Saturday, August 3, 2024

Garden Bounty


The garden is doing its best to ensure that I have plenty of fruits and vegetables to help me with getting my 30 plant based foods a week and my five servings of fruits and vegetables a day!  The passionfruits are ripening.  The green one wasn't ripe, but, it had fallen down, so I picked it up along with the other two.

Mixed Berries (Strawberries, Blueberries, Pink Lemonade Blueberries
Okra, a Green Berkeley Tie Dye Tomato, a Passionfruit

The next day, which was Wednesday, another passionfruit had fallen from the vine.  In addition to it, I picked some berries and a green tomato, and okra.

The First Green Beans

Then, on Thursday, I picked the first of the green beans! According to the package, they are an heirloom variety called Kentucky Pole Beans.   I also picked two ripe Serrano chilies and some curry leaves.  In addition, since it was the first of the month, I also picked some flowers from the garden for the altars and made milkrice for brunch. 

Friday's Pickings: The First Ear of Corn

Then, on Friday, I picked a few more okra pods and the first ear of corn!  Even though there were no kernels at the very top (I should have hand pollinated to ensure that all the kernels would develop), I was very pleased with the rest of the ear of corn.  I waited until M was here to pick it.  Then, I boiled it, right away, and shared half of it with M who claimed it was the best corn he has ever had.  It was very sweet and as fresh as could be.  I am looking forward to the next ear of corn!

I cooked the okra I picked while M was still tending to the garden and had him try some of it.  Earlier, he had claimed he was not a fan of okra, but, he liked my sauteed, curried okra and I gave him some to take home to have with his dinner.

As we start this month of August, I am grateful for:

- Fresh produce from the garden
- Being able to grow a garden
- M's help with the garden
- Water for the garden
- Being able to share some of the garden produce with M

Joyful activities have included picking produce from the garden and enjoying them!

Are you growing any fruits or vegetables?  If so, what are you growing and are you able to pick any of it, yet?  


  1. Your garden produce looks wonderful and I'm so impressed with your ear of corn, I do like sweetcorn. I'm sure M is delighted with whatever you share with him and he has helped cultivate in your garden. I'm afraid I don't grow any fruit or veg apart from the cherry tree :)

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I'm very pleased with the corn and I picked another one, today, and enjoyed it. Yes, you have the cherry tree and who knows, maybe, next year, you might decide to grow a tomato plant or some strawberries. :)

  2. You certainly grow a wide variety of things. Enjoy all of your produce. It looks delicious.

    1. Thank you, June. Maybe not as many varieties as some other people, but, I am happy to grow some of my favorite vegetables and fruit. :)

  3. Your garden bounty is perfect for plant-based eating! I remember in the midwest that people say to cook and eat corn within an hour of picking, before the sugar turns to starch. Don’t know if that’s true, but I miss freshly-picked corn on the cob—so delicious!
    No garden for us this summer. We’re getting what local produce we can at the farmers’ market and some at the grocery store. Your okra is beautiful; I love when it’s tender (and not hairy). 😂

    1. Thank you, Taconix. Growing my own vegetables does encourage me to eat more of them. :) Yes, the longer corn is stored, the starchier it gets. I picked another ear of corn, today, and enjoyed it. Maybe you'll grow a garden, next year. :)

  4. THe squirrels have been very happy with my apple trees this year, and have spared us the task of having to harvest any ripe ones. There is one solitary apple left that is just about ready to pick. My pear tree has been producing and they are delicious.
    The tomatoes and peppers? Not so much.
    I love okra and it grows well here but we planted none this year. It is a pretty plant as well as providing food. I love its flower.

    1. Oh, those squirrels are so thoughtful to spare you the trouble of having to harvest your apples! I'm glad they are leaving the pears for you to pick. Yes, the okra plants and flowers are pretty. Last year, the okra I planted didn't grow well; this year, they are going fine.

  5. Your garden is very productive. I'm impressed with the corn! It looks tender and delicious. It's still a bit early here for local corn, though farmers are bringing it in from Iowa now. I will go to the farmer's market next weekend, assuming I'm well over this. Am already feeling better.

    1. Thank you, Celie. I am very pleased with my corn crop! I'm glad to read that you are starting to feel better, and I hope you will be fully recovered by next weekend and you'll be able to go to the farmers' market.

  6. That corn looks wonderful and I'm glad you and M enjoyed it. Sometimes I have purchased corn that did not have kernels all the way to the top. I see that the local farm has their sweet corn for sale on the highway, but I usually buy it when the family visit and they are not able to come at the moment. I must make an effort and buy some and maybe freeze what we don't eat.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. Yes, the corn kernels don't form if the silks didn't get pollinated sufficiently. I've been relying on wind pollination, so far, but, this morning, I hand pollinated some of the newer ears of corn that are just forming. Maybe I'll get fuller ears of corn.

  7. What a lovely harvest! The corn looks delicious.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. The corn was delicious. :)

  8. Lots more lovely things! I'm not much of an okra fan either but I would be open to tasting yours... Congratulations on your sweetcorn after all the uncertainty. There's nothing like fresh corn on the cob - delicious! Here's to the rest of the crop.

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. I only like okra the way I cook it! I picked another ear of corn, today, and it, too, was delicious. So far, I've only picked from the first planting of corn; the second planting is still forming the ears.

  9. How wonderful! I am so impressed. I love okra. You are inspiring me to grow more in my garden next year.

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. You already grow quite a lot in your garden, with all your fruit trees. :)

  10. You are so blessed to enjoy all this wonderful, fresh produce straight from your garden. The corn looks delicious. X

    1. Thank you, Jules; yes, I am blessed to be able to grow and enjoy the fresh produce from my garden. The corn is wonderful - I picked and ate another ear of corn, yesterday. :)

  11. Well look at that! You grew corn and it was delicious! You are now a farmer, Bless. Bravo!

    1. Thank you, Debra! I've picked about half a dozen ears of corn now and have been enjoying them! Farmer Bless, indeed! I think I need to buy myself a pair of overalls! :D


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