stayed up reading when I should have been sleeping!

Brunch had been a salad and dinner was leftover rice and curries.

Today, it has been even hotter!  M was here to water the garden and I told him to take it easy and not to exert himself too much (he said he was fine).  In the afternoon, I took Dancer for his arthritis medication injection.  I sedated him before I took him and he was okay for most of the journey there, but, at the last minute, he threw up.  Poor kitty.  Fortunately, the towel with which I lined his carrier absorbed most of it.  I had the car AC on during the drive to the clinic and back and the clinic was air conditioned, too.  I really should have put my bedroom AC on when I came back, but, instead, I put the fans on in the family room and took a nap!  

Today, I called former neighbor T again, because she didn't return my phone call from yesterday.  She picked up the phone, but, said she's sick so I told her to rest and I'll call her later in the week.  Then, I called cousin V and I called friend R, just to check on them.  

Brunch had been toast with butter and peach jam.  Dinner part 1 was tuna salad and crackers (I shared the tuna with Dancer).  Dinner part 2 (eaten a couple of hours later) was some of the spicy sauteed potatoes that had been forgotten during last week's dinner party.  

Today, I am grateful for:
- Dancer was able to get his medication
- I had a safe drive to the vet's clinic and back
- M's help with the garden
- Fans and the electricity to run them
- Chicken Little's gift of eggs!

Today's joyful activity was taking a nap!

Plans for tomorrow (Thursday) include doing some housework and a load of laundry.  

How was your Wednesday?  What are your plans for Thursday?




  1. How lovely to find the eggs and if you see Chicken Little sitting on some eggs then I think you could claim them as your own as he gets fed so well in your garden. I'm glad Dancer was fairly OK on the trip to the vet apart from being sick and I'm glad you have aircon in your car. Good that there are others to check on your neighbour while she is unwell, hopefully she will be better soon.

    1. It was exciting to find the eggs and today, there was another one! Maybe I'll have some baby chicks (no idea if the eggs are fertilized, though!)
      Thank you, Eileen; yes, Dancer has recovered from his trip, yesterday. AC in the car is much appreciated in the summer!
      Former neighbor T is in an assisted living facility and has care givers who check in on her and help her, but we call each other on a weekly basis. Today, I called my aunt to check on her - she has AC but, won't put it because she doesn't want to run up the bills.

  2. Eggs! How exciting. Chicken Little is giving your gifts to say Thank You for the cat biscuits! They should be fine to eat if you see her laying them, but you could take the first ones to the neighbours to see what they say. I might be suspicious of those however, as you're not totally sure they're chicken eggs!

    1. Yes, it is exciting! I am not sure who is laying the eggs, but, I suspect Chicken Little. The eggs are rather small, but, then, she's not that big a chicken, herself. Another one appeared, today!

  3. If you know where the eggs come from, I would eat them. They would be a small payback for feeding Chicken Little. The plums are so pretty. I remember one summer camp I went to there was a plum tree near the caretakers house full of ripe plums. Every time I went by I had one to eat. They were a real treat.

    1. I suspect Chicken Little but, I don't know for sure. Another egg appeared, today! I marked them and, tomorrow, if there is another new egg, then, I might take that for myself!
      Plums picked straight from the tree and eaten are so sweet!

  4. Maybe little chicks will hatch from the eggs! Can you spy on Chicken Little to see if she attends to the eggs?
    You’re good to check in on your neighbor and friends in the heat. It’s worrisome when temperatures get that high.
    I had errands yesterday and last-minute tasks (and more today). I leave tonight for our cruise. First day and a half we’re staying in London. It will be our first time in England. It looks as though we will be welcomed with cooler, beautiful weather. Ahhh ☺️

    1. Wouldn't it be fun if there are little baby chicks? I wouldn't know the first thing about caring for them, though!
      Thank you, Taconix; yes, it's important to check on elderly neighbors and friends when it is so hot.
      Oh, I do hope you have a safe flight to London and enjoy your visit and I hope you have a wonderful rest of the trip! Enjoy your cruise! Safe travels!

  5. It's too bad you didn't catch Chicken Little in the act of laying those eggs. As it is very hot and you don't know how long ago they were laid, I think you are wise to leave them to the racoons, who probably like rotten eggs! If you ever catch Chicken Little actually laying an egg in your garden, you probably have rights over it, especially as you are feeding CL with kibble!

    1. Yes, I'm nervous to eat those eggs because I don't know how long they've been sitting out in the heat! But, there was another one, today, and I had no way to tell which was the fresh one. So, I marked them all, and, if there's a new one tomorrow, I'll know it is fresh! The first one in line to eat the kibble this morning was Chicken Little! LOL.

  6. Hope you managed to stay cool. The plums look delicious. How nice to be able to pick them from the garden. It's a shame you don't know how long the eggs have been there etc.

    1. I'm staying cool, Sharon, thank you. The fans help. The plums were delicious! They are so sweet when they are fully ripe. Well, I figured out a way to tell the subsequent freshly laid eggs by marking the older ones. I've tried two of the newer ones and they are tasty. :)

  7. Those eggs are beautiful. Maybe she's an Easter egg chicken. I used to have one that laid pale green eggs. This heat has been tormenting. I hope your neighbor is okay. I have been taking several dunks in the bathtub full of cold water to stay cool.

    1. They do look pretty, don't they? It has been hot, hasn't it? I'm OK for the most part, with just the fans. I've only needed to put the AC on in the bedroom just once.

  8. Oh, I didn't know Dancer had arthritis. Poor Dancer. How old is he now?

    You are wise not to take those eggs. Who knows how long they have been there, or if they are really chicken eggs.

    1. Yes, poor Dancer has thyroid issues and arthritis. He just turned 16 this summer. I acquired him in August 2008, from a friend who found him and two other kittens behind a building near her apartment.
      Exactly; I don't know for sure if they are chicken eggs and don't know exactly how long they've been there! However, I found a new egg, today, so they are being added to!

  9. I would say finders keepers :)

    1. I like that! I found another new egg, this morning! :D

  10. I agree with all who said it's fine to claim the eggs. I think if the neighbours were that bothered, they wouldn't allow her to roam outside their property. And CL obviously likes you - after all you are such a welcoming host! Do the neighbours have other hens?

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella; I've been collecting the newly laid eggs and ate two of them the other day! I had once mentioned to the neighbors that their chicken was in my yard and they just laughed and said it's impossible to keep her in their yard! I think CL likes my yard because it's bigger (neighbors have built quite a few structures in their yard), there are plenty of trees and plants for her to stay under, and there are no dogs! The neighbors have several dogs and perhaps she prefers to avoid them! Not sure if the neighbors have any other chickens, now. I know they had a little flock of them, including a rooster, at one time, because they would all fly over the wall and come into my garden! LOL.

  11. Oh they do like like chicken eggs but I'd want to know for sure too before venturing on with them. And if they are then, of course you should keep them. I wouldn't even think twice about it.
    Oh gosh, it's certainly been hot for you. Thank goodness for air conditioning for your trip with nervous Dancer.
    haha - I've been wondering about those spicy potatoes lol

    1. Yes, they are chicken eggs! Laid by Chicken Little, herself! I found her sitting on them, yesterday. I felt bad that I had taken a couple of them, the newer ones, but, she still has five of them to try to hatch (although, I strongly suspect that they are not fertilized).
      The spicy potatoes have been eaten (I gave some to M, too.) :)


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