Saturday, August 17, 2024


Bi-Colored Corn

On Friday, I picked the first of the bi-colored corn that we planted as replacement plants for the initial corn plants that didn't germinate.  I boiled it and shared it with M who returned from his vacation.  I gave him another ear of freshly picked corn to take home, as well.  

In the morning, I went to my primary care physician's office to pick up the new blood work requisition form.  Then, I went to my appointment with the oncology nurse practitioner.  She had received my lab test results and most were fine.  Most importantly, the cancer indicators were well within the margins.  In addition, my 5 lb. weight loss was reflected when I stood on the digital scales, which pleased me a lot.  I received my bone density injection and I will be scheduled for my bone density scan prior to my next appointment.  I received my lab requisition form from the clinic and, once again, I have two lab request forms!  Hopefully, I won't get them mixed up, again!

After I came home, I ate some pancakes with peach jam for my brunch.  Then, I took a nap on the sofa.

Afterwards, I watched the evening news and when M arrived to tend to the garden, chatted with him for a bit and picked some corn.  

Later in the evening, I called friend R and spoke with her for a bit.  

On Friday, I was grateful for:

- Access to medical care and medical insurance
- A safe drive to the two doctors' offices and back
- The parking structure at the oncology clinic has someone at the payment booth to process the payment and they accept cash
- M's back from his vacation and is helping with the garden, again
- Mostly good lab test results

My joyful activity was standing on the scales and noticing that the weight had come down a bit!  

Plans for Saturday include doing another load of laundry and reading.

How was your Friday?  What are your plans for Saturday?



  1. You are indeed a success at growing corn! I think I'll go get some today from a local farm. I love fresh corn on the cob.

    1. Thank you, June. I'm very happy with my corn crop and I think I will be growing more, next year. I hope you are able to get some corn from a local farm, today, and enjoy having corn on the cob. :)

  2. That is unusual corn on the cob, was it just as tasty as the regular sweetcorn? I'm glad your test results were mostly good and well done on your weight loss.
    I have workmen here for the next few days except tomorrow as Sunday is a day of rest. Not something I am willing to write about on the blog maybe when the job is done.

    1. It does look unusual, doesn't it? I couldn't tell any difference in taste, it was just as sweet and tasty.
      Thank you, Eileen. Now, I need to keep that weight from coming back and need to work on losing another 5 lbs.
      Hopefully, the work that is being done will be done well and to your satisfaction and completed as scheduled. I imagine that Tilly is all excited and curious about having people in the house, with all the extra noise and activity! :)

  3. Congratulations on your good appointment! The corn looks wonderful, I expect you will be planting again next year.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I was very pleased with how my appointment went and the test results, etc. Doesn't that corn look delicious? I am definitely going to plant corn again, next year. Both varieties were good, but, the second variety (the bi-colored corn) had a better germination rate.

  4. So glad about your good lab results. 👍❤️

    1. Thank you, Angela. I am very happy and thankful. It was around this time, 9 years ago, when I was undergoing all the various diagnostic tests. That was when I first commented on your blog about a prayer you had posted as I felt it brought me some comfort and you sent me another prayer that you thought would help, as well. I still say those two prayers on a daily basis, when I say my other prayers and daily devotions.

  5. Very good news about your labs! And the corn looks excellent!

    1. Thank you, Celie; I am very thankful the lab reports were mostly good. The corn was wonderful! I need to pick the rest and freeze them for later, to share with my daughter when she comes home next.

  6. Hello Bless, what a blessing (such a lovely word) to receive a good report from the doctor! That corn looks delicious. This is Pam.

    1. Hello Pam (thank you for identifying yourself). Yes, it was a blessing to get the good lab test report.
      The corn was wonderful! I'm so glad I decided to grow some this year!

  7. Congrats on the weight loss - it isn't easy, is it?! Love FD xx

    1. Thank you, FD. No, it isn't easy, especially when one likes sweets and pastries, etc., as much as I do!

  8. Good that your results didn't show any abnormalities. Long may it last! As for the weight loss, that must have brought a smile to your face. Had you been trying consciously or is it a by-product of your new awareness of plant foods? I am amusing myself seeing how far I can push it - adding olives to a salad whether I fancy them or not, wondering whether mini gherkins will count when I also have cucumbers in the salad, wondering just how different red peppers really are from yellow ones... I have not made any attempt to track my intake, but I am certain it varies wildly from week to week, season to season.

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. I was happy with both the blood test results and the weight loss. I think the weight loss is due to a combination of reasons. One is the medication I was put back on, which seems to have a side effect of decreasing my appetite, so I am not snacking as much; another is being more aware of what I am eating. I am sure, too, that eating more plant based foods helps since it provides more bulk and keeps me feeling fuller, longer. I would like to lose another 5 lbs. between now and November; I'd still be considered overweight, but, not obese if I do so.
      It is interesting to see how many different varieties of plant based foods one can consume, isn't it? Even if you are not keeping track of your intake, it raises your awareness, doesn't it? I tend to reach for the same few vegetables that I enjoy eating and whatever the garden is producing.

  9. I'm glad your blood results were good, Bless. Also, well done on your weight loss. That's my next goal. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. Good luck with your weight loss goal. :)

  10. A definite success check mark goes into your garden category for this season with your growing of corn.
    Congratulations on losing 5 lbs. Losing weight is not an easy undertaking - I know that for sure! lol and am always working on it.
    I laughed when you said on your anniversary post, "50 years later, 50 pounds heavier..."
    So funny

    1. Thank you, Debra. I'm very pleased with my corn growing success!
      I gained that proverbial "Freshman 15" the first year after I arrived in the US and kept adding to it! I do weigh 50 lbs. more now than I did when I first arrived. Losing weight is not as easy as gaining it!


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