Monday, August 5, 2024

August Meal Plan: Week 1

But, first, a review of last week's (July Week 5) meal plan.  This was the plan:

Brunches: Cheese and crackers (Monday), almond croissant (Tuesday), scrambled eggs and bacon with toast or fried potatoes, salad, milk rice with seeni sambol and mackerel curry; cereal

Dinners: Rice with green peas and grated carrots added to it and sauteed cabbage with roasted cashews (Monday and Tuesday); ground turkey keema curry with rice and vegetables; spaghetti with ground turkey and pasta sauce;  gyoza/pot stickers; leftovers  

Snacks/Desserts: Rice pudding, cake, fresh fruit, smoothies, yogurt

And this is how it worked out (new plant based foods are bolded; my curry powder is a blend of 12 spices and gets 3 points)

Brunch: Cheese and crackers
Dinner:  Rice with green peas and grated carrots added to it and sauteed curried cabbage with roasted cashews (curry powder & curry leaves) = 7.25 points

Snacks/Desserts: Nectarine = 1 point

Daily Points Total: 8.25

Brunch: Almond croissant 
Dinner: Leftovers from Monday's dinner
Snacks/Desserts: Rice pudding (almonds, walnuts, raisins = 3 points)

Daily Points Total: 3 

Breakfast: Scrambled egg, bacon, hot dog bun
Lunch: Nectarine and yogurt
Dinner: Chicken & vegetable (mostly cabbage) gyoza 

Daily Points Total: 0

Brunch: Milkrice, seeni sambol (onions, spices), katta sambol, jaggary
Dinner: Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast
Snacks/Desserts: Peanuts, palmyra sprouts, grapes, strawberries (5)

Daily Points Total: 6.25

Brunch: Milkrice, seeni sambol, katta sambol
Dinner: Rice, okra, corn on the cob, ground turkey keema curry
Snacks/Dessert: Palmyra sprouts, yogurt and treacle

Daily Points Total: 2

Brunch: Milkrice, seeni sambol; corn on the cob
Dinner: Leftover rice, okra, keema curry
Snacks/Desserts: Grapes, nectarine, yogurt

Brunch: Potato salad
Dinner: Baked breaded shrimp, potato salad
Snacks/Desserts: Ice cream, grapes

Daily Points Total:0

Edited to add:

Angela reminded me that I get to add a point each for tea, coffee, fruit juice, and chocolate!

Tea: 1 point; cranberry juice: 1 point

Weekly Plant Foods Point Total - 19.5 + 2 = 21.5

I didn't meet my 5/day goal, either.

Moving on...

Monday's High

August Week 1 is going to be a hot week.  We reached 100F today and I actually considered putting the a/c on in my bedroom, but, I didn't.  I am planning to have a lot of cold foods this week.  

August Week 1 Meal Plan:

Brunches: Chocolate milk (Monday), cereal and milk, egg salad sandwiches, tuna salad sandwiches, salad, fruit smoothies

Dinners: Rice with keema curry, okra, and green beans; egg salad sandwiches, spaghetti with ground turkey and pasta sauce; breakfast for dinner, leftovers

Snacks/Desserts: Yogurt, fresh fruits, nuts, ice cream, chocolate, corn on the cob

Did you make a meal plan last week?  Are you meal planning this week?


  1. I think the plant foods points challenge is difficult but you are doing well giving it a go. Cold foods in this hot weather is sensible, I am eating plenty of salads, had mine with a piece of quiche yesterday evening. Sometimes strawberries and ice cream is perfect for a dessert.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I need to eat more salads! I think I shall make one for my brunch, today. :) Fresh strawberries and ice cream is a wonderful dessert. I found Chicken Little eating my strawberries, the other day, perched right on top of the plant!

    2. Don't do what I did though, Bless - I had an enormous tuna salad, giving me about 10 different vegetables on Monday night...& then had an upset tummy (enough said!!) for all of Tuesday. Hey ho. Love FD xx

    3. Oh, no! All that extra fiber, I guess. I hope you are feeling better, now. Thanks for the warning!

  2. Don't forget you get points for drinks - tea, coffee and chocolate all get one point, as do fruit juices. You have eaten grapes, so no points for Wine! Im beginning to think the 30 thing is overrated.The majority of people on the planet live on a much more restricted diet. And people in smaller households of 1 or 2 here 8n the UK will buy a bag of apples and have one a day till it's gone. But a larger famiiy can have a bag of apples,net of oranges and a bunch of bananas thus giving everyone a variety through the week. Like you I am grateful for having enough, and for the food in my garden and from generous friends, as well as resources to buy from well stocked stores. May God help me to share with others 👍❤️

    1. Thank you, Angela. I did forget to add the tea and fruit juice that I had! Will edit my post to reflect that. Still a long way from 30, but, that's OK. I, too, thought that the 30 per week assumes that one is able to have access to such a variety and be able to afford it, too, which not everyone is able to do. Even so, I should make more of an effort to incorporate more plant based food into my diet!

  3. A dry heat must be the reason that you're not turning on your AC. Here's it's as much to get the humidity out of the air as it is for cooling.

    1. Yes, it is a dry heat (currently, it is 98F and 23% humidity). There is a heat advisory in effect, but, so far, I am comfortable in the house with the fan on. :)

  4. That was a good mix of vegetables and fruits over the week. You’re getting closer to your plant goal!
    I will grocery shop today and finalize the rest of the week’s meal plan. We had pasta, tomatoes, spinach, and bacon last night (a favorite of both husband and myself). Cheeseburger, faux fries, and salad was dinner the night before. I fixed salads with various lettuces or cabbage each night last week to go with the main dishes of pork tenderloin, chicken breast, chicken, bean, and corn taco bake, and then stir-fries with each of the leftover meats. I ate canned sardines for two lunches and the rest of my lunches were leftovers.
    Boneless chicken breasts are on sale for $1.79# and I can buy 2 packages. Often, on a digital coupon, the limit is one. The grocery store had fresh local(ish) vegetables last week, so I’m hoping for the same today when I shop.
    I think I should eat more fruit; I love reading about your fruit picks! ☺️

    1. Thank you, Taconix, especially for reminding me that it is a goal to strive towards. And Angela reminded me that I could include points for tea and juice (as well as chocolate, but, I had read that it needs to be 70% or higher cocoa content in order to be counted). So, I edited the post to include my tea and juice. :)
      I like your meal plan for the week and how you include a salad with the main meat meals and then, make stir fries with the left over meats. That's a good price for chicken breasts.
      How is your younger daughter settling into her new apartment and job?

  5. I think it is time I started counting plant based foods, but I'm not sure the potato chips we munched on while watching Britbox should be included! 😀

    1. I think you'll find that you consume a lot of plant based foods, already, even without the potato chips! :D

  6. As usual, you had a nice variety of delicious sounding food. Your rice with all the added vegetables and cashews always sounds good.


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