Wednesday, August 21, 2024

On Tuesday

Treats from Neighbor S

On Tuesday, it was hot with a high in the upper 90s (F).  I had the fans on and the air quality was bad enough for me to put the air purifier on, as well.  

I did a little bit of paperwork, scheduling one bill payment and doing a bit of filing.  I also checked the weekly grocery ads and I will put in a grocery order in the next couple of days.

Later in the evening, after it had cooled off a bit, I brought in the empty trash cans and neighbor S brought over some treats.  The square puff pastry had a cheese filling and the triangular one had a ground meat filling.  Both were delicious and I had them for my dinner, along with some of the grapes she brought and a few of the sesame cookies (in the sandwich bag).  I kept the two kiwi fruit for another day.  My brunch had been a yogurt flat bread and chicken curry.

I watched some videos and some TV and crocheted.  I now have all the squares I need (48 squares) for the blanket I am crocheting for my daughter.  The next step is to attach the squares and crochet a border around the blanket.

Still later, I spoke on the phone with friend R and had a nice chat with her. I also had a nice chat with one of my nieces (oldest half-brother's daughter), just catching up with her.  We are by no means close - oldest half-brother didn't have anything to do with me for over 30 years after he and the other brothers and sister fell out with my mother - but, I occasionally call my niece to touch base with her.  

On Tuesday, I was grateful for:

- Neighbor S bringing me treats
- Fans and air purifiers
- Electricity to run the appliances
- Being able to order things online (ordered more cat food)
- Phone calls with family and friends

Tuesday's joyful activity was crocheting.

Plans for Wednesday include tending to the garden with M and starting to put the blanket together.  

How was your Tuesday?  What are your plans for Wednesday?


  1. Neighbor S has done it again! Everything sounds delicious. Did she grow the kiwis? Do they grow where you live?

    1. Yes, she did it again! LOL. There was a family event at her aunt's house and she was given some leftovers to bring home and she decided to share them with me. Everything I tried, yesterday, was delicious. Kiwis do grow here, but, S didn't grow the ones she gave me.

  2. Hehehe.... Did you tell S about your weight loss? Well at least she provided grapes and kiwis too :o)

    1. No, I didn't! :D She did call and ask me if I'd like to have the pastries and I suppose I could have declined, but, I didn't have that much self control! :D Everything was delicious, but, the kiwis (at least the one I tried this morning) was rather acidic.

  3. The pastries look delicious. I just bought a bag of green grapes yesterday, we love the green ones.

    1. The pastries were wonderful. The grapes were very sweet, too, but the kiwis were a bit sour!

  4. Such nice treats, your neighbour is very generous. That's nice that you keep in touch with your niece, and what a shame you have missed out on some family time for all these years. Probably too late to build some bridges with them now :(

    1. Neighbor S is one of the most generous people I know. Everything was delicious, even the kiwi, which were a bit sour!
      I was a child of 10 when the big family break up happened. At one time, I was sad about it, but, now, I refuse to let it bother me. I keep in touch with those who want to keep in touch with me and have let the others go.

  5. Your neighborhood must be a wonderful place to live with all the treat sharing and such!

    1. It's mostly neighbor S and I sharing with each other these days, Anne. :)

  6. They look like some delicious treats. I can eat a large bag of grapes in one sitting :)

    1. They were delicious, although the kiwis were a bit sour. I have to portion out my grapes, but, they are one of my favorite fruits!

  7. I'm glad you have an air purifier to help with your breathing when the air gets tricky.
    Second marriages can present problems in some families can't they? It's good you still talk now and then to your niece.

    1. Thank you, Debra. The air purifiers (I have 3 small, portable ones) are very helpful. Yes, second marriages can present problems. But, I do what I can to keep in touch with that side of the family. :)


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