Friday, August 23, 2024

On Thursday

Golden Kiwi

One of the two golden kiwi fruit given to me by neighbor S, the other day.  

On Thursday, the two bags of dry cat food I had ordered were delivered in the morning and I brought them in.  Then, I went to the pharmacy to pick up my medication refills.  I also bought a container of moisturizing body lotion.  I briefly considered buying a subway sandwich or a burger for my brunch while I was at the mall where the pharmacy was located, but, decided not to.  Instead, I came home and ate some grapes and some yogurt with my homemade peach jam, with a bit of cereal added for crunch.  

Later, I watched news and a couple of documentaries about the historic Knights Templar and about Machu Picchu.  In between, I put together another row of crocheted squares and took a nap!  Later, I video chatted with my daughter.

Dinner was sardines on toast (well, a toasted hot dog bun, actually) and sauteed apples.  

Thursday was a rather low energy day for me, but, I took it easy and did everything I needed to do.

On Thursday, I was grateful for:

- My medications being available
- A safe drive to the pharmacy and back
- Cat food being delivered to the door
- Interesting TV programs to watch
- An afternoon nap

Thursday's joyful activities included assembling the crocheted blanket and watching TV.

Plans for Friday include ordering some groceries for pick up and tending to the garden with M.  

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday?


  1. I think low energy is a feeling you get from the hot weather, it is for me anyway :)

    1. You could be right, Eileen. It has been rather hot, lately. I've also had some nights with fewer hours of sleep than ideal, too, so it could be that, as well. But, I slept in, this morning, and got enough sleep, so, hopefully, I'll feel more energetic, today!

  2. We all have low energy days. A doctor the other day asked me if I was more tired that others my same age. I said I didn't think so but wasn't sure because I'm not around others my age that much.

    1. Yes, I guess we all do have some low energy days. That's a good answer you gave to the doctor's question! :D

  3. This is the beginning of a big family weekend to celebrate our wedding anniversary - food to prepare , beds to make - and then relax and enjoy..

    1. Happy anniversary! Sounds like a lovely family celebration is being planned! Definitely relax and enjoy!

  4. I seem to remember having sardines on toast when I was little, but now I tend to break them up and add chopped celery and some mayo and make a sandwich. I really like sardines every bit as much as tuna or salmon.

    1. Sardines on toast used to be a treat when I was growing up. I have not tried them as a sandwich filling, but, I'm sure they will be good that way, too. :)

  5. I laughed at you qualifying the toast as a hot dog bun. In our house whatever is leftover is eaten as something it might not have been intended for. Hot dog buns become garlic toast, cheese toast, sloppy joe buns . . .

    1. Hot dog buns would make good garlic toast, I'm sure! I have two more hot dog buns left - I've been thinking they'll be good as mini pizza bases.

  6. My plans for today now include picking up some cat food. Thank you for the reminder :)

    1. Glad to have been helpful! I'm sure Mog and Boo would have reminded you, if my post hadn't! :D

  7. I am looking forward to seeing the squares all sewn together for your daughter's blanket. 42? 48? squares? I can't remember the amount of squares you made but it was a lot!
    When my husband was working he used to get a Subway sub several times a week. We saw a commercial the other day and he was remarking how it had been ages since he had one.

    1. I've since sewn all the squares (48) into rows and have started joining the rows.
      I like Subway sandwiches, but, didn't buy one for a long time, until earlier this year. They are having a special price reduction offer going on, currently, so, it might be a good time for your husband to get one. :)


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