Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Front Garden in August


The Front Garden in August

There's not much going on in the front garden at the end of August.  It is in its "waiting for summer to end" phase, with weekly watering to keep it maintained.

The Succulents Border from the Sidewalk

The succulents are doing well, however, and providing some interest.

Near the Stumpery

I haven't planted any new succulents near the stumpery, but, that's in the plan for the future.

The Side Yard

The row of succulents M and I planted along the sidewall, going to the side yard are growing well and the feijoa/pineapple guava tree we cut down almost to the ground is branching out, nicely.  I mentioned wanting to put some stepping stones to make a pathway in this area, but, I haven't done so, yet.

The Succulents Circle (with Jacaranda Sapling)

The mixed border is doing well, too, although nothing is flowering now:

Mixed Border

And the succulents planted at the base of the eucalyptus tree are surviving:  

Succulents at the base of the Eucalyptus tree

Finally, there are just a couple of pomegranates on the tree:


And that is a quick tour of the front garden in August.  Thank you for visiting my garden.  :)


  1. Your garden still has a lot of green. It'll perk up again once autumn is here and hopefully you get some rain. It's still hot here, but daylight hours are decreasing and it feels like fall is on the way.

    1. Thank you, Celie. Yes, it'll perk up again in spring. Enjoy the last of the summer and the change in the season. Are you enjoying your first week of teaching, again?

  2. Much less colour now than before, but still attractive, and nice and tidy. I suppose the back garden will get its own post soon, but I'll ask now: any sign of Chicken Little or Mama Cat?

    1. Yes, M tidied up the front garden and I am happy with how it looks. I took the pictures of the back garden, today. Chicken Little is very much present and strutting around the garden as if she owns it. No signs of Mama Cat, though. I think she's gone forever.

  3. Everything looks so lush and pretty! I'm especially loving that pomegranate! One of my very favorites!

    1. Thank you, Mandy. I hope the pomegranate will grow a bit bigger; I love pomegranates. :)

  4. There’s still so much green in your yard, even at the end of August! It was surprising to me on our recent trip to Fresno, to see a lot of green grass, plants, and trees. We also saw brush and chaparral, which was more what I expected. Our yard in New York is half brown, as it often is at the end of summer. I love your borders—they’re always a stand-out in your garden.

    1. Thank you, Taconix. I have a neighbor across the street who maintains a lovely green lawn. I'd rather use my water to keep the edible plants going. :)

  5. Your front garden looks very tidy and plenty of greenery. Your pomegranates seeds will do nicely in a fruit salad and so good for you.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I would like more flowers, but, then, I'd have to water them and I don't want to do that! I agree, the pomegranate seeds will be a very nice addition to a fruit salad. :)

  6. It's lovely to see all the different succulents AND especially the sunshine. I've almost forgotten what that is, as it's been so grey and gloomy here this week. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. Yes, we've plenty of sunshine, still, and warm temperatures. I am loving it.

  7. It all looks good and I always love to see those succulents!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. The succulents are doing well. :)

  8. Looks like everything is holding its own. Thanks for the tour.

  9. Things look pretty good for the end of August in your front garden. It's pretty tidy and the side yard looks very nice with the succulents filling in nicely.

    1. Thank you, Debra. Still a little more to tidy, I think. :)


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