Friday, August 16, 2024

On Thursday

Passionfruit Drink

On Thursday, it was sunny and warm (high of 91F).

I made a passionfruit drink from the six passionfruit that my vine produced.  I scooped out the pulp, strained the juice to remove the seeds (will try to grow them), added some water and a little sugar to make the drink.  

I did a load of laundry (my bedsheets and a few other items) and hung everything up to air dry.  Everything dried in a matter of a couple of hours and I remade the bed using the same sheets to avoid the trouble of folding them and storing them in the linen cupboard.  It's called being lazy efficient!  LOL.  

I took two ears of corn from my garden over to neighbor S.  She wasn't home, but, her older daughter N was at home to accept them and, in return, she gave me a packet of spicy ramen noodles to give to my daughter on her next visit home.

I borrowed yet another book from the online library and spent much of the day reading it.  I am allowed to borrow 15 books a month from this online library (that number doesn't change even if you return the books before they are due) and I have borrowed, and read, my 15 books for this month!  Of course, these are light reading, romance novels, but, I am amused to have read 15 books in 15 days.  No, I was not procrastinating on doing housework and paperwork, etc., while I read; of course not!   

I had pancakes for brunch and I ate the majority of them with dhal curry and one with pancake syrup.  For dinner, I cooked a pot of rice and ate some of it with leftover green beans, okra, and ground turkey.  

On Thursday, I was grateful for:

- Another sunny and warm day
- Working appliances
- Electricity to run the appliances
- Homegrown passionfruit
- Being able to borrow books from the online library

Thursday's joyful activities included being able to share some of the corn with neighbor S and reading.

Plans for Friday include picking up my new lab requisition form from my primary care physician's office, going to my oncology appointment, and tending to the garden with M who is due back from his vacation.

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday?


  1. Nothing like sinking into a good book! My husband reads mostly on his phone now. I still prefer paper books.

    1. I am finding that I like reading on my computer because I can adjust the text size for easier reading. I've plenty of paper books to read, too. But, I think I need to get my eyes checked again and get some new reading glasses.

  2. Your passionfruit drink looks nice, very refreshing. That's quite impressive reading 15 books in 15 days and why not indeed, you have the rest of the month now to do the household chores :)

    1. The drink was very refreshing. They were fairly short books, mostly around 200 pages, each. Yes, I have the rest of the month to do housework, although I do have a real book (paper) that I am reading, as well. Oh, well; there's more to life than housework, right?

  3. Passionfruit are obviously useful to have around, apart from pretty blossoms. Your drink looks very refreshing.

    1. Passionfruit have always been a favorite of mine. The flowers are pretty, the fruit is very tasty, and the leaves make a good side dish when shredded and cooked with grated coconut, finely minced onions, and spices, such as turmeric.

  4. The passionfruit drink looks delicious. Are the fruits easy to grow?
    How wonderful to lose yourself in a good book. I'm still trying to finish mine :)

    1. It was delicious. The fruits are not too difficult to grow - they grow on a vine and you have to provide some sort of support for the vine, a fence or a trellis.
      Nothing else gets done when I'm reading! LOL. I am now reading an actual book (not an e-book) and it's taking me longer than I'd like!

  5. I definitely think that is very efficient - washing your sheets, hanging them inside your home and putting them back on the bed all in a couple of hours. Good job :)
    That is interesting that your 15 book limit isn't for books "checked out at once" but the amount allowed total for the month.
    September is coming soon!
    Your drink looks very refreshing.

    1. Thank you, Debra. Putting the same sheets back on lets me off of trying to neatly fold fitted sheets! LOL.
      Yes, the limit is 15 books per month; once checked out, they remain available for 3 weeks, unless you click the "return" button. Yes, September is coming soon! :D


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