Thursday, August 1, 2024

Monthly Balanced Life Goals: July Review & August Goals

It's time to review my monthly goals for July and post my goals for August. Once again, I am going to focus on those areas of my life - Health, Time Management, and House - that I feel need improvement.

Health, Self-Care & Well Being (6.5)(6.75):  The goal is good health.

July Health Goals Review:
My July health goals included taking my prescribed medications, more regular exercise, and a better diet.  To that end, 
- I have been taking my medications and the supplements my doctor recommended that I take.
- I have been walking more regularly, if not daily, and keeping track of how many steps I take (I don't always meet my daily goal for number of steps, but, at this point in time, I'm going with "any is better than none").
- I have been trying to improve my diet by keeping track of the variety of plant based foods I eat and servings of fruits and vegetables per day.  Simply keeping track is not sufficient, I know, but, it is helpful to establish a baseline and it raises my self-awareness.

In addition, either as a result of more walking and diet awareness, or just water weight fluctuations, I seem to have lost a little weight; weighing five lbs. less than at the beginning of the month.  However, they tend to be the same 5 lbs. I keep losing and gaining, so, I'm not getting too excited about it.  Even so, the needle didn't move in the other direction, so, I am happy!

I know that I need to do more to improve my health, but, I'm giving myself a little raise in my satisfaction level for effort!  LOL. 

August Health Goals: continue to work on the above goals.  I have a routine check up with my oncology nurse practitioner in mid-August and I've already scheduled the blood tests for that.  I will continue to try to improve my diet, water consumption, and movement levels.

Time Management (8.0)(8.0): The goal is to spend my time in a mindful manner.
Spend time purposefully, mindfully
- Procrastinate less

July Goals Review:
I still procrastinated doing some things, including housework, which is reflected below, but, the important things got done (bills paid on time, Dancer's vet appointments and medications done on time, SMOG check and car registration renewed well in advance, my medical appointments made in time, etc.).  However, I need to get out of the habit of procrastinating!  I spend hours stressing about things that take five to ten minutes to do!

I am keeping the rating the same because I met the really important deadlines.  

August Time Management Goals: To continue to spend my time in a mindful manner and to procrastinate less.  

House (8.75)(8.5):  The goal is a home that is pleasant, comfortable, and welcoming.

July House Goals Review:
I started off the month with a house that was company ready (because I did have some company over!) But then, I got a bit lazy and procrastinated doing the deep cleaning and organizing I had planned to do.  I did the minimum to keep the place somewhat tidy and didn't do much deep cleaning (except taking off and washing the sofa covers and polishing some brassware).  I suppose I could say it was too hot to clean, but, it really wasn't!  I was just not that motivated.  However, I did keep up with the daily sweeping of the bathroom floor, weekly cleaning of the rest of the bathroom and the kitchen, and laundry, etc.  As for decluttering, I've sorted through a few items in my closet and decluttered a bag of clothing and I've decluttered a few food storage items by giving them away with food.

I've reduced the rating by a little, because I did slack off a bit and there are a few stalagmites to be dealt with!  

August House Goals: Continue to keep a pleasant, well maintained house and keep the horizontal surfaces cleared.  I'm off to a good start because, Thursday is my kitchen cleaning day and so, this morning, I cleaned the kitchen.  

The rest of the areas in my life are being maintained.  They are no less important than the areas listed above, but, I'm quite satisfied with how they are progressing.

Spiritual (10)(10):   The goal is to live a spiritually meaningful life.

July Spiritual Goals Review:
I continued doing the things I consider as important to live a spiritually meaningful life with daily prayers, meditation, being kind and helpful to others, and cultivating gratitude.  I'm keeping the same rating.    

July Spiritual Goals: Continue to pray daily, meditate, cultivate gratitude, etc.

Daughter (10)(10) The goal is to continue to have a close relationship with her.
July Goals Review:  
My goal was to continue to maintain a close relationship with my daughter, and I believe I did that.  She visited me at the end of June and spent the first week of July with me, which was lovely.  After she returned to her apartment, we've kept in touch with daily texts, phone calls, and video chats.  There is no change in the satisfaction rating.   

August Goals: Continue to have a close relationship with my daughter.

Leisure/Crafts/Hobbies (10)(10):  The goal is to relax doing something I enjoy doing for the pleasure of it.

July Goals Review:
My July goals included engaging in more fun, relaxing activities including crocheting, reading and gardening and I did all of those and more, attending a Fourth of July concert and fireworks show and having friends over to dinner.  I am keeping the rating the same.   

August Goals include more of the same. 

Garden (10)(10):  The goal is a garden that is productive, yet drought tolerant.

July Goals Review:
My July garden goals were to continue to nurture the fruit trees and vegetable plants and to maintain the garden.  I did incur a rather big water bill, but, the garden has been very productive this month and I am thrilled!  I am keeping the rating the same.

August Garden Goals:  Continue to nurture the fruit trees and vegetable plants and maintain the garden.  

Family/Friends/Community (10)(10):  The goal is to have a close connection with family and friends and be involved with my community.
- Regular phone calls and emails, etc., to keep in touch with family and friends
- The occasional in person visits as and when I feel comfortable with doing so
- Participate in the blogging community and the online organizing community

July Goals Review:
July was another good month for keeping in touch with family and friends, especially with daughter being home for part of it.  We visited some of our friends, went to a concert and Fourth of July fireworks show with friends, had friends over to dinner, and there were regular phone calls, emails, messages, etc., with various family members and friends.  I participated in the blogging community, as well, and interacted with a few neighbors, including those who helped out when I had a plumbing issue (the bathtub/shower faucet broke and I couldn't turn off the water at the mains.  I would increase the rating to 11 if I could, but, my rating system only goes up to 10, so I am keeping the rating at 10.

August Goals will continue to be the same as above.  

Finances (10.0)(10.0):  The goal is financial security.
- Continue budgeting and spending mindfully, with purpose

July Goals Review:
My July goal was to continue to budget and spend mindfully, with purpose and I believe that I have met my goals.  

August Financial Goals: Continue to budget and spend mindfully, with purpose.

I am rather pleased with how July turned out, especially with the slight increase in my Health area.  Although the House rating went down a bit, I know that I can get things sorted in a few days.  The rest remained the same and I am content with that.  I hope that August will to be another more balanced month.

Did you have a good month in July when it came to feeling that there was balance in the different areas of your life?


  1. What a successful month! I am amused at the 5 lbs that you keep losing and gaining back again. I think they go for a little vacation and then start to miss you and come back again!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady; it was a good month. Yes, those 5 lbs. keep going away and coming back! I guess I relax my guard when they go away and celebrate the loss with treats! And then they come right back!

  2. Well done! I think I have perhaps been over ambitious in July. Setting out on major tasks (clearing the garage, a weekend looking after grandchildren, readying the house for guests) and not taken all factors into consideration first. 1- husbands health issues mean he cannot help as much 2~ it has been so very hot 3~ I am no longer 35 and full of energy! I need to be more mindful as you are ❤️ Relationships with my daughters are really strong at the minute, for which I thank God

    1. Thank you, Angela. :)
      You always do a lot and I am amazed at what seems like your boundless energy, but, yes, it's harder as one gets older and others can't help as much. The heat takes a toll, too (it's 95F/35C here, right now, and I'm relaxing in front of the fan!) Maybe August is the time to rethink a few things and plan how to go forwards taking all the factors you mentioned into account.
      I'm glad that your relationships with your daughters are really strong. That's very important, isn't it?

  3. You always do so well with your goals. This method really is such a good way of seeing where we can make improvements in our lives.
    I'm trying to focus on health, while my de-cluttering is going brilliantly. I've just my wardrobe to go through (I might even do that today), then it's Lily's toys, which will no doubt be hard. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. I needed to scale back on some goals to make them more reachable, but, I'm okay with that. It's about finding contentment where I am at, during this time in my life. :)
      Well done on the decluttering! Let Lily be the lead on decluttering her toys. When my daughter was younger, I found that she was ready to part with her toys before I was! But, the ones that she wanted to keep are still there! I had her sort through some of them, on her latest visit, and she still wants them and that's fine, too.

  4. You do well, that made me smile that you could increase your score to eleven if you could, oh you really should :) I'm interested to know what your stalagmites are around the house, intriguing! I hope the appointment with your oncology nurse goes well this month. Here we don't have those regular checks but I learned from the appointment with my surgeon that I should contact the breast care nurses if any problems arise in future.
    Another query I have is your water bill so assume you have to have a water meter. Here a meter is optional so I just pay a regular direct debit from my bank but have a feeling it would be less expensive to have a meter but I'm happy with how things are.
    I really enjoy reading your monthly life goals, I think I could make many improvements if I put my mind to it :)

    1. Thank you, Eileen; actually, what I should do is, instead of raising the rating, raise what I need to do to meet the monthly goals. For example, in the Friends/Family area, instead of in-person visits as and when I feel comfortable with it, make it a monthly in-person visit.
      I will post some pictures of my stalagmites!
      Yes, water service is on a meter, here. We are billed at three rates, depending on water usage. Up to so many gallons at the lower Tier 1 rate, the next several gallons at the higher Tier 2 rate, and anything over that, at the highest Tier 3 rate. There might be a payment plan, where one pays a flat rate every month and then, make up any difference at the end of the year, but, I just pay for what I use, and budget based on my average bills.
      Thank you, again, Eileen, and yes, you can always make improvements if that is what you want. Maybe start small with just one area and one or two small improvements. But, if you are content with how things are, then, that is the most important thing. :)

  5. I think you hit it out of the park every month, no matter how you rate yourself!

    1. Thank you, June. It helps to have reasonably achievable goals! :)

  6. You had a wonderful July! There were so many things you got done during the month and it seemed to be an extra social time for you. You set an admirable standard in your relationship with your daughter and you’re a good cat-mom (and even a chicken-mom 😂). July, for me, was wonderful! It’s hard to find a balance, though, with so much time away. The housecleaning suffered and I didn’t keep up with paperwork. I surprised myself by meeting the 1/day declutterring goal. I am thinking that the organization of my day might be interrupted with husband retired and home every day. This is new territory for us.
    Thank you for sharing your goals and reviews. I really like your exploration in the plant-based eating area. 🌱

    1. Thank you, Taconix (I presume! :D) Yes, it was extra social because my daughter was home and we visited with friends.
      July was a great month for you, going on a vacation, etc., and time spent with family. I'm sure you will catch up with housework and paperwork now that you are back and I am sure you will figure it out with having your husband home.
      Including more plant-based foods in my diet is a bit of a challenge for me! I don't like a lot of vegetables! But, I'm trying to eat more veg!

  7. I think you're doing great! Maybe this time those five pounds will stay away. Hope! But as you say, it's not a gain! I've been lax on keeping up with my COVID shots, so guess what... Yes, I've got COVID. First time. I'm waiting for the pharmacy to call that my prescription paxlovid is ready. I'll do the drive through. So far this isn't too bad. I hope you stay well.

    1. Thank you, Celie; yes, maybe the 5 lbs. will stay away (provided I do my part and avoid too many sweets!)
      Oh, no! Poor you! I do hope you have a very mild case of Covid and you start to feel better, soon. I'm glad you can take Paxlovid.

  8. A very successful month. You are doing really well on the time management. I'm failing at it miserably. I seem to procrastinate more than anything! When I get back from England I might try the timer method again.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I procrastinate, too, and struggle with time management. I think the timer method is a good way to get things accomplished. I often tell myself that I'll do something for 10 minutes and that helps.

  9. Your July was a good July :)
    I remember July as being particularly good for your cleaning yet you lowered it. Maybe I'm confusing the months lol or maybe you rated it based more heavily on your deep cleaning items? You do specifically mention that.
    I recall thinking how you were really on top of things in July in that category.
    Different perspectives maybe? Compared to me, for sure ;)

    1. Thank you, Debra. I cleaned the house at the very beginning of July as I was having friends to dinner at the end of the first week. But, as often happens, I didn't keep it maintained, so that, towards the end of the month, things looked quite messy. But, I'm getting back to keeping things better maintained. :)


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