Tuesday, August 27, 2024

August Week 3 Meal Plan Review and Week 4 Plan

This was my meal plan for August Week 3:

Brunches: Waffles, Scrambled eggs with fried potatoes, Boiled mung beans with katta sambol, Yogurt with fruit/jam and granola; Smoothies?  

Dinners: Rice with chicken curry (from the freezer) and assorted vegetables ( choice of okra, cabbage, eggplant, green beans, dhal, tomato, whatever else I might feel like cooking); Breakfast for Dinner; Tuna salad on crackers; leftovers

Snacks/Desserts: Cheese and crackers, cereal, corn on the cob, peanut butter and crackers, apples, canned fruit

This is how it all worked out:


Brunch: Boiled mung beans, katta sambol
Dinner: Rice, chicken curry, dhal with moringa leaves (red lentils, moringa leaves, onions, garlic, curry leaves, turmeric)
Snacks/Desserts: Peaches, crackers and peanut butter

Daily Points Total: 7.25


Brunch:   Yogurt flat bread and chicken curry(12 spice curry powder, tomato, curry leaves, etc.)
Dinner:  Cheese filled puff pastry, meat filled puff pastry, grapes, sesame cookies
Snacks/Desserts: peanuts

Daily Points Total:  7


Brunch: Kiwi, grapes, sesame cookies
Dinner: Rice, chicken curry, dhal with moringa leaves
Snacks/Desserts: corn on the cob

Daily Points Total: 2


Brunch: Grapes; yogurt with peach jam and cereal
Dinner: Sardines on toast
Snacks/Desserts: Stewed apple

Daily Points Total: 1


Brunch:  Grapes, orange juice 
Dinner:  Cold cuts sandwich (7 grain bread, mustard, lettuce)
Snacks/Desserts: Banana

Daily Points Total: 11 (if I count the 7 whole grains in the bread; 5 if I count the bread as 1 for whole grain).


Brunch: Hamburger, fries (do the fries count as potato? Probably not!)
Dinner: Hamburger
Snacks/Desserts: Soda

Daily Points Total: 0

Brunch: Fruit salad (Banana, grapes, dates, cashews, kiwi, lemon juice)
Dinner:  Rice, chicken curry, cucumber salad, tomato chutney; leftover fries
Snacks/Desserts: More fruit salad

Daily Points Total: 4

Fruit Salad

Daily cup of tea = 1 [point

Weekly Plant Based Food Points Total = 33.25 (if I count the 7 grains in the bread) or 27.25 if I count the bread as 1 for "whole grain"

Either way, I am pleased with this week's plant based food points, especially since there were days when I went completely off the meal plan and didn't eat as nutritiously as I should have!  But, I really struggled with meals, this week.  I didn't feel like cooking, I didn't feel like eating what I had cooked, nothing really appealed to me.


Moving on to August Week 4:

Brunches: Cold cuts "subway" sandwiches with French bread; Bread and cheese; Sardines on toast; Salad; Fruit, Milk Rice (Sunday, September 1)

Dinners: Cold cuts "subway" sandwiches, Breakfast for Dinner; Sauteed salmon with salad or rice and vegetables, Sauteed chicken and salad or rice and vegetables,  Fried breaded shrimp with fries and salad, leftovers

Snacks/Desserts: Fresh fruit, Yogurt, Crackers with cheese or peanut butter, sesame seed crackers, cookies, nuts.  

How is your meal planning (if any) coming along?


  1. Well done on your plant based points total, I'm not sure if you count the individual grains in the bread or not. I buy wholemeal bread so if I was counting that would be one point. Your fruit salad looks very tasty indeed.

    1. Thank you, Eileen; I guess I should count the bread as 1point, even if the list of ingredients include 7 types of grains. But, even so, I'm happy with the final plant points. I enjoyed my fruit salad; I will be making more. :)

  2. Great job, Bless! This past week I ate my way to 31.5 points. Like you, I didn't feel like cooking much and didn't have/desire the variety to lead to more points. But I still exceeded 30, so that's good with me. 😊

    1. Thank you, Anonymous. You did well with your plant food intake! I think it's great that you still managed to exceed 30!

  3. For a week that you didn't feel like cooking or eating, I think you did pretty good.

    1. Thank you, June; I certainly didn't go hungry!

  4. When is a potato not a potato? Fries are still potatoes as far as I'm concerned. 😀 But you have plenty of other plant based points to be happy with. What a lovely salad!

    1. A potato is not a potato when it has been turned into fries or chips! LOL. But, I did well enough without counting it. :) Thank you; I love fruit salad. :)

  5. That’s amazing progress in your plant-based eating. It seems like it is becoming part of your regular routine to include a variety of plants.
    The fruit salad looks refreshing. I think I’ll add one to tonight’s dinner. We have grapes, apples, mandarins, and a banana. 🍌

    1. Yes, I agree!

    2. Thank you, Taconix. I think I am getting into incorporating more plant based food into my diet. It takes a little awareness and a little effort, but, it's working. Sounds like you have all you need to make a nice fruit salad. Enjoy!

  6. Some very tasty sounding meal ideas, Bless. I'll be planning my meals again, starting next week. And happily, my new working hours will make cooking dinners so much easier. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. Good to hear that your new working hours will make cooking dinners easier. Hope you'll share your week's meal plan when you make it. :)

  7. You had a nice variety of food during this third week of August.
    I wondered why you got the french bread at the Armenian store since you had just purchased your whole grain bread. And I know you don't like to freeze your bread.
    Now I see your plans to make Subway sandwiches.

    1. Thank you, Debra. I love French bread! The French bread from the supermarket doesn't taste quite as good as the French bread from the Armenian store (different bakery). I don't allow myself to eat as much of it as I would like to, but, I was wanting a subway type sandwich! :)


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