Friday, August 23, 2024

August Grocery Shopping

Today, I ordered and picked up some groceries.

I thought this was my second grocery shopping trip for August, but, actually, it was the first, because my last grocery pick up was at the end of July, on July 31.  I did dip into the August grocery budget, back then, going over my July grocery budget by $10.76.

I bought:

1 Cucumber = $0.79

3 Bananas, 0.77 lb. @$0.68/lb. = $0.53
2 Pears, 1.12 lb. @ $2.49/lb., less $0.50 coupon = $2.29

2 Orange juice, @52 fl. oz., reg. price $4.69@, on sale with multi buy $2.99@ = $5.98
2 bottle deposits = $0.20

1 frozen Salmon fillet, 1.25 lb., reg. price $15.99, on sale for $7.99, with $2 off coupon = $5.99

1 package chicken thighs, on sale for $0.99/lb. = $0.99
(The advertised special was bone-in, skin on chicken thighs for $0.99/lb., but, they substituted a package of more expensive, $3.99/lb., boneless, skinless chicken thighs, and rather than charge me $0.99/lb. for the almost 4 lbs. of chicken, just charged me $0.99 for the whole package!  I didn't see this until I started typing out the receipt and when I called the store, I was told not to worry about it.)

4 cans brand name Tuna, reg. price $1.79@, on sale $1.25@ = $5.00
3 cans store brand Tuna, reg. price $1.29@, with $0.50 coupon off purchase of 3 = $3.37

1 doz. large eggs = $3.99

1/2 gal. milk = $2.79

1 Multi grain bread, reg. price $3.49, on sale for $2,99, with $0.75 off coupon = $2.29

1 package cold cuts, 7 oz., reg. price $6.49, on sale for $4.99, with $0.70 off coupon = $4.24

1 box cereal, 10 oz. box, reg. price $5.49, on sale with mix and match/buy 5 or more items = $1.79

2 bottles Salad Dressing, 16 oz. @, reg. price $4.99@ on sale for $1.99@ with multi buy = 3.98

1 package Peppermint candy, 9 oz. = $2.00

I spent a total of:  $46.22

My August grocery budget is $100 - $10.76 spent in July = $89.24

Balance remaining in my August grocery budget = $89.24 - $46.22 = $43.02

I might do one more grocery shopping pick up towards the end of the month.  Otherwise, I will carry the balance forward to September.

How are you doing with your grocery budget?  Are you seeing a difference in your grocery prices?  Are you able to keep to your grocery budget?  


  1. Such a good deal on your salmon fillet and as for the chicken thighs you did really well with them. I think prices are remaining steady here but far more expensive than they were a couple of years ago and they're unlikely to come back down again.

    1. I was very pleased to see the salmon on sale for that price! I've had this brand of frozen salmon, before, and I thought it tasted fine, although my daughter didn't much care for it. I will cook it, today, and then, portion it out and freeze it. I was very lucky to get the deal on the chicken, too!
      I'm glad that prices are remaining steady there, even if they are higher than what they used to be.

  2. Wow, you got great bargains! I love the sale prices on almost everything plus the chicken substitution.
    I haven’t shopped since getting home from California. My sister brought over milk, lettuce, and tomatoes so we have some fresh food along with pantry and frozen items.
    I plan to shop tomorrow. The grocery ads didn’t have anything very exciting. I haven’t written my meal plan yet. I’m going to visit older daughter in Ohio over Labor Day, but husband will stay home with our dogs.
    Have a good weekend! ☺️

    1. Welcome back, Taconix! I'm sure you enjoyed your visit to see your younger daughter's new home.
      I was very pleased with my sale items and have no complaints about the chicken substitution. :D
      That was nice of your sister to bring you milk and some fresh produce. Hope you find some good deals when you do your grocery shopping. Have a lovely weekend.

  3. I bought the store brand of gluten free flour this morning and was shocked to see that it had gone up $1 since the last time I bought any. I have noticed quite a few increases, which makes the sale items all the more appealing.

    1. That is a steep price increase on the gluten free flour, isn't it? One really has to take advantage of the sale items when possible, I think; it's about the only way to manage the grocery budget.

  4. Gosh, Bless. That's all so cheap!! I paid $14.50 for 10 organic free range eggs. I was in shock!! Butter (which we export all around the world) - has been $9.50 for 500 grams. Chicken is way dearer. Everything is. New government......

    1. Ratnamurti, that does sound like everything is more expensive where you live. I checked the store website and organic free range eggs are $7.99 for a dozen (the eggs I buy are "cage free", but, not free range, and are not organic). Butter prices range from $4.99/lb. for store brand to $8.99 for Irish butter (which has a higher fat content than our regular butter, I believe).

  5. I've gone over this month's budget already because I went to Costco bought things in bulk. But, that means I don't have to buy rice, noodles, legumes etc. next month, so September grocery bill should be lower. Hopefully. :)

    1. It's easy to go over the month's budget when stocking up, isn't it? But, the items you bought in bulk will last you for several weeks, if not months. I'm planning to go to the Sri Lankan store, later this month, or sometime next month, so I'm setting aside some grocery money for that - I need to buy tea, curry powder, and some snacks and treats, of course! :D

  6. You got some good deals on this, your 1st !!, trip to the store for August.
    That chicken turned into a super deal didn't it! One of the best for sure.
    And the salmon was really good at $5.99
    Bread has gotten so expensive but you did well with your coupon along with the sale price.
    I hope the salad dressing you got on sale was the kind you prefer.
    Did you get rid of the other?
    What kind of cereal did you get?

    1. I did get a great deal on the chicken, didn't I? I thought that the salmon was a good deal, too.
      The multi-grain bread turned out to be a better price, with the coupon, than the regular store brand sandwich bread. I also notice that the multi-grain bread is heavier and as a result, I tend to eat less of it.
      Yes, I bought the Kraft salad dressing that I like and tossed the other one. It hurt to do that, though!
      Honey nut cheerios! :)


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