Monday, August 26, 2024

August Grocery Shopping - Part 2


More August Groceries

I went grocery shopping in person, today, at the Armenian grocery store.  I mostly went there because they had a sale on condensed milk which will end tomorrow (Tuesday). Of course, I bought a few other items, too!

I bought:

2 nectarines @ $0.99/lb. = $0.85
1 mango = $0/79
3 bananas @ $.59/lb. = $0.62
1 papaya @ $0.99/lb. = $2.94

3 beets @ $0.50/lb. = $0.30
2 pieces ginger @ $2.29/lb. = $0.62

1 box cookies = $2.99

1 package sesame sticks = $4.85

1 French bread = $4.29

6 cans condensed milk, $1.99@ = $11.94*

2 cans coconut milk, $1.19@ = 2.38

Total = $32.57


My August grocery budget is $100 - $10.76 spent in July - $89.24
Spent to date = $46.22 + $32.57 = $78.79
Balance left in the August grocery budget = $89.24 - $78.79 = $10.45

I don't anticipate grocery shopping again between now and the end of the month.  So, I will probably carry this amount forward into September.

* The cans I bought today say 13.22 oz. or 375 g. and the cans of milk shown on the supermarket website says 14 oz. or 397 g., on sale for $2.59 for the same brand, while the supermarket's store brand 14 oz. cans are selling for $2.99.  I am not sure if this is "shrinkflation" or not, but, according to my calculations, the price I paid today is still cheaper, ounce for ounce.  I am now stocked up on canned condensed milk for a good long time (I use it for my tea and one can lasts me about 10 days to 2 weeks, depending on how often I drink a second cup of tea).

What do you think?  


  1. Of course, the bottom line is price per ounce, but that is definitely shrinkflation. When I notice shrinkflation the most is when I have an older recipe and an ingredient amount was tied to the size of a can or package and it's bigger than what you buy today.

    1. Yes, the bottom line is the price per ounce or unit and I usually figure that out before I decide if something is a good price or not. But, shrinkflation is creeping up on us, isn't it? The packaging looks almost the same size and unless one pays close attention to the content amounts, it's hard to know!

  2. Well done with your August grocery shopping and budget. The fruit prices seem good as well as the condensed and coconut milk. I think it’s fun to shop someplace different from time to time.
    I grocery shopped yesterday (Monday), a day later than planned. No interesting sales, except I bought a mixed vegetable bag through FlashFoods. It’s at my regular grocery store and they sell items close to last sale date at half-price. Since I usually wait for sales and then stock up, FlashFoods is not worthwhile for me. They do, however, often have a brown bag of vegetables for $5 (plus a 25 or 50 cent fee). The bags usually have about 6 or more mixed peppers and some other random vegetable. We eat a lot of peppers, so when I see one of the mixed veg bags, I buy it. Yesterday, the store employee handed me my bag and it was nearly full. I got 2 eggplants, 8 peppers, 2 large tomatoes, 6 yellow squash, and 2 small zucchini. I was pretty excited. I chopped all the peppers yesterday—froze some and cooked some with chorizo. Today I am making one-pot moussaka; most will be frozen in meal-sized portions with enough left for tomorrow’s dinner. This evening I will cook zucchini, squash, tomatoes, and Italian sausage for dinner and then freeze the leftovers. ☺️

    1. Thank you, Taconix. I used to shop at this store on a regular basis, prior to Covid. They didn't have the grocery pick up option, so, I stopped shopping there. But now, I'm slowly going back to shop there in person, every now and then. They a huge selection of fresh produce and ethnic food.
      It sounds like you got a very good bag of mixed vegetables for the money, yesterday! Sounds like you've got your meals planned to make good use of the vegetables you got! Well done!

  3. It's good to stock up when items you use all the time are on offer. Your coffee cookies look very appealing to me being a coffee drinker and it's very rare I have a cup of tea. I haven't seen any coffee biscuits here so will do a search to see if I can find some as you've made me want some now :)

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Yes, I try to stock up when things I use go on sale. :)
      I'm sorry, but, the cookies are called Tea&Coffee Biscuits and they are actually a plain, not too sweet cookie or biscuit that could be had with a cup of tea or coffee. I do hope that you are able to find some coffee flavored biscuits!

  4. Oops I think I may have misunderstood about the cookies, I thought they had a coffee cream filling :)

    1. I'm sorry; I didn't get the rest of the name of the cookies in my photo - they are called Tea& Coffee biscuits, but, they are actually a plain cookie, meant to accompany a cup of tea or coffee. You might have to make your own coffee flavored cookies!

  5. I applaud your August budget. I know if I had to I could get by with spending that little, but I would have to rely on foods I have in the freezer or pantry to make that happen. I am impressed!

    1. Thank you, Anne; you have to keep in mind that my budget is for one person and, yes, I do incorporate items in the freezer and pantry. For example, I am currently eating rice that I bought some time ago and the canned milk I bought this month will be kept in the pantry to be used in months to come. :)

  6. I'm reminded of a time in England when my parents were still alive, and while with them in the store I bought a small piece of ginger for a recipe that I was going to make for us all. They were most intrigued!

    1. I suppose fresh ginger wasn't something you parents would have used that often, as an ingredient in a recipe. :)

    2. I have a massive lump of ginger in my fridge, which G bought on a whim and then gave to me when she realised she didn't really want it. It's now been in my possession for a few weeks so we'll see if it is still useable when I come to try and grate it tomorrow!

    3. I hope the ginger you were given is still usable, Ella.
      I purposefully bought two pieces of ginger that had budding eyes/signs of new growth on them. They have been planted in a pot and I'm hoping they will grow into ginger plants! We shall see!

  7. Good job getting your condensed milk at a good price. Last month I remember you buying it and we discussed how much the price had increased.
    Your fruit at that store is a good price.
    And you got some nice cookies too to go with your tea :)

    1. Thank you, Debra. I was very happy with the price of the condensed milk. This store has very good prices on fruit and vegetables and used to be my preferred store for produce, before I switched to ordering online and curbside pick up. There were four individually wrapped packets of cookies in the box and I am telling myself to go slow on them! :D


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