Sunday, August 18, 2024

Another Project Mostly Finished


Crewel Embroidery Kit

Does anyone remember this?  Way back in September 2018, I received this piece of fabric with a stamped design and three small balls of yarn from one of the ladies in the library's knitting club that I had joined.  I didn't start on it until July 2021!  I worked on it, off and on, putting it aside for a long time because I didn't have all the colors of yarn that I would have liked, including brown for the basket and the stems. 

Eventually, I used a bit of brown knitting yarn, unraveling it to separate the strands to make it thin enough to approximate the thickness of the yarn I had been given, to sew the stems.  But, that solution didn't work for the basket.

I looked for brown crewel yarn at the craft stores, but, I didn't find any.  I didn't want to order a whole set of crewel embroidery yarn online, as I was not planning to do a lot of crewel embroidery.  So, the project sat, among my "projects in progress", until now.  

I needed a project to work on while I watched the Olympics games.  I decided that I will make the best of the situation and limit myself to the yarn I had on hand.

The Completed Crewel Embroidery

There's nothing like an orange basket to brighten up your day, is there?  LOL.

Well, the embroidery part is done and now, I'm left with wondering what to do with it!  Should I turn it into a cushion cover?  It wouldn't be super washable, I think.  Should I frame it and hang it on my wall?  Should I just donate it?  What do you suggest?


  1. Make it into a tote bag to store your next project.

  2. It looks really nice Bless, the basket didn't have to be brown. My sister-in-law frames her embroidery pieces but do whatever works best for you.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I could frame it, but, Angela has also come up with another good idea, to turn it into a tote bag.

  3. I had several of those kits I had been given over the years. I finished one then gave the others away. If I had not they would still be sitting in a drawer undone.

    1. I probably should have just donated it, myself, but, now that I've embroidered it, I will keep it and do something with it. :)

  4. I think Angela's idea is a good one. Love FD xx

  5. It is bright and cheery. I would make it into a tote bag and donate it to the cancer center that you make things for. It would a nice thing to brighten up someone's day.

    1. Oh, I do like that idea, June! Thank you for the suggestion. :)

  6. How satisfying to finish such a lovely project! I like the idea of making it into a tote bag, too.


    1. Thank you, Bushlady. The tote bag seems to be the favorite option, so far. :)

  7. I have not idea what is involved in this kind of embroidery but I can see why it took you so long. It looks very detailed. I especially like the leaves and definitely don't think you should donate it. A bag or something else that serves a specific purpose is a good idea.

    1. The actual embroidery didn't take too long - I just wasn't that interested in doing it and I felt constrained by the lack of choice in yarn colors. I probably should have donated it when it was first given to me, but, I didn't, so kept it! I think it will be useful as a tote bag, so that's what I shall make. :)

  8. I've never heard of crewel embroidery before. Your work is lovely, and so vibrant. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. Basically, it is embroidery with wool yarn.

  9. Oh gosh - that is so nice. I do like a little crewel embroidery. Or any embroidery. Yes, I agree with Angela and think a project bag is in order.

    1. Thank you, Debra. Now I've another project to work on, turning it into a bag! LOL.


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