Tuesday, August 20, 2024

At the Beginning of the Week

Lycoris squamigera
Surprise Lily, Resurrection Lily, Naked Ladies

The Surprise Lily or Resurrection Lily (sometimes, also known as Naked Ladies), a plant in the amaryllis family are blooming in the back garden.  

It was slightly cooler this past weekend, with a high of around 86F.  I decided to take advantage of the cooler temperature on Sunday and did some house cleaning.  I dusted the living room, the dining area, and, later, my bedroom, and I vacuumed the entire house.  This is one of the few times in recent months when I've vacuumed the whole house in one go.  It's not such a big house, but, I've been doing the house cleaning, room by room, because because that was all I could manage.  On Sunday, however, I felt motivated and got most of the housework done.

Monday was warmer (a high of 93F), but, I dusted the family room, cleaned out the fridge, did the dishes, and cleaned the sink.  I watered the back garden, took the trash cans to the curb, picked some okra (and sliced and froze them), and picked some corn, which I blanched and froze.  I still need to wipe down the kitchen counters, clean the stove top, and mop the floor, but, I will do that later in the week (the kitchen is the room of focus, this week).  

I boiled mung beans for brunch on Monday; dinner was rice, chicken curry, and dhal with moringa leaves.  Some of my home canned peaches for dessert.  

And, of course, on Monday, I watched some TV in the evening.

As we start this week, I am grateful for:

- The cooler weather over the weekend
- The housework I was able to accomplish
- The fresh produce I am still harvesting from the garden
- Water for the garden
- Weekly trash pick up

My joyful activities so far this week have been finishing up the crewel embroidery, picking fresh vegetables from the garden, and reading.

Plans for Tuesday include cleaning the rest of the kitchen, crocheting, and putting together a grocery order.

Have you had a good start to your week?  What are your plans for the rest of the week, or, at least, for Tuesday?


  1. Your lily is beautiful. You have been busy doing your housework best too get it done when you're in the right frame of mind, I'm not always :)
    With workmen here I'm just taking advantage of not doing anything in particular this week.

    1. It is a pretty flower, isn't it? The leaves show up early in the year and then, they die back, and suddenly, around this time, the flowers appear!
      I got most of my housework done at the beginning of the week, this week, and it feels good! I think you are wise not to do anything much in terms of cleaning while the workmen are there! You can clean once they've left.

  2. Your surprise lilies look a little different than the ones I see around here, but they are all beautiful and a fun surprise. I'm not sure what I have planned for the day, but after work and a few errands, I hope I'm more productive than yesterday.

    1. It could be that I've misidentified them. Or, maybe they are a different variety. But, you are right; they are beautiful and a fun surprise! I would say that work and errands are what you've planned for the day! I'd be too tired to do anything more after a day of work and running errands!

  3. Bless this is a link for an online event you may enjoy - it's all about organizing & more! It's a free event although you can upgrade.
    I participated last year (free) & really got some good information & tips. :)

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou. Unfortunately, the link didn't work for me (I received a message that it couldn't be downloaded). But, thank you for thinking of it. I have been a part of an online organizing community (in fact, I still participate in a version of it, as the main group disbanded). Sometimes, knowing what to do and actually doing it are two very different things! :)

  4. Well, your Surprise Lily was certainly a surprise for me! I've never seen one before and it is gorgeous - another of the lovely plants in Bless's Botanical Garden"!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. As I mentioned in a comment above, the leaves come out in the spring and then, they die back and in the summer, the flowers appear seemingly out of nowhere!

  5. I love every lily variety. They are absolutely my favorite flower and yours are beautiful.
    Today was a tiny bit cooler here also. What a relief!

    1. Thank you, Anne. I'm glad it was a little cooler for you. :)

  6. The flowers are pretty, whatever you choose to call them. Didn't Shakespeare say so?
    My place needs a really deep clean too. I don't seem to have motivation/time for it, but that's no excuse. A civilised person would make time. (Then again, I struggle to get excited about fun stuff, so it isn't really surprising.)

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. Yes, Shakespeare was right! LOL.
      It's really difficult to get motivated to clean when one is dealing with various other things. I don't feel like cleaning the house when I'm feeling down about something, but, then, the state of the house gets me even further down! When that happens, I tell myself, "I'll just clear this one side table", or, "I'll just wash this one cup/plate", or, "I'll just empty the dish drainer", etc. Often, that motivates me to keep going because getting started is the hardest part for me, but, I know that I can quit any time after I do the initial job.

  7. I'm glad the weather cooled down enough for you to get some of your household chores done. The Lilies are beautiful. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. You have the most beautiful Lily, yourself! :)

  8. Your surprise lilies are a really nice shade of pink.
    You did a lot of cleaning waaaaay back on this day in August lol
    I see you vacumed. What about your robo vac?

    1. Thank you, Debra; yes, they are a pretty shade of pink, aren't they?
      I did a whole house clean which was much needed! I used the regular canister vacuum to vacuum this time, but the robot has been called into action once since then. I find that it does a good enough job maintaining an already clean floor. In fact, I'm thinking of getting it to do the floors today, too. :)


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