Thursday, August 1, 2024

End of July Grocery Shopping

I did a grocery order and pick up, on Wednesday, July 31.  I was out of bread and milk and I wanted to take advantage of a few "best customer" coupons before they expired.

I bought:

1 loaf (20 oz.) sandwich bread = $1.79

1 bag frozen gyoza (chicken and vegetables; 24 oz.) = $5.49 

1 bag frozen breaded shrimp, 32 oz., reg. price $12.99, on sale for $9.99, with coupon = $7.99

3 cans tuna, 5 oz., store brand, reg. price $1.29@, 2ith coupon, $1.19@ (must buy 3) = $3.37
(name brand tuna was on sale for $1.25@, but the store brand was cheaper with the coupon)

1 cucumber, reg. price $0.89; with coupon = $0.39
1 iceberg lettuce, reg. price $1.99, with coupon = $1.59
1 yellow onion, 0.76 lb. @ $1.28'lb. = $0.98

1 jar, 3.5 oz. garlic salt = $1.50
1 jar, 2 oz. garlic powder = $1.50

1 jar pasta sauce, 24 oz., reg. price $3.39, on sale for $2.50, free with coupon = $0

2 cans coconut milk, 13.5 fl. oz., reg. price $1.99@, with coupon $1.59@ = $3.18

1 can sweetened condensed milk, 14 fl. oz. = $2.99
(price increased from $2.00 on sale in October 2023, when I last stocked up; I bought 6 cans back then)

1/2 gal. milk = $2.79

1 plain yogurt, 32 oz., reg. price $4.79, with coupon = $3.49

1 bottle canola oil, 48 fl. oz., reg. price $5.49; with coupon = $4.49

1 Miracle Whip, 30 oz., reg. price $6.79, on sale for $5.49, with coupon = $4.69

1 bottle cranberry cocktail juice, 52 fl. oz. reg. price $4.99; free with coupon; $0.10 deposit = $0.10

2 bars chocolate, 4.25 oz.@; reg. price $3.29@. on sale for $2.00@ = $4.00

1 ice cream, French vanilla, 48 fl. oz., reg. price $6.49; on sale with coupons = $3.99

Total spent = $54.32

My July grocery budget was $100 + $23.64 carried over from June = $123.64

July grocery spending = $70.31 (on Wednesday, July 3) + $9.77 (on Saturday, July 6) + $54.32 (on July 31) = $134.40

I went over the July budget by $10.76, but I will deduct that from my August grocery budget.  In any case, the majority of what I bought on July 31 will be consumed in August.

August grocery budget = $100 - 10.76 = $89.25

How did you do with your July grocery budget?


  1. You still have a healthy budget for your August groceries, you do well.
    I have a store loyalty card and my statement arrived in my inbox ysterday and as I have not been spending my points I will have a good saving towards my Christmas shopping. Can't believe it's August already.

    1. Thank you, Eileen; yes, I've plenty in the budget for August. That's nice that you are able to accumulate your store loyalty points to help pay for Christmas shopping! Christmas will be here almost before we know it! :D

  2. We're eating more at home these days, so our overall food budget is down.

    1. Eating at home is much better for the budget and, depending on what one eats when one eats out, it's probably better for ones health, too. :)

  3. Great shopping, especially the free items! The shrimp is an amazing bargain (and will likely last you a while as you don’t seem to be a big eater). Nicely done.
    My July grocery spending was less than half of our usual because I was using up food so it didn’t go to waste, we ate out for a couple of family celebrations (which I budget as entertainment), and food we paid for on vacation is budgeted under travel.
    In August, we’ll be away one week, and the rest of the month I hope I’ll get good prices on fresh produce. If chicken breasts are on sale, I’ll buy some extra ones to freeze.
    I love chocolate bars for a treat. We brought back a little Belgian chocolate which seems almost too special to eat, but in this heat wave, we shouldn’t save it. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself. 😂

    1. Thank you, Taconix. The shrimp comes in two smaller packages inside the big bag and I usually get about four servings per smaller package, frying or baking about 8 shrimp per serving (according to the bag, a serving is about 6 shrimp).
      You did well in July, using up what you had and I like the way you budget for eating out and vacationing. I hope you find lots of bargains in August. :)

  4. I think when you find bargains it is time to buy, even if it means going over budget.

    1. Thank you, Anne. I'm glad that I have the flexibility to do so. If I had really needed to keep to the budget, I would have held off on the chocolates, gyoza, and ice cream. Besides, most of what I bought yesterday will be consumed in August.

  5. Chocolate is a staple in this household. It comes into the category of health supplements! 😀. I see that you have to pay a bottle deposit for your cranberry cocktail juice. I wish that we did that here in Canada. I would start with bottled water and go on to sodas. We could divert a lot of plastic that way.

    1. It's a staple here, too, Bushlady. The only time I didn't like chocolate was when I was having my chemo treatments - I couldn't believe it, but, my taste buds changed and I just didn't like the taste of chocolate back then.
      Yes, there is a deposit on plastic and glass bottles, soda cans, etc. There are recycling centers where one can take them or, or one can put them in the recycling bins to be collected.

  6. You got a lot of good sales on this shop.
    The shrimp was a good price and free pasta sauce! That's nice.
    Your sweetened condensed milk has really gone up. How long does a can last you?

    1. Thank you, Debra. I do like my free items! LOL.
      Yes, condensed milk has gone up in price and this is the store brand, so the cheapest. I use my condensed milk in my tea, 1 teaspoon (regular cutlery teaspoon, not the measuring teaspoon which is smaller, I think) per cup of tea. I usually have 1 or 2 cups of tea a day, one in the morning and one in the evening. A can of condensed milk will last me anywhere from 10 days to 2 weeks. It's not too bad, I think.


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